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  • Re: Smoking.

    Spite - - Health and Fitness


    Or, perhaps, Rorei, cigarettes are the roots which keep evil bound and immobilized, leaving them incapable of harm?

  • Re: Parent Issues..

    Spite - - Friends and Family


    Jesus.. Just... Honestly.. Seeing this.. Really brings back memories.. Heh. And I thought I was the only one with a mother who couldn't stop bitching about stupid shit like that. The only difference is my mother is the one who is a sexist, and I have a damn step father. I never did fix it though.. I only made the problem worse.. I called my mother a dumb bitch and a whore, and I took a pipe to my step fathers head. I had to earn respect the hard way.. By fighting back.. I still wish I could of h…

  • Re: I hate the war

    Spite - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Subhuman: “No, they're not. They're dying so Bush can have his precious oil, and so he can give Iraq 'freedom' with his closed-minded little democracy shit. They're not even dying for us, they're dying to make Bush a happy little boy. I do support the troops though.” The new guy rocks. I think he may be the only other person here that's not a complete moron. Either way. The war is pathetic. In the end, their is truly no need for it. If it were up to me, I'd nuke anything that even loo…

  • Re: Myspace-

    Spite - - Friends and Family


    Fuck that. I'm against myspace.

  • Keep it secret. Or, blame it on her. Go up to him and simply... Lie to hell an back.. Tell him she came onto you when you were drunk. That'll work. Or, if he's a "little brother" tell him you fucked her harder than he ever could. Just to get the fight started.

  • Re: Smoking.

    Spite - - Health and Fitness


    Yeah, so tell me, would you rather I deserve to be strangled, or have me out strangling other fuckers who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time?

  • Re: Smoking.

    Spite - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Rorei: “Yeah, let's all spend hundreds of dollars on something we don't really need and doesn't really help us. :rolleyes:” I should kill you for that. Not only do you insult the only way I have to keep from strangling mother fuckers daily, but you also smile about it. So, spending hundreds of dollars not only keeps me out of a fucking 50 to life sentence, it also keeps you and your loved ones safe. I think I'd call that pretty fuckin helpful and something I really need. Yeah, real fu…

  • Re: help!

    Spite - - General Advice


    Write nicely and remember to cross all your t's and dot all your i's. That's about it.. I would put more, but I'd rather not be banned.

  • Try this then. Try leaving the makeup locked away for awhile where you cannot reach it. Lock it away, and give the key to a friend and tell them not to give it to you until a certain time, and don't go and buy more. Eventually, that will break the need for it. You'll find out how to live without it. I know I'm usually a dick in most of these threads and give bull shit advice, or give advice that would end up hurting people more. But you're lucky. I don't feel as hateful tonight. Just try that. I…

  • Re: Smoking.

    Spite - - Health and Fitness


    Nice. I've been smoking for a pretty damn long time now.. And it's hard for me when I try to quit.. But here's what works for me: Give in to the addiction. Fill your lungs with menthol.

  • Re: maybe im fucked up..

    Spite - - General Advice


    Don't worry about it. The sexual shit.. Forget about it. The emptiness.. Forget about that as well. Simply let it all go. It's not so hard once you get the hang of it. Leave the past where it is, and lose what makes you weak.

  • Meh.. My way doesn't work for everyone though. If you need a way to chill out, and you don't smoke, you can always just shut the fuck up and have a cigarette anyway. I recommend Newport Menthols.

  • Re: Problem at work

    Spite - - General Advice


    Go kick the fuck out of him. Don't tell her to "stand up" I'm not sure how the fuck that works for everyone else, but around here, if you try that "I'll stand up and you'll stop" shit, you only get knocked back down. This ain't a fuckin movie. You can't simply stand up to the bully and he'll back down. You have to do a bit more than "Hey, leave me alone!". Go and kick the fuck out of him. If you can knock him down enough times, maybe he'll realize he doesn't want to fuck around and piss people o…

  • Re: do i keep it to myself?

    Spite - - General Advice


    You can talk to me about it if you want. You can trust me because I have the same problem. Only, I let it stay locked up far too long and simply lost it. Don't let that happen to you.. It's not a very pleasent feeling when you constantly feel dead. Locking away any emotions is a bad thing.. They can build up quick, causing you to act on impulse. And eventually, they all break at once..

  • Re: Plz helpp me...

    Spite - - General Advice


    I am always the best with advice at this. If you can't get a bf, it's simply because you're not looking hard enough. Lots of guys have sick and twisted fetishes, and fat bitches just happens to be a common fetish. As for eating.. Don't go out to eat then. If you find a guy with a fat bitch fetish, then you're all set. You get to eat all you want, and make him love you even more. Or, you could just shut the hell up and deal with it by actually going to a gym or something. Don't be lazy, be active…

  • For me.. I usually just sit back and have a few cigarettes.

  • Re: From First To Last

    Spite - - Music


    OMFT, I posted right above you, there was no need to quote that shit. And actually, I am perfect. I am what I was meant to be, and I am perfected in the way I am. By simply being what I was meant to be, I am perfect in every way.

  • Re: From First To Last

    Spite - - Music


    Pathetic....Why did you have to make a fuckin thread about some band I've never fuckin heard of? I hope you're real damn proud of yourself, cause now I have to ruin this thread with my ranting. Err..... I can't think of anything to fuckin rant about...Damn... Guess I'll have to rant about not being able to think of something to rant about. Like emos. Emos are a pathetic excuse of human life. TRY BEING HAPPY ONCE IN AWHILE ASS HOLES! They're always so fuckin depressing and it simply pisses me off…

  • Re: rap music..overrated?

    Spite - - Music


    I can't think of any good mainstream rappers at all... Underground rap is great though. I can't stand the mainstream rap...It's horrible and usually retarded! Eminem is terrible.. He's a complete idiot, and he doesn't deserve to live. But, mainstream rap is good for people who like music about sex, money, drugs, and gang related bull shit. Those are the only things in just about any mainstream rapper's fuckin vocabulary. So, to sum up all I am saying.. Mainstream rap is overrated and horrible, b…

  • Re: Nerdy i know but i love them

    Spite - - Music


    How old are you? 87?