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  • When I see an obese person I think about how they were influence to get that fat; I image what their parents were doing, eating too much junk food, lack of exercise, and other factors. Most of the time they do have a choice of being fat and unhealthy, or being at a normal weight and healthy. Rare cases it is genetics at work, and I will admit I do believe genetics is the cause of obesity. I think that since young children see their parents fat, they believe that it's ok because they themselves a…

  • Ideas for poems please :]

    xXRiverXx - - Creative Writing


    Ok, I've been writting poems lately and did twenty in the past six weeks. I wrote my emotions and most of the poems have dark themes to them. I was wondering if someone could give me a few ideas, positive ones. I rather have a serious topic, but I will embrace silly ones too, as long as they aren't going over board Any idea, any at all, will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for anyone who has posted!

  • Quote from terriandrea: “So, what are everyones views on it? Because this is a topic I have a strong view on. I'm not a racist, or a atheist, or a theist, agnostic, communists, none of those things. I believe I am my own person, and I go by my own beliefs and teachings. So I'd love somone to try and convince me that Abortion is 'wrong'. Because fact is, it is not. I believe Abortion is probably one of the best technologys man kind has created. And God, or what I believe to be God, the Universe's…

  • Quote from <33: “I guess you can say that I am depressed, I have always been. I had a therapist but that didn't really work out, she basically told me that I'm fine and I shouldn't be there. Anyways, I can't help but hope for something bad to happen to me. Which I think is completely sick, and I mean no one else understands what I am saying. Like, I sit in class wishing I would die. I mean, I won't go and kill myself, but I can't help but sit there and think of dying. It seems like my best optio…

  • Quote from Arrowblossom: “Many parents hit their kids in order to discipline them, so what do you think is the fine line between the two? And do you think beating is alright? I think that hitting isn't ok, and should only be used in drastic situations... And the difference is that when a parent is discipling a child, they have their child's well being in mind. But then again, some horrible things are done with good intentions...” I was spanked once in my life so I believe that is ok. I don't bel…

  • Umm, I believe you are going a little over board with sending disuctional boys from ages 10-14 to army. I think they should go to a boot camp like enviroment and maybe they could have visits from army soldiers to get them to learn and get a taste of what you are implying but all I can say is that maybe they should crack down on camps for children like these because they have gotten soft in some aspects. Besides I don't think they'll let children in such a place you are saying.0

  • I think you should just tell your girlfriend to be careful around him and just ignore him after that. He just wants a major reaction from both you and your girlfriend for some sick reason. Don't let it get to you, besides if you hang out in such big groups, it'll be easier to avoid him if he decided to join. Hope this helps.

  • I'm on the fence about this. I do believe a godly being is out there who started life but I also believe that evolution did take part and that's how we became who we are today.

  • Re: mind control

    xXRiverXx - - Debate and Discussions


    I agreed with some of the things this man has said. He stated some valid points and some I just thought was ridiculous.

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “They're banning hands-free setups, too? Where do you live?” New Jersey, They're banning them in NY before they do in NJ though

  • Re: End of the world?

    xXRiverXx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Lokh: “How do you think the world will end?” Well, I think that the world will end when Earth itself is uninhabited. I don't believe that the Earth will be destroyed if and when the world ends, I think diease will get to us first.

  • I say both should be illegal. Too many accidents are caused in my area with the result of texting or calling. I mean, when Bluetooth came around it was ok, but I heard they are banning Bluetooth, and products alike. So, if they already weren't banning those products, I would say calling should be legal, definately texting should be illegal though.

  • To a certain extent. I mean, we have to factor that the situations in the game are fictional and the chance of them happening, the exact way they are depicted in the game, is 0 to none. I think you can learn certain facts but that's its fullest extent of knowlegde

  • Quote from LOLFag: “We're getting smarter and dumber in different aspects.” I agree with this statement. I believe that our dumbing down is the result of our lazyness with daily tasks, and machines and technology which I believe this was mentioned before. Also, I think some the the people who are dumbing down, some not all, use morals to guide most of their lives. Some are just lazy, some just can't comprehend, but the point is we may be gaining knowlegde in some aspects, we are also losing more…

  • A baptized and confirmed catholic, yet I choose to be agnostic. I understand all of the Catholic laws and rules that says in spirit I still am, but I'm ignoring that before I choose the religion I want.

  • It's very informative, but I still won't smoke weed.

  • Re: Whats your BMI?

    xXRiverXx - - Health and Fitness


    Well, I used one that isn't in the metric system because I don't know how many pounds are in a stone. But mine is 21.0

  • No to weed, cigs ok. I don't understand why I see most people saying yes to weed but no to cigs. Weed is worse to the body and it does mental damage. Yes, it can be used in medicine but that's different.

  • Re: I fuckin hate my mom

    xXRiverXx - - Friends and Family


    Um, why would you need to stay out until 11 or later anyway? I mean, I'm home by 10 because there's nothing else better to do and I don't come home bored or upset. I don't really have a curfew, or at least one that is set in stone, so I mustn't understand the situation all too well. But seriously I'm 15 too, if you want one for the sake you can say you have 12: 30 curfew, that's stupid. To get said curfew to do others things like drink, use drugs AND/ OR party late, that's even more stupid. Just…

  • Re: Self Conciousness

    xXRiverXx - - General Advice


    Dear Coooombe, Well, first things first, the BMI says you are a little underweight, which is ok on some levels. If you are very concerned about your weight, then slowly gain weight, and if you are afraid of becoming too overweight, balance it out with some exercise. Besides, you're tall and you'll even out soon. As long as you get the right amount of vitamins and minerals you'll be fine on that end. If your main concern is that you feel too skinny, then bulid muscle, that is the best way to gain…