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  • Re: How young is too young?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    No glove no love just based on the fact it's the only contraceptive against STDs, and I don't want to risk anything. Obviously I wouldn't be a bitch about it though, hahha I think I'm going to wait another little while, I know I feel ready for it, but I think if we wait a bit longer it will make the experience that much better.

  • #1: I made a valentine's day card in french class once (an assignment) , and it must have fallen out in the hallway. While me and my friends were walking, right behind us the school hotty, Ryan Turpin picked it up and translated it. "KISS KISS OH HOW I LOVE YOU, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, bahahhaha by Leah? HEY! WHO'S LEAH?" he then taps my friend and says "Are you Leah?" and she points to my direction, I then snatch the card out of his hands and rip it in 1000 pieces and run away. #2: When I first l…

  • Re: Where was your first time?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: How young is too young?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: How young is too young?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ Sex is sex. Go for it. Remember, say no to condoms. Say yes to birth control pills. Tootles. ” No glove no love.

  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    The law... maybe? I mean, rape is a bit...

  • Re: Sex Dreams

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't really know. It wouldn't be abnormal to not cum during a sex dream I would guess, I'm sure it happens to everyone. If you wanna increase your chances watch porn? And dreams usually happen naturally. It's hard to control it. If you want to fantasize about having sex with a specific person you'll just have to imagine it yourself and perhaps it will come naturally. I personally don't have many sex dreams so it's hard to share my opinion on the matter.

  • If you're looking for advice, why not take it? Instead of just shooting down every idea that comes to surface and makeing yourself look pathetic. People are trying to help you and you're ignoring what they're saying, insisting everything is hopeless. You're not respecting the fact that these people want to help you.

  • Re: Whats your porn?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    Yaoi is not my stuff, must say. I am a little girl, and I go for not-so-intense stuff.

  • Re: My mom.

    Otosaki - - Friends and Family


    Thank you very much for your reply. I was considering not telling her, but it's hard for me to ignore it. Luckily my boyfriend is very understand and didn't mind, and helped me through it, but I guess it makes more sense to make them meet in a more natural environment. I hope I can arrange something, thank you again!

  • Re: Boob sizes?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    The number behind the letter is how big the waist is. I'm a 34B, but still growing. I hope. (;

  • Re: Sexy underwear?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    For me, I'm not a fan of briefs, at all. Boxers are good, and I like having a chat about the jokes behind the boxers or something. I buy a lot of panties that are quite... extravagant... but I don't buy them for my boyfriend. He likes fluffy ones that are cute, and so do I, so it's win win. I just like wearing pretty things, and that includes my underwear.

  • Re: Whats your porn?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    Male/Female: I am female. Age: 15 1. Do/Have you watched porn: I don't watch it, I read it. Ecchi manga is where it's at. 2. Do/Have you looked online on porn forums at pictures/movies: No. I've never purposely went out looking for sexy movies and such. 3. Whats your favorite type of porn/nude picture etc: The type created by creepy japanese guys, it's always the most fun to read. 4. Have you evar found a nude/semi nude/etc picture of someone you knew online: No. I hope all my friends will keep …

  • A real man has hair everywhere. I love hairy men, nom nom. Every girl is different. A guy with no hair on his chest would seem like a little boy. I'm a girl that needs a man.

  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    One line isn't exactly... a rant.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    pass, don't go for people who feel the need to point out the fact that they're not gay and make homosexuality seem like some kind of germ they need to reassure everyone that it's not on them.

  • My mom.

    Otosaki - - Friends and Family


    The worst day of my life was this year, last day of school. I got really good marks, what can I say I'm a total dork, and I wanted to show them to my mom. I don't see my mom much due to the fact she's unemployed, is suffering from an alcohol addiction and there's been a lot of complications in the past. I love my mom so much, and it's painful no seeing her, so I like to think of excuses to go over there. So this day, I decided I was also going to bring my boyfriend so she could meet him, and we …

  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    You shouldn't become dependent on something, especially something you can easily lose like sex to solve all your problems. Don't think that no sex is making stress worst, because once upon a time there was no sex in your life anyways, so you don't need it just to deal with things. Don't think about not having sex, that doesn't matter, think about how to move forward instead of complaining.

  • Re: How young is too young?

    Otosaki - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ I really hate to burst your bubble, but you are not ready. Let me put it this way.........there was this girl on this site who was well into her 20s, 23 to be exact. And she swore she loved her baby. She even went as far as counting down the days of being together and they were engaged. AND GUEST WHAT HAPPENED? They got married!!!!!!! WRONG! HAHA! They broke up and are no longer together. So in your case, it is no different. You like being with him and you like his comp…