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  • Yeah, its hormonal probably. All you have to do is pretend that you are happy for them etc.

  • Um just say that you want to talk to her about what had happened before?

  • Yeah agreed, he finds it too difficult to just be your friend and nothing more, so he thinks that instead of being around you all the time, and him finding it really hard, it would be easier on him if he just cut all contact with you.

  • Um, I have to say, Im good with all of my family, sure they annoy me, but I annoy them too. Just kinda have a 'normal' relationship

  • Re: I'm confused...

    sleeplessdays - - Friends and Family


    No mine aren't like that, have you tried talking to your mom about her behaviour? Maybe she is scared of your dad or something ?

  • Um, I don't knoww really. What is the worst pain, telling her and her being upset, or you being upset. That is how you should look at it That should make it easier to choose. good luck!

  • Quote from neonreindeer: “I know the boat that you're in, to a lesser degree. My best friend of the past 5 years moved to Lebanon last year and since then I've seen her twice, but it doesn't feel like it's been long because we talk all the time on facebook etc. I would suggest focusing more on speaking to her in other ways, like over the phone or a webchat, and make them priorities instead, then if you do get to see her in the flesh it'll be a bonus.” Agreed, I think that is the best way to appr…

  • Quote from Cass Cass: “He wants abortion but hes confused and still shocked, and she wants to keep it.” Quote from Gooeyswat: “Her mother did what!? :o Made them sleep in the same bed?? WTH is wrong with her? And wanting a family at 14!?! And she's still breathing?? My mother would beet the shit out of me if that ever happened! And my boyfriend? He'd be buried by now. Okay, I just needed to get that out. Now, if her mother did do that, she is also part to blame (not saying that the guy and girl …

  • Re: jealous friends

    sleeplessdays - - Friends and Family


    The exact same thing happened to me like 3 times, you just need just try and find good friends, I have a best friend now, a sprinkling of other friends and my boyfriend/ other best friend, and that is all that I need it seems Hope I helped, and you now know are not alone in this situation:)

  • So have you tried cute little gifts? Emphasis on little. Things that remind her of you, that is really sweet:) Especially if it is out of the blue Maybe try that, but dont over do it

  • Re: ignored

    sleeplessdays - - Friends and Family


    Yeah its a bit weird. But, i guess you have what you have, so you should probably be happy that they give you free reign. Some parents are waay too strict, so I guess you could say you got the better end of the two extremities:)

  • Agreed, you need to talk to your mum about your situation because you need to get things sorted, about what would happen if you mum does pass on, so you can try to deal with it Good luck with the talk, and I hope you can get things sorted x

  • Agree with both. My parents are kind of freaking out about me going to uni, never mind becoming a model (not that I am pretty enough lol!) so yeah, dads in particular dislike the fact their little girls are getting older just let him know that he has upset you, and you want his support in your dream, and that you understand what he must be feeling, but you will be doing tasteful shoots, so not to worry. Maybe even ask him to accompany you to your audition? That may help him come to terms with it…

  • Re: i hate my sister

    sleeplessdays - - Friends and Family


    Agreed, Big sisters just want what is best for their wee brothers honestly! Are you too young to be indulging in sexual stuff? If not, maybe you should talk to your sister about the incident then?

  • Yeah I'm not very good at revenge, I think you should just forget the pr*ck to be honest. Although maybe you could get him done for sexually assaulting you, no? Do your friends know? Maybe they could spread it around so that everyone knows how much of a pervert he is? Just a thought.... Hope it all goes well, and you can just forget him. Let me know how it all goes? x

  • I would go for it

  • Yeah, maybe you should try and talk to her about the PDA and stuff in private before hand? You don't want to freak her out and then get rejected in front of your friends etc. because you she is not ready

  • I think you gotta talk to her today, before she goes, but I don't think you have actually missed your chance

  • Changing for another person is not always a good idea, because it can be hard to keep up, but in your case it seems like you have changed for the better so well done, and you should keep going with that As for the girl, I believe she will come around. She has already said that she can see you two having a lengthy relationship with each other. This other guy seems to be the practice guy tbh Giving her space with the practice guy will work in your favour, so stay friends but let her have time to s…

  • Re: How do i help

    sleeplessdays - - Friends and Family


    Yeah I agree with everyone.Tell him that you don't like it, so can he not smoke around you please. Let him know that if he continually smokes in your presence that your friendship will be over. You should make that clear from the start. If he choses the smoking around you over your friendship, then I think it is safe to say that you don't need his friendship