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  • Re: Miley Cyrus

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Music


    My mom read something on the internet today about her admitting to kissing a girl. Just sayin'. Could just be a rumor, but who knows.

  • I'm 18 dating a 26 year old. The age difference doesn't bother me. I actually prefer to date older guys. They're more mature than the guys around my age.

  • Re: The Crucible.

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Education & Jobs


    Thanks Jarndyce!

  • Re: The Crucible.

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Education & Jobs


    Thanks Linda.

  • The Crucible.

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Education & Jobs


    I have to write a research paper for my theatre arts class. My topic is on The Crucible. Whether or not it can be seen as parallel to current or modern day issues? So I'm looking for opinions. Thanks in advance.

  • Kevmo7: When he got back with her after she cheated on him I told him he was making a mistake then, but he was "in love" with her. Which is something else that doesn't make sense to me is how he can love her, but not be happy with her. He goes back and forth saying he is happy with her to saying he's not. Maybe the fact that we were both kind of young and immature had a lot to do with all the arguments we had. I was 15 when we started dating and he was 16. Since then I think I've matured quite a…

  • I apologize for the length. I hope everyone can make some sense out of it and understand what I’m trying to say. Advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated. First of all, I started dating this guy in 2008 and we dated for almost 8 months, then we broke up. Through the whole relationship things were fine. Except for the fact that we always had arguments over the smallest, most stupid things. And it only got worse towards the end, so that’s why we broke up because we couldn’t take the arguing an…

  • Re: Jaw discomfort

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Health and Fitness


    I sorta have that problem too. It doesn't happen all the time though. It's on my left side. When I open my mouth it hurts and sometimes it makes like a clinking noise. I have braces so at first I thought it had something with my braces but I felt around and nothing was there. I dunno for sure what it is though. D:

  • If you seriously think you need or have to get back at her just to say you won, then you're pathetic. Enough said.

  • What is your occupation? I don't have one at the moment. What is your ideal occupation? Veterinarian. Beer or wine? Wine. Spirits or bottled drinks? Bottled drinks. What is your favourite take away? I dunno. Name your favourite restuarant Wasabi. Favourite cheese Provolone(sp?). Peanuts or pork scratchings? Peanuts. What is your favourite icecream flavour? Cookies and cream. Favourite sweets or chocolate bar? Zero. MacDonlads or Burger King? Neither. Fantasy dinner guest(s)? I dunno. Have you ev…

  • What's your name? Morgan Elizabeth. How old are you? When's your birthday? 18, June What state do you live in? Tennessee The Top 5 Movies of all time are... I have more than 5 favorite movies. The Top 5 Songs of all time are... I have more than 5 favorite songs.. The Top 5 Music Artists of all time are... I have more than 5 favorite artists... Do you read for pleasure? What do you read? Yes. Girly books. Haha. If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be? Joshua. Why would …

  • Re: 75 questions

    rawrbbyrawrx3 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Hello! How are you? I'm pretty good. Are you a boy or a girl? Female. How old are you? 18 Do you like being that age? I guess. So, what's your name? Morgan Elizabeth. Do you like your name? I don't like Morgan, but I do Elizabeth. Do you have lots of friends? Yes. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope. How long have you been together? --- Are you a virgin? Nope. Do you want to have sex? I already have. Have you ever got into trouble with the law? Nope. For what? --- Do you have a job? No. Wha…

  • Your Little Black Dress Says You're Enchanting dress-4.png You are chic, worldly, and charming. You naturally fascinating and popular. You never feel like pretending to be someone you're not. Your style is simple, flattering, and always appropriate. You fill your closet with well quality, timeless items. If you were a shoe, you would be: Open toed heels

  • Your Dress Says You're Upscale Stylish dress-4.png Your Personal Style: Classic and elegant. You prefer to make a statement with a few quality pieces. Your Ideal Wedding: Traditional and formal, but not tacky. You think the most beautiful weddings are understated. Your Philosophy on Marriage: It's a serious commitment, and the couple entering it should be ready to work for their relationship. Your Perfect Marriage: Is calm, stable, deep, and meaningful.

  • Your Name's Power is Graceful name.jpg Your name's power is that it helps you be graceful. Your name conveys both faithfulness and comfort. People who meet you can't help but think you are soothing. You try to live your life with confidence and generosity.

  • Your Pop Star Name Is Tess Silver popstar.png You're Gonna Be a Star!

  • Which do you think is better? Please provide reasons for your choice. Thank you.

  • You Paint the World with Deep Colors red.jpg You are a true individual. You are very unique. Your friends can count on you to be expressive. You're never at a loss for words. You are a truly warm person ... though sometimes you can be a bit selfish. You are keyed into your emotions and easily moved. You are quite sensitive.

  • Texting while driving is already illegal in Tennessee, which is where I live.

  • 1. Real name → Elizabeth 2. Nickname(s)→ Liz, Lizzy, Beth. 3. Zodiac sign → Cancer. 4. Male or female → Female. 5. Elementary → EES 6. Middle School → EMS 7. High School → HHS 8. Hair color → Naturally blonde. 9. Long or short hair → Long. 10. Loud or Quiet → Both. 11. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans. 12. Phone or Camera → Phone. 13. Health freak → Haha, no. 14. Drink or Smoke? → Uh, I smoke and drink occasionally. 15. Do you have a crush on someone→ It's more than a crush. 16. Eat or Drink → Drink. 17.…