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  • Re: Straight people question...

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Yes I agree with shute, thank you guys for responding. I did think females where more open for that kind of experiment more than guys. It doesn't make you not straight if you experiment once.

  • Re: Straight people question...

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    So reading through this it seems that if there is a SAFE chance as in, if a friend that will not ever mention it again you would, for some people not everyone.

  • Re: Straight people question...

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Yeah i would say im bisexual cause I like both, its just I hear things more with women, that even if straight they would give it a go just for the experience.

  • Aww thats so great. In my wildest dreams!!!! Oh well I still don't give up, bad thing is all my friends are straight and I fall for the straight ones.. ughhhh:-(

  • Straight people question...

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Ok this might sound off or stupid but im curious. If someone of the same sex showed up and seemed interested in you, and there was a chance to experiment would you? I'm mostly interested in girls views but males are welcome too.:wink:

  • Re: I Need A Girlfriend D:

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Firstly, for a relationship to find another lesbian you ll need to chat with them. From a distance you can mostly tell the butch girls but the more feminine its not as easy. I don't know if you ever where in the closet or still are but, its a good way to know who is a closet lesbian if you are urself. They tend to talk neutraly about their past, they will not say about he or she but they. If you push them they might say he but you can see them tensed up. Bisexuals and lesbians tend to joke aroun…

  • Scholey, I totaly agree with that, I know it might sound weird to people, but if i had to approach someone I would use a bit of alcohol its easier. And if it goes wrong it will be better if drunk, more excuses, for me at least, but if I was sober people would be a bit harsh. An update on my thing, its over. I didn't tell her and I'm not planning to at any time, and after a long time fighting with myself I realised I don't want this. I need someone that feels the same not that I make them to. I w…

  • It was getting better until more happend. I want to die. I ve never felt so bad in my life. My mind is just poison

  • Thank you guys so much!!! HONESTLY. To explain myself a little more on this, I have friends quite a few but I don't have GOOD friends. Like the onse I will say EVERYTHING to. And she is one of the two people that know everything about me. The first one that knew turned out to be a very good lier. I was very very sad when I lost her as a friend but I got myself back together because I knew she would be no good for me. The next person that is my best friend is her. I know everything about her and …

  • I feel like my heart is hurting. I feel my head is nearly expoding, and I feel as if I'm loosing everything around me. This all has started with friends. I live for my friends I breath for them without them I can't breath and now i'm loosing one of the most important people in my life and it hurts. She is well now was my best friend and she tried to swop me with someone else, and I realised to I spoke, foolish... I should have shut up and not said a thing. Be happy for what I had, but is that tr…

  • Yes I'm the same as sputnic sweatheart... she says she is straight, but she has hinted otherways many times and many times she sounds confused. But I really really do want to tell her, but it scares me so much. I'm sure I will find the courage one day I just hope its not too late. Scars I understand, somethings are just so unfair. I wish that you will find another greater guy that will change your world!

  • Scars, that must feel bad, do you still feel the same way then? swiftdragonfly, didn't that hurt when she said she doesn't want to date? Did you take it personally? Thats what im affraid of if I tell her she might say something I wouldn't want to hear. But for now things are going down hill for me anyway . She seems she is moving away from me a bit. But only my heart know how much I love her.

  • Coolcrab, yeah now I understand, I know that kind of let down. I hate it. I mean we have one life right? Why doesn't everyone just live it and do everything try everything? Just my theory. Nenafan I think I got you, and if i did get you right, I wish my thing would happen like that too. if I never try I ll never get anyway now will I? hehe Namelessuser I use to have a girl like that around me and I did at some point think about it, but then I realised I didn't want her really but I liked the att…

  • Yeah sure is. Sometimes it feels better just friends than nothing at all, due to risk of saying, but I thinkkkkkk its more in our heads. I bet that most "good" friends wouldn't over react to it. hmm I'm starting to convince myself. Funny:p

  • Re: Gaydar

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Quote from JCpatriots: “I would think it would be tougher to tell if someone is bisexual than it is to tell if someone is gay...” Deffinately tougher!!! And Lachlan, it usually is by observing, but I usually observe people that I already think they are. I usually see their style. e.g Clothes, attitude Then I go to personal hair styles etc. I mean sometimes there are bi's that I really thought they where but then you get to see what i mention on the previous post and I stop. Its not too hard... g…

  • Re: Gaydar

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    I find my gaydar pretty good. I can spot bisexuals from far away or at least bi curious. The lesbians and gay ones I think most people can tell. I always grew up in an environment that everyone has to hide such a thing. So I grew up hiding it, and feeling that this is just wrong. So looking at people that hide it, I find similarities, I find the same reactions to things. For some bisexual women, that don't say it, they tend to talk about that subject quite a bit. When they are asked if they woul…

  • Thankfully there isn't a big problem for me not to tell her, and i know for a long time that I like her, but its the fact im affraid of change, bad change. But thats why I opened this thread. To hear other people experiences of friends being told they are liked by their friend (as those poped up) or telling a friend you like them.I like listening to stories to get ideas myself! :wink: Thank you guys that have answered till now!!

  • Ohhh do I know that. I wish I could just say it. I'm trying to figure out what it is that makes me be affraid. And its the fact of, I don't want to lose her as the friend she is now. I mean she has handled everything i ve told her, what I am, she is still so close, but maybe by doing this she might get to her limits and move away. And maybe my timing telling her will be wrong but if I told her another time she would react a different way. Its just very very "mind spinning" :confused:

  • Sex, because i know with my luck as soon as I quit sex for a million. I will get more money from elsewhere as well and I wouldn't be able to go back to having sex.

  • Re: Not a good feeling.

    cuapkige - - LGBT


    Ouch! Well like Emz said, maybe you should try talking again and don't hesitate. I mean we live one life " except if you are from another religion that doens't think this" and you obviously want to tell her. If you don't you will always think "why didn't I when I could?" and if you do do it, and tell her she will either accept it and everything will be good or even better, or she will not accept it and she will go away, though what do you prefer? for you lying around her all the time? or do you …