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  • Wow.. but at least you know that by you being truthful about yourself you helped others do the same thing. way to open the doors!

  • Hey it's no problem. I'm just glad there's so many awesome people on here willing to help me out!

  • Re: Gay locations - - Gay


    Tennessee =) You know when you here people on TV talking about living in the littlest town in the world? Well that's home for me...

  • No it's not just one girl... it's all girls. Well maybe not all of them. But it's kind of the same way that you're not attracted to every single guy you see. I am generally attracted to the female body and mind. And I have had experiences with both.

  • Thanks guys! You guys have helped a lot... and trust me, I'm not bi curious. But I don't want you to be confused... I am in no way ashamed of what I am. I'm so happy that I've finally let go and embraced it that I can't stand it. I just very recently came out to my best friend and it was amazing.. of course they said they knew all along. =) Bottom line is I'm learning new things about myself and I'm loving it.

  • Re: God... - - LGBT


    Quote from Paramore1264: “Well, the Bible says its wrong. But the bible has some fucked up shit in it too. Like, for example, i read somewhere in it, that if there is mildew on your clothes you must cleanse yourself for a week, and live outside your home, not eating or drinking. Or something along the lines of that.” Going back to what i said, that kind of law (which is a Jewish law) can be found in the Old Testament... which was thrown out when the New testament was written.. with the Christian…

  • Re: God... - - LGBT


    Everyone has a different opinion and no one's will be exactly the same. But as for me... I'll give you mine and you can take it or leave it. First of all I have learned that you can be a much happier person if you completely disreguard the 'religion' part of it. For me it's more about the spiritual relationship I have with God. BUT as for what the Bible says about it... what is said in the Old Testament was made new when the New Testament was written (also called the 'new laws' or 'new covenant'…

  • Ok. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all your help. So in other words.... I don't need to define myself by what other people think? Because thats a big part of what's been bothering me. and a BIG thanks to Anna (Simplegirl). Your post helped me a lot...

  • Sorry... let me see if I can explain better. I am very attracted to females... but I can't see myself having sex with a female. Yet. I could definitely see the possibility of that feeling growing, and I could definitely see myself in a relationship with a girl. ... and I've had these feelings for over a year...

  • So. Basically I'm 17 and I go to a very small high school... For almost a year I've been trying to supress the attraction I have for other girls. I've always had a boyfriend and I'm sure it would be the last thing people would expect from me. I'm so confused. I know its such a hard lifestyle and I want to know for sure before i commit to bisexuality. I could see myself in a commited relationship with a female... but not a sexual one. PLEASE help me... please.