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  • Re: Boondocks, anybody?

    sydb - - Films, TV and Books



  • Well I was once clinically depressed, but obviously it was a misdiagnosed seeing as I didn't take any meds and eventually got over it. I'm not pretty good, I'm happy most days, and the days that I am not I can pick myself up, it's just a matter of rationalising my way through my emotions and remembering the past. I write in a blog, which helps a lot. I can think about an issue much more clearly when I can see it in words, I don't know why, I'm a pretty visual person I guess. I used to be... real…

  • Re: What am I supposed to say?

    sydb - - Teen Sexuality


    Just try and understand where he's coming from, if you can do that well, then you'll be able to be there for him. If he's jealous of you then you two will have to evaluate your priorities, whether you care more for him or for your boyfriend, things like this. Everything will be fine, try to hook him up with someone else, if he wouldn't mind that. Gosh, pretty tough situation... =[ You have my condolences XD

  • Re: Cut or uncut?

    sydb - - Teen Sexuality


    My father is Moroccan and he had me snipped when I was born.

  • Re: Oh, Africa...

    sydb - - Debate and Discussions


    I too think that is horrible, that such a world exists where discrimination is still the oppressive diseased blanket it has been for the past few hundred years.

  • I think it's a shame that we live in an age where humans don't have the inherent right to medicine and health care.

  • Re: Your political stance

    sydb - - Debate and Discussions


    When it comes to aussie politics, I think I'd only vote for labour if ever I did vote. It honestly feels like it doesn't make a difference, I mean, they botched the stupid insulation thing so fucking hard that it seems like that's their bloody goal or something, but look at work choices, and how bullshit that is for over eighty percent of the aussie workforce. On one hand we've got a government who at least lies about how they want to do well by us, and on the other we've got a pack of vultures …

  • Re: Which is better PS3 or XBOX360

    sydb - - Video Games


    PS3 no doubt. Free connection to the internet + revolutionary games such as Little Big Planet? Though 360 does have some awesome titles, PS3 all the way. I mean, as long as I can play mgs and final fantasy, I'm set.

  • I like everything except sport. Platform is probably the highest, then mmo, then rts (real rts, like CIV4), then sandbox, then fps/action, then detective. But I love all of these genres, so, yeah. Just sport stuff, I'm so bad at them so I just don't bother xD

  • Re: What's Your Favorite Series?

    sydb - - Video Games


    Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid I don't think anything else really competes with either, except for maybe Kingdom Hearts, but that wouldn't have been anywhere near as awesome without those two anyway, so.. heh.

  • Re: Red Dead Redemption

    sydb - - Video Games


    Quote from Aannddyy: “I can not wait for this game. It looks absolutely brilliant.” Yeah, I was playing it today, it's fucking awesome. It feels like Rockstar have totally picked up their game (pun intended ;), I mean, where the other ones were mad gangster flicks where you got to be the gangster, and fuck shit up all over the place, this is a really story driven oldschool western, you can even play poker and shit, it's so beautiful dude.

  • Re: goth music?

    sydb - - Music


    Oh god yes, Lacuna Coil and Nightwish are fucking gods. My mate dropped acid and saw both of them live (I think at Soundwave? Can't remember) she came back and told me that if I didn't do it before I died she'd bring me back and just kill me herself xD

  • Re: PS3 games

    sydb - - Video Games


    Yeah man, Heavy Rain was absolutely awesome. It's not a game dude, it's an experience. And Borderlands rocks the shit as well. It's a fucking cool game if you like the fighting gameplay, and with the downloadable content packs it's so much fucking cooler. It's an awesome platform style first person shooter role play game, kind of like Fall Out but more shooter based and not as heavily role play.

  • I prefer to read, but like you I like to stick em in my mp3 (4, 500, whatever) and walk around listening to the words of like fucking plato or neitzsche or whoever else. They're pretty good if you spend a lot of time running around the place.

  • Jonen Vasquez, anybody?

    sydb - - Films, TV and Books


    Guy totally inspired me. Johnny basically ejaculated creative juices straight into my drug addled brain. Who else loves the dude?

  • Boondocks, anybody?

    sydb - - Films, TV and Books


    I was just wondering if there were any fans in here. What's your favorite episode? Who's your favorite character? I fucking love the show so much.

  • Quote from PotEl: “The problem of this thread is that we cannot reach a conclusion. Everyone's view of life is different, as no human is identical to another. We are complex beings and the process of our thought cannot even be described. ” This is true, but does not detract value of the discussion, for even if the purpose of debate is to meet truth, and this purpose is forever unfulfilled, there is still much to learn just from reading or hearing other people's points of view. I hope that you do…

  • Wow, that sounds wonderful! It's great that you have someone who you are so close to like that.

  • Quote from Techno Viking: “I hate PC and Health and Safety but then again I also hate equally the stupid lies and rumours that go around about them. Tabloids in the UK just make shit up like kids singing about rainbow sheep and saying chalkboard instead of blackboard... it's utter garbage. Not because it's a silly idea but because it doesn't actually happen. Most of the "PC gone mad" stories I've heard turned out to be Murdoch Empire bullshit manufactured to make us angry about something which w…

  • Re: goth music?

    sydb - - Music


    Quote from Batgirl: “Porcelain and the Tramps. The Pierces Evanescence Within Temptation<3 Kerli” OH MY GOD THANK YOU I've been trying to remember the name of one of my favorite bands for fucking days now! I kept thinking it was that one that Amanda Palmer is in, but I knew it wasn't, thank you! Porcelain and the Tramps!