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  • Quote from kopite: “ can we ask why everyone is sooo against your relationship??? like age gap, being in with the wrong crowd etc!!” It's not an age thing. He's going to be 17 in September, and I'm 15. 16 in January. That isn't the problem. But he is in trouble a lot. In school and out of school. My mom said that his next step is Juvinile Detention, but to me, he's been behaving great lately. His cousin thinks he's just wrong for me. He thinks he's out for just what he wants and nothing serious,…

  • Okay, so I've got this new boyfriend. His name is John, JC for everyone else. I just call him John. Well, we met sorta in school, but I got to really get to know him at community service. And 3 weeks ago he asked me out and I said yes, but we've been flirting for a while and I had asked him out before that. Well other people did but he never answered. He said he wanted me to ask him myself but that obviously I wasn't going to myself, so he asked me instead. But my family is totally against it, …

  • Why do I feel so guilty?

    Kenzie - - General Advice


    I'm not going to go into detail. Sorry, but this has made my life such a wreck after it happened, I refused to repeat it to the judge in court. I had to tell so many people what happened. In the beginning of the year I filed a Sexual assault/sexual harassment charge on a guy from my school. I won't say a name because, even though he did what he did, I am a respectful person. Anyway, he wasn't really a friend. A cousin of an old friend, and we'd talked once or twice. We were both in ISS all day a…

  • I had a boyfriend once who took me on a date to Wendys cause I told him chinese wasn't my thing and I didn't want him to spend too much. And when we sat down and got what we wanted, he said "Are you gonna eat all that?" and I said "Yeah." and he just nodded. I got two burgers and fries, and a little thing of nuggets. I was thinking "Sue me for not getting a kiddie meal. Sheesh." and then, like, ten minutes later after not saying a word, a group of his friends came in and sat down with us. Which,…

  • My first proper kiss was last year when I was 14. I don't feel lame either, just so you know. My ex boyfriends before, I was always pressured by everyone else to date or to kiss, so it wasn't "proper" to me. But this guy was. Anyway, I was cleaning out my bookbag and he found my note book between me and my best friend and, seriously, he knew I've liked him since we met at community service, and I've gotten into the subject with her in the notebook big time. and I grab it and told he couldn't rea…

  • Okay, for anyone who doesn't know about this boy, I'll fill you in before I begin. I like this boy, I'm 15 and he just turned 18 recently. We've had a little bit of a thing going, not dating, but might as well for how much everyone thinks we are. So, no, we aren't dating, but it's like whenever we're alone we sorta act like it, kissing and stuff and all. We never dated, but he's never acted like this towards me. He would never admit it to me, I know him well enough to know this. But the closer h…

  • Well, in my last post, I got advice on this boy I like, a lot. Well in school, I was in school Monday, but I was out of school because of needing to take a lie detector test, something that's of no big relavence to this. Then, on Wednesday, my second day out of school, I was in the hospital. So I wasn't in school much. Well, I came back to school and he was a real jerk to me. For no reason out of the blue. My best friend, James, :gay:(who's gay) was sitting with me at lunch, and I sit at the tab…

  • Okay, well, I'm 15, my birthday's January 27th. Well, I like this amazingly good-looking guy, he's going to be 18 in May, and leaving for the Marine Corps. in July. He goes to Parris Island in South Carolina. Well, the problem is, I actually met him two years ago when I was in seventh grade during community service in the summer (great way to meet a guy, right?). Well, I'm in ninth now, so I guess it's actually three years. But the problem is I liked him even back then. And he was such a sweethe…