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  • you shouldn\t feel that

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “I think when you're in those situations where you feel like you might not be good enough, go through your text inbox and see how many texts you have from her. If she texts you all the time, it should be full of stuff from her. Just go through it and let it remind yourself that you are good enough, because now a days if you weren't, she wouldn't text you like that. It's okay to feel a little jealous, it's understandable. A lot of people get that way, and friends are importa…

  • Re: Blind date?

    Nitrat - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    YESSS. Sometimes we gotta do some crazy stuff in life to make funny memorries so GO FOR IT

  • I'm jealous of this girl who's BFF with my BFF as well. It's a bit complicated, but I've known my best friend in 7 years now, but we only became like very very close BFF in two years, while this other girl has been BFF in 7 years and so. When I tell her secrets about her BFF and then regret it I be honest with her and tell her that I'm sure she's more closer to you but she says that we mean the same. We're together every singe day, and when we aren't we keep texting each other, it's like we are …

  • I'd definetily prefer a guys who was taller than me. It just appears more ... right? xD And usually, tall guys a hottest imo. But when it comes to love then no I mean, I wouldn't judge if I see a couple where the girl is taller than her boyfriend - I'll find it cute.

  • DO THEY?! I mean, this is crazy if they do! :confused: I mean we know that boys fantazise about hot girl, but do they also do that if it's their very close friend?

  • Quote from breakboy: “depends what you mean by wild. i'd fall in love with a crazy girl, but i will never love no ho” By wild I meant more of a joker, but with weird jokes that can still be funny but weird. She's not a party girl, I just meant being crazy, laughs a lot... though she's still sweet

  • Well, it's kinda new to me that boys are totally attracted to wild, crazy girls. I know this girl in school who's kind of weird but funny and crazy/can be childish at some points too, when I'm with her - I must admit that I can't stop lauging and just gets happy. She's very unique. But is that really positive? Like, she can be really crazy, childish, and just laughs alot.... but in reality she always makes some status updates on how much she wanna die, and her life sucks etc etc.. but boys find …

  • What attracts YOU?

    Nitrat - - Fashion


    Would be interesting to know which kind of a girl/guy you would fall for, or attracts you the most... Appereance and personality if you like Like for me is it the quiet yet funny guy, not too "hardcore" or too masculine. (I have a weird taste I guess) I prefer guys who has a bit of feminity, not too much though! He should also be tough when it comes to the point. Black humour is also a must xD As to appereance, black/brown hair, brown & small eyes, tall, thin, (hate six-pack), and have this calm…

  • Black with a heart in the middle in red

  • Re: Help!

    Nitrat - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Tell him that you love him one more time, to see how his reaction was or would be! There's nothing wrong saying it.. though I don't think he even remembers it, weren't you both drunk?

  • What attracts you!

    Nitrat - - Teen Sexuality


    Would be interesting to know which kind of a girl/guy you would fall for, or attracts you the most... Personality and appereance Like for me is it the quiet yet funny guy, not too "hardcore" or too masculine. (I have a weird taste I guess) I prefer guys who has a bit of feminity, not too much though! He should also be tough when it comes to the point. Black humour is also a must xD As to appereance, black/brown hair, brown & small eyes, tall, thin, (hate six-pack), and have this calm normal styl…

  • The bigger question is; do you truly love him? If you love him, then you might not be asking yourself to leave him, 'cause love can make you do anything for the one you love. If you don't think you're willing to do that, then perhabs you don't feel enough for him to be with him. The fact that he wasn't by your side in these two days is a bad sign of lack of interest. He may also just be too naive to actually think about how important to be by your side in such a period. Well ask yourself if you …

  • I think a typical girl will be thinking about "that guy who likes her" if she finds him interesting which she seems to be in your case, just give her time and things might develop. Quote from grewks: “I just dont understand that if she does like me then why did she want me to pretty much 'leave her alone' and 'enjoy myself'?” Also girls just say these things to not appear selfish.. it's just a girl thing, like I would have said that to my crush without actually meaning it. Girls are confusing, d…

  • I'm sorry but I don't think she considers you as anything than a guy friend, otherwise she will not refer to another guy, but to the point, what you should do is to keep it real. Tell her what to do and keep your feelings away... "if you like something, let it fly, if it comes back it was meant to be, if it doesn't then it was never meant to be"

  • Quote from dusk: “That doesn't really sound like a big deal at all.. Just keep it real.” That love of my life is disgusted of me 'cause I'm not. He's very religious which I am too. I can't tell him that it's not true and when my friend told him he didn't believe this. In my case virgnity is a huge deal

  • Well she says that I'm one of her bestfriends, we are in the same class. The reason why I hate her is because she went to the love of my life and told him that I said, that I'm not a virgin (which is NOT true, I've never speaked about my virginity) she told him that for a half year ago, but he still thinks about it and told it to his bestfriend for two days ago. I can't tell her that I know it was her 'cause my friend who told me, said not to cause it can make a huge drama. Now I need to act fak…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “What I want to know is WHY you lied, so you wont do it again. Why did you lie about your nationality? about your virginity etc? I think atleast for now you need to give him space, guys normally need a 'cool down' time after something like this goes on, just to get everything together, so I suggest you do that for now” Well I guess I lied to impress him, because he was so proud of were he came from, mine and his nationality are VERY close, it's the same country just different …

  • I personally don't get why girls are attracted to younger boys. It just looks weird for me, but it's true since I know a few girls who are. Perhabs it's because girls like cute things? Or they like to be the dominating part which they typically are with a younger guy. Dunno.

  • Yep you should just deal with this, telling your girlfriend to leave her friend will only make you look arrogant and selfish, if you love her you should accept the consequences that follows. Also only because her friend is "slutty" doesn't mean she is. Like I have many good friends who cheats on their boyfriends and doesn't take anything seriously, and I also have lesbian friends, none of this make me like them. Unless it's her BESTFRIEND then you should be aware of that, 'cause bestfriends can …