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  • You sound like a big d-bag. But looking nice is good. Even if everyone in your school seems to be entirely superficial. Judging by this post, no matter how good you looked, I would try my hardest not to talk to you.

  • Re: Youtube?

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Fashion


    Good luck with that. It's pretty hard to do a make up thing and get noticed, just because of the sheer number of people doing it.

  • Re: Big gauges

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Fashion


    I used to have a 6mm but I got bored and took it out. I think they look alright, but it really depends on the person. Some people look gross with them. But you should be fine getting laid and such. I hate septum piercings though. Some people like them. And if I liked a guy, I wouldn't let his septum piercing stop me from liking him

  • Re: Two moms and two dads

    inappropriate name - 3 - - LGBT


    I don't think it's unheard of at all! Perhaps in my country it is more common, but I know a lot of people bought up by two gay couples. Or one gay couple and a straight couple. Or one gay person. It seems that the majority of the two gay couples situation is from surrogacy or sperm donation. Which is pretty cool, really. None of the people I know have had any sort of negative affects from growing up in that kind of environment. If anything, they're more open and loving. Not that you can't be ope…

  • Re: Is it safe?

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from SugarLips: “No sex is 100% safe. Condoms are Maximum 98% and thats the highest form of protection.” The pill is 99% effective if taken properly. When used with condoms it has an almost 100% rate of effectiveness. So yeah, it might not be 100% safe, but it's damn close. It's like saying that you will NEVER be safe on a plane because there's a one in 100 chance of it crashing, so you should only fly once you're at a mature enough age to deal with the consequences of a crash.

  • Re: Is it safe?

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from The Sorrow: “no sex is "safe" in any way. however in terms of age it really doesn't make a difference (other then the comprehension of consent which they should gain around 11-14 ^^)” Lots of sex is safe. AS long as you are being cautious, using protection and hopefully another form of contraception, you should be fine. If you want to go all out you can get yourself and your partner tested beforehand. There IS safe sex.

  • I used to be the same. Except for the weed. Sex was my vice of choice. It's better to get it over and done with, then you feel better.

  • I am on anti-depressants. I have been for almost two years. They really work for me. I have taken myself off them before, but it was bad. As long as I take them like I am meant to, I can deal with things way better. I love them, really. I'm not addicted, I know that, but they're truly amazing. They've helped me lots. I didn't have to go through therapy to get them. I went to my GP after many failed therapy sessions. I don't see why anyone would be ashamed of it. If a diabetic was prescribed insu…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “What I was thinking, although you think she would really know about it if he hit her cervix” If it's always happened she wouldn't know any different.

  • Re: Were they?

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Teen Sexuality


    We were both virgins. neither of us had done ANYTHING before we met each other. Well, i think he might have kissed someone....

  • If it's your actual stomach, I have no idea. General abdominal area could be that your muscles aren't used to being used so much or that the guy is "too big" and is pushing on your cervix. Sometimes that can hurt.

  • Quote from autumnleaf: “wow.” I was joking =P

  • Re: Is it safe?

    inappropriate name - 3 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from k3v1n: “you can have sex at any age, it's considered that the longer people wait the more mature they are.” You forgot to say "Sometimes" at the beginning of this statement. I personally do not understand how waiting for sex makes you more mature. Do it when you're ready, whenever that time is.

  • It's just the way our bodies work at young ages. I know that it's annoying to hear, but from the sounds of it, these feelings are mostly from hormones. Talk to your mum and see if you can figure out a way for you to stay somewhere with her instead of with your dad. I'm sure she'll understand and so will anyone she's living with.

  • Re: My gay friends

    inappropriate name - 3 - - LGBT


    Quote from Jjplane: “And yeah I do believe what's in the bible is true and that's my religion and I'm proud of it, but using a person's novel to support your theory that being blown by gay friends isn't gay just sounds a little ridiculous. That's the author's opinion for that particular book and doesn't make it true.” I don't want to hate on your religion or anything, but essentially, using a novel to back up your argument is the same as using the bible. There's no actually evidence that the bib…

  • Darling, I'm sorry I wasn't replying! It sounds like your dad is having a really hard time with this break up. He's being a bit of a twat, I must say (no offence) but that's what happens when you're sad and angry. The split would be really hard on him. It's like breaking up with your partner times a million. I know it's hard, but you might just have to bear with it for a while. If it's too bad, just stay at your mum's. I think that it is normal to have someone who helps keep you sane. That's wha…

  • Re: Ladies..

    inappropriate name - 3 - - General Advice


    Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “thats not how I look anymore. DSCN1580.jpg[/IMG]” You have an iny-outy It's an iny with a little bit of outy

  • It's pretty straight forward either way. Either you give her twenty bucks to sleep with you, or she gives you twenty bucks to sleep with other people.

  • Quote from Detrox: “Ugh to me that would be making me the lady in the relationship and I cannot go into a relationship being the lady. I have a different mind set than other people it's more traditional when it comes to dating and closed-minded.” Well, I guess that's your point-of-view. I would have to agree with the close minded comment though.

  • Quote from Detrox: “I'm going to have to disagree with that slightly. I feel as a man you should be the o e who kinda is the more dominant one in a relationship. You have responsibilities such as asking her out, paying bills, and if you end up married you'll be doing all the yard work to. I mean like it would be pretty awkward for me to alwaya be riding and I know this is a thought that keepa going arouns in your head or ou would have not asked it. I say take it slow ask her if she wants to hang…