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  • Re: do guys shop at rue 21?

    Musicaddicted - - Fashion


    My ex shopped there for most of his clothes...

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Musicaddicted - - Teen Sexuality


    Friendly kiss on the cheek

  • Re: Htc 1

    Musicaddicted - - Technology and the Internet


    Holy crap that's beautiful. I wish I had a phone like that...I'm sick of the iPhone hype, I'd love some more of this diverse technology on the market.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Musicaddicted - - Teen Sexuality


    Hug hah

  • Pure aloe works wonders for acne and skin problems. There's this shampoo that doubles as a face wash, called, and the active ingredient is aloe. Pure peppermint oil is also a good natural solution for pimples when they do pop up. Just put oil on the pimple and the redness and swolleness goes down over night.

  • Re: your stats

    Musicaddicted - - Health and Fitness


    Age: 16 Height: 5'2" Weight: almost 110 pounds Sport: Running

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Musicaddicted - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Musicaddicted - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Musicaddicted - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Summer reading?

    Musicaddicted - - Films, TV and Books


    For AP English Composition I have to read The Poisonwood Bible and a bunch of assorted's not so bad I guess. Yay senior year English! Lol

  • This is something I wrote a while back when I was kind of confused...I liked it though so I kept it. Let me know what you think please. =] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missed opportunities, plagues of empty memories, possibilites and realities stolen from my very mind...chance and confusion dismissed my future and set my soul upon a different path. Bitterness--truly possessing it's own harsh taste--is my existence from hence forth. I wishe…

  • Biologically and morally people are compelled to express some form of caring for other people and living things. People want to help, whether they actually do or not. People here care and we'll all listen if you need/want us to. =] My mother also has spinal, muscular and other medical problems. All my life she has been getting progressively worse. Some days she can't move, she's in that much pain. It's like a waiting game to see what will happen and then a test of wills to see if she, my father …

  • Hmm well, most people would look at my family and I and assume that we have no problems...but there's more going on than anyone can know. My mother has been sick all of my they say she's terminal and they don't even know what is killing her. Even while she's sick though she is demanding, pushy and only concerned with herself and the two dogs. My father and I don't even seem to matter. Not that my father is any better tho. He is an ex-army soldier and has medical problems of his own as…

  • Well, I don't really have a full answer for you dearie, because everyone, including me, has mood swings. I would suggest just working on recognizing your emotions and using positive selftalk (that's how someone once said it to me) to convince yourself To feel differently. If you feel horrible then remind yourself of good listen to your favorite music or whatever. If you know you're being sort of bitchy then take a minute to calm down. It's always a race to control yourself...that's…

  • I actually think Alaan is right. That's how it was in one of my old relationships. I dated Kevin for months and we had a lot of trouble but we always said we loved each other...over Christmas break last year though something started frying to me and I ended it. I thought I had stopped loving him and yet I miss him to this day. It's crazy but what I think happened is that I miss how things were when I was with Kevin, and that I don't necessarily miss HIM. I've experienced deep depression before a…

  • Quote from Rise of Gatlinock: “nah, it wasn't too long. do you ever feel that no one would think you could ever cut just due to the fact you're smart? i often think that people would never think i'd doing something like cut myself just because my intelligence impresses them, they think my life is the best. do you kind of get what i'm asking? yeah i would definitely that your mom is your trigger for everything. have you ever talked to her to see what's going on that makes her so sour? it's god th…

  • hi, um I'm from a middle class family of four: me, my parents, and my older brother. I make high grades in school even though I only throw myself into classes so that i have something to do. \ My friends mean the world to me, and I can truly say that they are my sanity, the people who help me get through the bad spots and still keep going. My boyfriend is a sweetheart, and he treats me better than i ever imagined would be possible. He says he loves me, and I believe him...he's the only person wh…

  • Writing blog

    Musicaddicted - - Creative Writing


    Hey, i write book reviews and please check it out: Random Thoughts from a Random Teen love you all

  • Re: Love story I wrote

    Musicaddicted - - LGBT


    I must say I adore it! Good use of imagery and emotional the end I was sad for Lou irl . Good job

  • Re: For the Bi's

    Musicaddicted - - LGBT


    I haven't had sex but I find I am more strongly attracted to other females tho it really depends on the specific my bi friend put it "I'm not like a horny teenage boy, every girl isn't a piece of ass, a specific person is my match"'s not gender that matters, it's personality and chemistry.