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  • The boy I like introduced me to that site. And omegle. It's fun but...I can't stand running into 359837593853 dicks!!

  • Re: Kissing after blowjobs

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I never saw a problem with it. D:

  • Re: Masturbation, Girls?

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, I do masturbate occasionally...if I get desperate. I'd much rather have some assistance, though. ;]

  • I hate all bodily hair... I shave it all. I feel dirty if I don't! With guys...I don't like hair either, but I can deal with it. I don't mind it as much...but if my guy wanted to indulge in 'homosexual' practices, such as shaving all his hair (legs, everything), I would not complain. :] Don't judge me!! xD

  • Cumming?

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Am I the only one who loves to watch or even think about my boyfriend cumming? I can't explain why...Maybe a release of hormones during ejaculation gets to me?? All I know is that I think it's extremely hot when my boyfriend cums. Especially the adorable face he makes. ...Don't think I'm weird for this. XD

  • Re: Humping

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    OhmyGod, I'm not the only one! Do you now how embarrassed I was to admit this!? Wow, I'm not alone in the world. :blush:

  • Uh, I'm going to ignore some of things in your post that irked me and just give advice. I think the best way to start a conversation with any of them is to ask how it is to go to a girls' school and if they like going there, etc. You're not asking anything too personal, you'll seem curious, and be able to start a light conversation.

  • My house, very similar to yours. I hate it. My father is a total pack rat and keeps everything lying everywhere. He also has some fucking newspaper fetish or something because we have newspapers from like, the 90's. I am NOT kidding. There are literal stacks of them higher than me. -_- The only person I've ever had over was my boyfriend because I do not fear judgment from him. If they are close friends, really, you shouldn't worry. I doubt they will make fun of you. Maybe ask you about it, but i…

  • WTF!? We only feel like 3 inches into our vagina!!! Size, honestly, does NOT matter. Maybe width, but definitely not length. My boyfriend is about 5.5 inches and he makes me feel amazing. So she's a bitch and has no idea what she's talking about. You'll find someone who is not such a whore. :]

  • Re: Nipples

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    One of my biggest turn ons is when my boyfriend sucks on them and plays with them. He does wonders with is mouth. They're so sensitive. I just love it. ;D

  • I don't know how to orgasm!! ..No, literally. I can feel the part where I'm getting close, but I never seem to get there. :mad:

  • I guess I can see the other side of this, but I find it very hard to agree with. I mean, doesn't the fact that they are related to you by blood alone make you NOT want to do stuff with them?

  • Re: thongs

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't enjoy feeling a wedgie all day. But for show-offy purposes, like impressing my boyfriend? I can make an exception. I like lacey lingerie panties instead. ;o

  • Re: Shaved

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I prefer shaved so much more.

  • Re: Sex with,

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    This reminds me of that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger...I forgot the name, but the guy that played Satan was hot. The girl he had chosen to conceive his child however...looked like a retard.

  • My boyfriend always wants me to masturbate in front of him! It's so embarrassing for me. But I fucking love it when he masturbates in front of me. [insert horny smiley face here]

  • Re: Is it just me?

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality

    Post, I'm not weird, I'm just unique? Ha, I sound like a sympathetic mother trying to comfort her disabled child.

  • Re: Grower or Shower?

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm afraid I do not have one. D: BUT... I would definitely prefer a grower.

  • Is it just me?

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Or do other girls find it incredibly hot watching a guy jerk off? Every time I see my boyfriend jerk himself off, it drives me wild... Especially with the works, like facial expressions, muscle reactions (he usually tenses his legs), and sounds. I practically drool just thinking about it. Am I weird for this? xD

  • Re: Boys...When you cum...

    LiLxMiSSY93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I love it when my boyfriend moans.