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  • If you don't believe that your poop is holy and sacred then you don't really know anything at all. Fact: Jesus Pooped I rest my case

  • Re: Meditation

    Bommer09 - - Health and Fitness


    I like meditating. It helps bring me to a relaxed state where it feels like my whole body is vibrating. Its a very good feeling. I want to meditate more but I'm too lazy, maybe I'll get into a good routine sometime soon. Also. For what it's worth meditating while on acid is a sublime experience

  • Re: Having sex high

    Bommer09 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes sex while high is great. Highly enjoyable and I recommend all to try it.

  • Re: Vagina.

    Bommer09 - - Teen Sexuality


    No offense emmy but that sounds pretty shitty. No love? Baby it's all about love

  • Re: Vagina.

    Bommer09 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think that would be a really shitty world to be honest. It sounds like it would be a world filled with people who are uncomfortable about their body and sexuality.

  • Re: Age of people in this section (boys)

    Bommer09 - - Gay



  • Well your friend is kinda right. Listen you were born in Israel and have listened to the Israeli propaganda all your life so you believe it. You believe that your country had a legitimate right to establish itself after WWII on Palestinian land where plenty of people already lived. Then after years of Jewish terrorist attacks and eventually wars such as the 6 day war of 1967 killed and pushed enough palestinians out of "israel". Now you're country Israel does not recognize Hamas, the democratica…

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Bommer09 - - General Advice


    I see what you're saying, and as a smoker I try to be considerate of most people. I usually go outside when I smoke, and if I'm at a party and the host says I can smoke inside, well tough shit. I mean, if you don't like the smell of the smoke just move somewhere else. Most places these days are non-smoking though. I guess that's why I am sometimes pissed at non-smokers that have a problem with smokers. I mean, most restaurants you can't even smoke in any more, it's even like that for a lot of ba…

  • If you really have trouble paying off your debts, that sucks. But don't kill yourself. Honestly if you have to run away. Go to New York or San Francisco or Canada and start a new life just doing what you can do. And your gf is a bitch, she doesn't deserve you.

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Bommer09 - - General Advice


    No. second hand smoke is not worse than putting the cigarette up to your mouth and sucking the smoke directly into your lungs. I don't see how just standing next to the cigarette breathing in mostly air with a little bit of smoke could be worse. But I digress. Smoking is neither cool nor uncool. It just is. Some people smoke, most people don't. It can be relaxing, and it really is an easy way to strike up a conversation with someone. For me there's a historical component too. I feel like I'm con…

  • Usually about once every couple months or so. I like to dance at concerts though so I guess that kinda counts as working out right?

  • Go for it

  • Yeah I just didn't nut in her. Shit was so cash

  • The military has confirmed that that video is legitimate. However they really aren't happy with wikileaks posting it. Even though the video itself is disgusting, showing trigger happy troops shoot innocent civilians that they "think" have weapons when clearly they don't. And obviously their screen is a lot bigger than just a few inches by few inches youtube video. They could see these guys. They either just wanted to shoot them anyway or they just didn't give a fuck and didn't bother to take the…

  • Quote from Maximus1991: “Clearly there is a difference, genetically you may be right, there is very little difference. However, there is a difference in skin tone, facial features and often body shape. Ideally, people would be able to see past any of those things but, that isn't always the case. ---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ---------- Doesn't piss me off, I just think you should be a bit more open. I am more attracted to black girls in general and ha…

  • I date a black girl for a while. And she was so fine. I think as long as you're open to new things it's great. Also need I remind that the idea of "race" is considered outdated, there really aren't different races of people in the same sense that there are different races of dogs or other animals. All humans are so close genetically, the differences are merely cosmetic. (except for culture and all that jazz). People is people if you get a sexy one then woo!

  • Re: who has cut back?

    Bommer09 - - Teen Sexuality


    I haven't since thursday! It's hard but it just takes willpower, and a goal. My goal is no fapping until I get laid. It might sound stupid but I think it works. Less ejaculating, more hormone build up, plus I'm hornier so I'll expend more energy to get laid. That's my 2 cents.

  • how many illicit drugs have you done? Fuck numbers what were they? Cannabis, Mushrooms, Cocaine, LSD, Ecstacy how many prescription drugs have you taken that you didn't need? Again numbers suck what were they? Adderall (Speed), Vicodin/opiates in general, what is your favourite drug, or type of drug? Definitely LSD so far, I've learned so much about myself and how I interact with reality through my use of LSD and to a lesser extent, mushrooms. Psychedelics are where it is at. what drugs would yo…

  • Actually I'm not, I don't really see how what I said in my last post was inconsistent with what I said in my first. Whatever it's over and done with we're not even talking anymore.

  • I wouldn't worry about it. Talk to him about it. Communication is essential to any relationship. Explain to him as best you can why you are concerned about his drug usage. Don't try to control him. He loves you, he definitely does, he just doesn't like it when you tell him what to do, that's understandable. If it gets bad tell him you'll leave him if he doesn't quit. If you're priorities are that different form one another maybe you shouldn't be together.