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  • naruto is less than adequate, try: Orphen Martian Sucessor Nadesico Darker Than Black Slayers Trinity Blood Soul Eater

  • Re: M. Night Shyamalan

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    uuuummmm Sixth sense and Unbreakable were amazing all the rest suck, but i mean even Billy Wilder did Buddy Buddy.

  • Re: TOP5 TV Series

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    1) Glee 2) Heroes 3) Psych 4) Firefly 5) True Blood

  • Re: Is this weird?

    director91 - - Fashion


    Quote from Scaredycrow: “ I'm supposed to wear glasses but I hate them, so it's weird to me that you'd want to wear them at all.” Lol i get that alot when i tell my glasses-wearing friends about it but ive always wanted glasses since i was little I even went for an eye test when i was trying to figure out why i kept getting migraines and i have 20 20 vision too so they hate me for wanting glasses when they have to wear them:D

  • Quote from Vuvuzela: “Salo.” ^ agreed, f**ing disturbing, Drag me to hell is a horror movie for horror movie fans it's meant to make them laugh cause there is a certain level of camp to it, I mean come on, it's sam raimi!!! Scary Movies: The shining United 93 - left me shaking at the end, a different kind of scary. Alice sweet Alice The Strangers Cannibal Holocaust

  • Is this weird?

    director91 - - Fashion


    Okay, I'm a guy and since i can remember i've been fascinated with glasses (not sunnies, just the regular kind) Now recently i have been considering just wearing glasses (with non prescription lenses) for the sake of wearing glasses, is this unusual/anyone else in the same boat?

  • Re: Book suggestions

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    For guys, generally everyone like the C.H.E.R.U.B series by Robert Muchamore, the first book is called The Recruit a really fast paced series about child spies but done in a really gritty and realistic way Matthew Reilly - an australian author who writes HUGE action novels that put michael bay to shame Tamora Pierce - a fantasy author lots of magic/swords if you're into that stuff

  • Re: favorite movies

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    - Inception - American Beauty - magnolia - Pan's Labyrinth - The Shawshank Redemption - UP - Kick-Ass

  • I suddenly feel the need to step in here, As a poster above said, a book is a book, a movie is a movie. To paraphrase Raymond Chandler (a crime novelist who had most of his books turned into movies by hollywood) when asked if he felt hollywood was ruining his work.... he replied, the books are the same books on my shelf, they don't change When people say that it ruined a book it seems a bit of an impossibility. As for good adaptations: Atonement - as a poster suggested, i actually had to do an a…

  • Quote from monster girl.: “The Pursuit of Happiness. My Sister's Keeper. The Christmas Shoes. (I swear to God, if you haven't seen it, do it.)” Holy crap i didn't know anyone else who has seen the Christmas shoes, i totally posted that as well made me absolutely ball my eyes out.

  • The Christmas Shoes The Shawshank Redemption Pan's Labyrinth UP

  • Re: Any Good Movies?

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Yes The Shining Drag Me To Hell The Reaping

  • Re: Worst movies ever?

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Hey to blanchelessthan3 i loved Push it was in my top 10 of that year. But for Crap Movies, nothing can surpass The Room [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] and before anyone says anything, yes they actually take themselves seriously there is an interview with Tommy Wiseau that proves it beyond a doubt. More include: Battlefield Earth: A saga of the year 2000 Disaster Movie Meet The Spartans New Moon (at least Twilight has watchable acting) In the…

  • Re: Inception

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    I am posting here, Am totally speechless, but i am posting here. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  • Re: Tim Burton

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Hey, who neg repped me with a " / " as the explanation!!!!!! The video was posted in good humor a*hole.

  • Re: Summer reading?

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    See i wish we had stuff like that Down Under......

  • GLEE True Blood Psych Firefly Buffy Dollhouse The Nanny

  • Re: Anyone know?

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Mrs. Doubtfire Idiocracy Strangers With Candy Robin Hood: Men In Tights Young Frankenstein The Proposal Enchanted Basketball ...just to start you off.

  • Re: Tim Burton

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    I really feel i need to step in with this video [ame=''][/ame]

  • Re: Zeitgeist The Movie

    director91 - - Films, TV and Books


    even though the predecessor has some MAJOR flaws, inaccuracies and alot of trite thrown in. Believe me i had this conversation with someone at my work who saw the movie and went nuts going on about how corrupt the world is and we're all doomed and all that. so i went to the trouble of research.