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  • We took a look down the evolutionary chain and found that our creature cousins are in a very very randy bunch. Learn what they know about survival of the friskiest. Birds do it. Bees do it. Randy little monkeys in the trees do it. Hell, these guys invented the wild thing. From primates to praying mantises, the animal kingdom has a thing or two to teach us. Find the best bedroom tips that will bring out the beast in you and have him panting, purring and howling for more. Get him to earn your lovi…

  • Re: is it worth...

    godless_musician - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from neopets: “waiting till ur married for sex? i mean like not sexual activies but like actual sex (penis into pussy)” Well, whether it's worth it depends on the person and their values. I don't plan on waiting. But then I don't plan on ever marrying.

  • Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “I was thinking more along the broad lines of reproduction, but sure. ” Right. Specifically, reproduction of genes. Quote: “ It should not be too difficult to understand why some individuals believe that sexual intercourse is primarily intended for only male/female couplings.” "Intended" by who or what? Sex isn't used just for reproduction anymore.

  • Quote from sweetguy4126: “While is it true you lack belief in God, you do believe everything happend by chance, with requires faith. ” Actually, I don't believe that everything happened by chance. Quote: “ I can turn your statment right back around. Theism is just lack of belief in a "pure chance creation." ” No, theism is belief in God. Quote: “ Hyprocritical? Need I remind you that in your first post you said God was fake because ” I said that if somebody thought God to be both all-loving and …

  • Re: In the closet?

    godless_musician - - Gay


    Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “I told you: I'm curious. Okay...okay...I guess you caught me. ” Wow, it took your a couple of condescending posts of "I'm curious" to get to your point, didn't it? Quote: “ I'm way more amused than curious. Every piece of information that you post on this board (that I actually read) makes me laugh; I just can't seem to take any of your words seriously. I thank you for that. :wink: ” You're welcome. Quote: “ But, please, don’t mind me. I’m just another individual of …

  • Quote from sweetguy4126: “Then why are you atheist if there is no evidence that energy/matter formed from nothing? ” Atheism is a lack of belief in God. There's not evidence, so I don't believe it. Matter and energy have nothing to do with it. Quote: “I would like to add, that debating good/evil has nothing to do with whether or not God exists. You're merely trying to contradict current events with the storys that follow the Abrahamic God. Whether or not there is good or evil in this world, is t…

  • Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “Punishment paints what was done as negative and is neccesary. Crime without punishment is the bane of society.” There are ways other than physical hitting to paint something as negative. Do you want children growing up to believe that the only reason a certain crime is negative is that they'll get beaten if they get caught?

  • Re: In the closet?

    godless_musician - - Gay


    Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “:rolleyes: Do all gays share your forgetfulness? I'm curious.” I'm curious why you would ask such a question.

  • Quote from sweetguy4126: “There is no evidence that energy and matter formed from nothing to trigger the big bang either. ” 1. You're right, it wasn't triggered "from nothing." 2. Even if I agreed with you, the argument stands. There is no evidence for God. Quote: “ What about free will? With free will comes evil, no? If God messes with free will, it's not longer free will, no? ” So there's a rule even God must follow: we cannot be both free and sinless. Quote: “ So energy and matter can just "b…

  • Re: evolution

    godless_musician - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Saved-by-Grace: “Things like this that I believe will always seem obvious to me and crazy to you, and vice versa. Guess I've said it. Design implies a designer. Inanimate objects or not. Something designed them. My original point was with regards to the earth. If not from an intelligence... where'd it come from? ” Well, can you explain what makes it obvious to you? If they didn't come from intelligence, they came from previous organisms. Where did you come from (directly)--your parent…

  • Re: In the closet?

    godless_musician - - Gay


    Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “...Because topics like homosexuality and (the lack of ) religion hit close to home. You seem to go on the defense and become bitchy at the smallest remarks that are posed against your beliefs.” I realize that. Thank you for making the point, though. I can forget that... I try not to be bitchy or patronizing, but some issues get me fired up and I forget that I am talking to a person. Truth be told, forums can bring out the worst in me because I cannot see the person I…

  • Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “I agree with SoundsLikeMusic fully. Corpral punishment has been standerd for years. Take it away and only harm ensues. It never damaged me, in fact it did more harm than good. When a kid deserves a spakanking they need to get it. Simple.” I was never "harmed" by not being physically punished. I'm obedient to my parents now without ever having to take a physical beating as punishment, in fact without ever being punished much at all. Punishment does not make nearly as …

  • Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “Unfortunately, I think you may be forgetting the original reason of why sexual intercourse first occurred.” To pass on genes.

  • Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “Consider this: a man who lives to fullfill no less than 13 almost completely contradictory philosophiles written hundreds of years before his birth. The chances of anyone fullfilling just 8 of several dozen of theese prophecies are one in a hundred million billion. The study doing this involved a highly accredited proffessor and 600 students. By the way, thats: 1 100000000000000000 I would list some of the prophecies, but that would be too lengthy to be convinient, ”…

  • Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “The level of cooperation you are refering to is exclusively communist. Relate your own quote.” Yep. Stalin was one cooperative dude.

  • Re: In the closet?

    godless_musician - - Gay


    Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “Oh, come on. You know why religion is another topic that you love to patronize and lecture others on. Even to me, a brief onlooker, it's blatantly obvious.” I mean that I don't understand why they should be so important to me when other issues are far more consequential.

  • Quote from RIOT!: “Ok, so where does discipline end and abuse begin? In the sense of hitting your kids. At what point does it stop being discipline? Or as long as the kid's done wrong do they deserve any sort of punishment be that a smacked hand or total and complete kicking and hitting shizz?” I think any kind of corporal punishment is abusive.

  • Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “First, let me state a policy advocated by Charles Darwin that most of you are familier with: Survival of the fitest. ” "Survival of the fittest" was a term coined by Herbert Spencer, who borrowed Darwin's ideas and applied them to socioeconomics. Quote: “ Now, changes (in Darwins case, evolution) are not always due to competition. But 99% of the time, they are. A notable exception would be the fainting goat- and animal that collapses easily under stress and is thus e…

  • Re: In the closet?

    godless_musician - - Gay


    Quote from Hot Air Balloon: “Are you this defensive and passionate about racism? Environmental issues? World peace? I'm curious.” I am very against the way most people view sexual deviancy for reasons I won't go into. I don't know why certain issues make me so much more passionate than others, religion being one example.

  • Quote from SoundsLikeMusic: “ There have been countless books and theses written to counter this argument; I will present evidence from archaeology and psychology for you: Man has inherently displayed four characteristics throughout history: 1) belief in God/s 2) belief in an afterlife 3) the ability to speak – especially to God 4) prayer to gods These traits are unique to man; no animal possesses these traits. Only man makes preparation for any afterlife. Only man shows any recognition of God. …