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  • Re: Not drinking at university

    5l4ck - - General Advice


    Quote from ThailandTom: “LOL, how many people have I heard say this including myself and then come to break this rule.. many!! The fact is weed can be a gateway drug and if you hang out in a social group of people who smoke weed, one person may move on to something else in time and others may get curious and try it also. I have seen this happen throughout my entire life” can imagine yeah but really, i'm not even a regular weed smoker, actually i had a very bad experience with cookies this summer…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    5l4ck - - General Advice


    Quote from ThailandTom: “ I guess you have to try it to understand :P” true Can only imagine how it is, however I have a personal rule that I'll never ever try anything "harder" than marijuana (I consider marijuana as the lightest drug, which it probably is). However I also don't regullary smoke it, just here and there But yup, alcohol is something i drink every time i go out to parties (honestly not because i couldn't bend in without or something like that, i just drink it because i like it xD)…

  • justin bieber lady gaga

  • Re: All That Remains

    5l4ck - - Music


    Quote from C_T_R: “I only like 1 song and that is 'This Calling'” yeah, i started listening to them because of that song simply epic tho i also like Two Weeks very much

  • I'm very bad at this =/ I just don't want to hurt people's feelings, but i guess i usually do just that.. Well, the girls i noticed to have been interested in me and i wasn't into them, I usually just tried to somewhat ignore or pay as little attention to as possible. Not a good way i guess, but worked best for me (yeah, call me egoist xD)

  • All That Remains

    5l4ck - - Music


    Hey! Tried to search threads about this band, but all i found were 1,5years+ old, so figured i'm best off starting a new thread rather than being a necromancer and resurrecting those old ones Soo.. are there any other ATR fans? Also what are your opinions of new album? From what I've heard it will go back to the style of "Fall of Ideals" (2 albums ago, one before Overcome), which is ok with me, but then again I liked both Overcome and Fall of Ideals Preview of all songs: [ame='…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    5l4ck - - General Advice


    Well.. I do have to agree that alcohol is "cool" as long as you don't "overdo" it. Like pointed out before, while drunk every song is "the best song", everyone around you are your friends, no matter who you talk to, you consider them your friends and have people to talk to all the time. While drunk you don't care what others think about you, you just do what you feel like doing. Yes, there are people who need no alcohol to do all that just as well, but those are very few, specially the ones who …

  • fortune for sure

  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    5l4ck - - Music


    Metallica Gun'n'Roses Red Hot Chili Peppers some others

  • Re: What attracts you!

    5l4ck - - Teen Sexuality


    umm, overally don't really, i met soo many completely different girls that i found attracting that i gave up on idea of picking the "ideal girl details". Tho i noticed that i tend to look after just about every girl with red hair actually red hair + all star shoes are two of the things that will in 95% of cases make me look after a girl

  • nipples are nipples, pretty much :p kinda all are same in the dark

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    5l4ck - - Teen Sexuality



  • I *personally* don't see anything bad about it and nothing to worry about. Sure I rather wouldn't call to school and pretend to be my mother (actually i wouldn't do that no matter what), but i would just simply skip those 2 hours and go enjoy "life" and celebrate friend's bday Over-thinking it is imo pointless, yeah, parenty might find out, but unless you have some really strict parents, i don't think anything bad can happen. I have done that for many bdays in past and never regret any school sk…

  • Re: Squirting

    5l4ck - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Treebark2268: “Hmmmmm interesting :D” this

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    5l4ck - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Blushing.

    5l4ck - - General Advice


    my cheeks are kinda red by nature.. and i hate it I don't have problem speaking in front of auidence, nor do i think i (would) blush, but like i said, already have red cheeks by nature :s (kinda lol). But have a good friend of mine whose cheeks, or let's say head gets red the moment she's called out and there are people around And she's hating it xD But it always makes me smile seeing her getting all red lol

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    5l4ck - - Teen Sexuality


    aww, so much hugging hug

  • Quote from Bubo: “My parents only yelled at me. Never beating or anything..” goes same for me yeah, i did get maybe 2 "semi-hits" or something in my whole life, but don't count that as beating or anything. But loads of yelling

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “I approve.” this :wink:

  • comedy by far