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  • Re: Encounters and unsure

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    hee seems bii to me, but maby he just doesnt want to be? if that makes sense hah

  • Re: changing up in gym class

    melfii(: - - Gay


    Quote from ThailandTom: “LOL, do you think he like has some secret to growing his cock, you did say you wanted to ask him how he got it so big... Do you think he uses miracle grow? It is okay to be gay and I am sure a lot of gay people spend a lot of their teen years in the closet, maybe you are I don't know. But if you ask a guy older than you about his dick size, he is going to either smack the shit out of you, laugh and tell everybody in school, or if he is gay then probably think you are com…

  • Re: changing up in gym class

    melfii(: - - Gay


    Quote from Tmac73: “HAHA hopefully he doesnt catch you glancing at it. That'll end bad, either he'll turn out to be gay and think u like it or hes straight and beats you” scott i hate to say it but it seems like a lose lose kinda thing here lmfaoooo and um it does kinda seem like you want it in and around your mouth :rofl:

  • Re: Need to fight someone

    melfii(: - - General Advice


    Quote from Kitty Boo Boo Fuck: “dude.. dont call him out.. you can get in trobule for that.. your gf knows when the school ends.. she knows his schedule atleast i'm pretty sure she would just mask up and wait for him outside of the school one day and clack him over the head with a brick and be like WAG WAN MOFO YOU THINK YOUR GANGSTA HUH? YOUR G? STRAIGHT FROM THE HOOD EH? DONT F*CK WITH MY B*TCH NIKKA ZSEEN . or just get the message threw to him but i strongly suggest not to call him out over f…

  • Re: Need to fight someone

    melfii(: - - General Advice


    dont call him out if you see him on the street start shit then start takin till he hits you then you dont get charged with assault but dont call him out and tell him you want to fight him to me if sounds like if hes really from the hood he'll either bring something like a knife or some shit or people to back his ass up then you'll get your ass tuned up so make it unplanned to him if you have to stalk his life till you know where hes gonna be and when and just show up and start talking shit

  • ive been trying non stop lol im just gonna have to wing it i guess lol

  • did anyone do the project where you have to grow two plants and one was a control and the other had a variable... for example you grow peas and one gets the recommended amount of water and you "over water" the other. it was a summer assignment for me and school starts in a few days and i forgot to do it haha so if anyone did it and still has their info and stuff please please please pm me? thankss btw sorry if this is in the wrong section i wasnt sure where to put it

  • Re: I want to admit it

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    you should tell him and if he really does love you he'll be fine with it lol and if hes not fine with it he obvi doesnt love you for who you are but if he acts wierd at first dont jump to conclusions either lol he might just be shoked

  • Re: How to talk to this guy?

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    i think you should tell him whats going on and if hes really your friend and hes worth trying to be friends with then he'll accept you for who you are and put the past behind him and you'll be chill again lol

  • Re: should i agree?

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    i say go for it hah

  • Re: have u ever touched...

    melfii(: - - Teen Sexuality


    haha yeah but it was a dare -__-

  • i can do it in the shower but it results in my mom asking why i take such a long shower haha and i can do itt standing up lmao

  • Re: 16+ part

    melfii(: - - Teen Sexuality


    ...someone please tell me they have crayons

  • wait how old are you?

  • Re: Male 16 and curious

    melfii(: - - Gay


    Quote from Bender: “Mate just because I am attracted to one guy at my school doesn't mean I am not straight. I came to this site looking for answers not your bs. Im 6 ft 6, 90 kilos with a muscular build with a black belt in brazillian jiujitsu and could kill you no worries. Tell your homophobic shit to someone who cares cunt or I will put a hole in your face.” im gonna have to say i kinda worship you for saying that lmfao not that many people have the balls to stand up for themselves haha and i…

  • Re: preparation

    melfii(: - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ameera-creme: “ Technically if you break your hymen you just lost your virginity to a freaking hairbrush handle. uhh not really haha losing her virginity would have to include a penis people can break they're hyman riding a horse so do they loose they're virginity to a horse?”

  • Re: So what am I?

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    uhh i think im gonna havee to go with bii? hah im thee same waay

  • Re: Gay fun with cousin?

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    yeah so thats hot just thought i'd let you know and uh just be like you remember when? and go for it lmfaoo

  • Re: Its Like Torture!

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    You should deff tell him,,, at least that your bi curious. just like tell him that first and then if it looks good then tell him u like him and if it doesnt look so great just keep your mouth shut about liking him..iff hes reallly your bestfriend he wont let it effect your friendship

  • Re: G,L,B clubs at school

    melfii(: - - LGBT


    woahwoahwoah wait are you talkingg about gay straight alliance? because then it would apply to both hah i pretty sure they wouldnt have a club strictly gay people