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  • Yep all of those things, but on the plus side you don't need a towel

  • I am one of those horrifying people that puts their clothes on while they are still wet lmao

  • To me it seems a little weird, but it's not like crazy-wild out-of-this-world weird. If you like them then you wear them, it's not hurting anyone!

  • is med school worth it?

    dooby - - Education & Jobs


    I think it's a very hard thing to say whether it is worth it. My parents both went to med school and they think it is worth it, since it allows them to dedicate their lives to medicine and helping people. It also brings status and wealth to themselves and their family. But it's not for everyone, I personally would not want to become a doctor. It is a lifelong process, with lots of overtime work and people's lives are in your hands. For me, that sounds stressful and I think I would crumble or mur…

  • straight, gay, bi or curious

    dooby - - Puberty


    Straight and not even a little bit curious, not even the hottest lady on Earth aka Mila Kunis could tempt me away from the straight path!

  • Languages

    dooby - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    English, some Arabic, and a tiny amount of French. When I was little up till around 4 I spoke only Arabic because I was in Syria, but then I moved away when the war started and only speak English now. My parents speak English at home too now for the most part. I never learned to read and write in Arabic, so really just speaking and understanding is all I can do but I am not very good at it any more. With French my parents also speak that fluently, but they never taught me and so I only know a li…

  • Played a game together called Ready or Not, it's a swat game where you respond to hostage takings and robberies, and it's horrifying lmao too scary for me but it was nice talking to him

  • Homemade cheeseburgers and salad

  • Are you religious?

    dooby - - Debate and Discussions


    I am not, my parents both call themselves Muslims but they aren't really either. If my grandma ever asks though, we are very devout lmao although even she is only pretending to be religious, I don't think she believes except to make herself look good for all her friends.

  • Quote from Natacha: “Great. Talk to him about it. I hope he just doesn't stick to the "You're clingy" thing ” Lol so many of my problems could be solved by talking to people directly instead of going to random websites to do it lmao. Idk if the clingy thing is unwarranted, I totally can be a bit much sometimes but yeah it is kinda mean I think.

  • Quote from Natacha: “The way he ditched you to hang out with her was totally wrong. If you have a date, that's first priority and to say he is not up for it, should mean he is really sick. A boyfriend should have the possibility of seeing other girls on a friendly basis without questions, and a girlfriend should be allowed to spend time with other boys on the same conditions. No questions asked. But he is making it hard not to suspect something is quite off. ” Totally agree I'm fine with him han…

  • My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and so we are close and it's not just a small thing. We had planned a date on Friday and we going to get dinner and see the new Jackass movie (his choice). And then that night while I was getting ready he texts me and says he's just not feeling up to it, we can go another day. I'm like fine, it's totally okay. Then I hear from a mutual friend he had a girl over at his house and he was hanging out with her instead of me. Am I insane for thinking…