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  • Re: Cut Chemist - What's the Altitude

    Dezer - - Music


    Not really any particular songs, just get his album "Audience is Listening".

  • Re: Cut Chemist - What's the Altitude

    Dezer - - Music


    Cut Chemist is great, my favourite instrumental hip hop artist (although that song has rap in it).

  • That's a lot of quicklaunch you got there.

  • Re: Songs that give you chills

    Dezer - - Music


    Oh I thought this was going to be about songs that scare you as that's what I associate "chills" with. But there's many songs that have made me think "Wow, that was amazing".

  • Re: fun.

    Dezer - - Music


    Quote from gardenhead: “Could be a nice way to get introduced to other types of music and hear an opinion from someone who has a different point of view from yourself. I mean one can only listen to some girl babble about shoegaze 90% of the time. (;” If I wanted someone's opinion and an introduction to another genre I would go to someone that mainly likes that particular genre rather than someone that has a "diverse" taste and just has dips and daps from several genre and doesn't really know muc…

  • Twitter = "Lol making a cup of tea", "Brb, going to poo" Facebook = "I'm so sad, why is life so hard????", "OMG! THAT PARTY WAS GREAT!" They're both pretty dire.

  • Re: Oasis Split

    Dezer - - Music


    Woo! Time for a Ride reunion!

  • Re: fun.

    Dezer - - Music


    Quote from jaco123: “how do you find friends with a good diverse taste in music? all my friends listen to hardcore punk and occasionally some emo and indie.” Why would you want to be friends with people that have a "diverse" taste?

  • Re: fun.

    Dezer - - Music


    I'd seen their album posted, but never got it and after listening to that song I still won't get it. Though I do quite enjoy indie pop that wasn't poppy enough.

  • Mass of the fermenting dregs

    Dezer - - Music


    Are awesome! [ame=]YouTube - MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS - She is inside, He is outside[/ame]

  • Quote from Warmageddon: “errrr well way to shatter my dreams and ya.......:( One day I shall have 16.4 milllion TB of ram in my pc!” If you had a million TB you wouldn't call them TB's, you'd be into the exabytes (I think).

  • Re: Mac or Windows?

    Dezer - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from ZenaGirl: “Granted the advantages of the Mac OS but Windows-7 is a big step in closing the gap.” Examples of advantages of OS X? And examples of what Windows 7 is doing that is "closing the gap"?

  • The internet would be boring if everyone was friendly.

  • Quote from Violent Streak: “i'm planning on getting an Alienware desktop ” I advise against this, Alienware are the Macs of the PC world. Overpriced and you're practically paying for a brand name. There are plenty of nice cases out there that aren't Alienware (personally I think Alienware look terrible anyway), Antec would be one.

  • Re: A Sate of Trance (ASOT)

    Dezer - - Music


    Only trance artist I've ever really got into is Airwave. Though I don't like listening to radios as I like control over what I listen to and I like to listen to full albums.

  • Quote from Magnet_head: “Edit: This one may be a little easier to get into: ” Modest Mouse are hard to get into? Anyway, I've never got what people saw in them. They don't appeal to me.

  • Re: Want chill synth music?

    Dezer - - Music


    I don't like her voice, chill music with vocals is annoying and not "chilloutable" to, sounds like she's trying to sound like Imogen Heap but not very well.

  • Re: Post Your Desktop!

    Dezer - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from jim89: “Im liking your desktop very much. Are you using WindowBlinds?” Oh hell no! I'd never used a program for themes, all you need to do it get patched theme .dll's (e.g. uxtheme).

  • Re: new songs or good bands!?

    Dezer - - Music


    Indeed I have, LSD and the Search for God are awesome. I'm not to fond of Mixtapes & Cellmates.

  • Quote from 'oo': “on firefox you can password protect all your paswords, I haven't found that handy feature on any another browser.” Good thing I never said password protect then.