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  • Re: Running Tips

    Loz <3 - - Health and Fitness


    There are some podcasts you can download for an iPod from iTunes that are called Podcasts for Running. The man tells you exactly when to speed up and slow down, how often to run, and each week you move up a podcast and they get progressively harder. They are rated 5 stars because everyone loves them including me

  • Re: Losing Your Virginity

    Loz <3 - - Teen Sexuality


    I was 15 (still am haha :p) and I lost it to my boyfriend who I've been with for almost a year He was more nervous than I was, he says he was scared to hurt me :o And my mum knows, but his parents don't, and only our closest friends know. I am so glad I lost it to him and not anyone else and I will never regret it.

  • I feel kinda average. I hate some parts of me some are okay.

  • I would take it as a compliment, if it was my boyfriend. Anyone else, I would tell them where to go :p

  • Where was it? my bed How was it? a lot better than expected and didn't hurt Did you get caught? nopeeee Protection? yep, condom and pill

  • Quote from DeaExMachina: “I've never met a woman who finds pit hair anything but disgusting and pubic hair should be done if you want a decent blowjob. The rest comes down to more personal preference but pits and crotch should be shaved.” Pit hair - not disgusting. Pubic hair - doesn't bother me. Now you've met one

  • Re: first time straighting my hair

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    You're lucky that you're one of those people who can straighten their hair and not look like they are trying to be emo :p

  • Re: Bra or no bra

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    I could never ever go out the house without a bra on. Ahhh honestly I think I'd die

  • Re: breast augmentation

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    Quote from Muppy: “The teardrop shaped implants look really good because they are more of a natural shape.” Agree with this. Actually, I agree with your earlier post as well. I definitely don't want them smaller but I would kinda like them bigger because they get me down But then the thought of having implants inside me freaks me out a bit.

  • Re: Girls help Im confused

    Loz <3 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “can you say... self conscious about her vagina?” A lot of girls can be But really, she probably thinks she smells bad down there (and really, taking a shower before doesn't change the smell of your wetness after :lol:) Just tell her the truth - you honestly can't smell anything I feel pretty weird after writing about the smell of vaginas hahahaha

  • Age: (15) # of Relationships: (5) Longest Relationship: (10 months) (the one I'm in now :D) Shortest Relationship: (4 days) (the guy was an actual cock :p)

  • Re: how many piercings do you have?

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    I have 6 But I'm planning to get another 3 soon

  • Re: Help me? :)

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    Don't dye it black, if done wrong and especially when roots grow in it can look very back. Same goes for the black streaks. I would either stay blonde or go light brown

  • Re: Fittest emo?

    Loz <3 - - Fashion


    Umm I'd say C, but to be honest they all look pretty dreadful

  • It does kinda look like your sucking in, so I went by your arms instead. Which yes, are kinda thin

  • Well you can't really worry about it too much because it a. can't be changed and b. you aren't the shortest boy. (My bf is 5 ft 3)

  • Re: UHh

    Loz <3 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Silverstein: “Sorry im confused /: i really just thought cheating is pretty much doing things with someone else like kiss sex and stuff..” Well if you think talking sexually with another boy isn't cheating, then carry on, you don't need our opinion. But if I were you, I wouldn't waste my "amazing relationship".

  • Re: virgin

    Loz <3 - - Teen Sexuality


    Even if they have already lost it ... who cares??! How does it affect you anyway? Just wait - not necessarily for your "true love", but until it's someone you at least WANT to have sex with - and they do with you.

  • What about single 40 year old women who have past relationships? Do their new partners worry that they had sex with someone else? No, because it's natural in some people, and yes, she was young - but she did it, not to hurt you intentionally, she did it for herself and it was her choice and not yours. So, I just agree with everyone else, get over it, because she didn't do it to hurt you.

  • No, it's not cheating. But it sure to hell would piss off the other person, don't you think?