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  • Quote from Tomyboy1337: “ And Lee! Didn't you hate it when she was telling you about her current boyfriend/relationship and the stuff they did before? But at the same time love that she's telling you cause you can't help but know everything that's going on with her and that love that she's telling you cause you know that means she trusts you? Double edged sword. haha ” Hah yeah. This made me fricken crazy. But you are right, i recognized that she was talking to me because i was the person she tr…

  • I heard a story a long time ago, and I loved it. When I was in your shoes it made me laugh in a bitter kind of way: A girl has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifica…

  • And it's probably a good idea that at least one of you is thinking clearly. Jenna made me crazy through this. i saw her as being indecisive or not into me, but she was just thinking through everything. i was completely ready to jump in and worry about what happened if we broke up later. She didn't do that. She wanted to look at it from every angle before committing. is this whole thing just hypothetical? or do you have a reason that you are wondering?

  • Re: Jenna's Story

    Opprobrium - - General Advice


    Quote from Jenna: “ And we have laughed and cried a few times as we talked about the past. ” I want to say, just for the record that um... i didn't cry I also want to say in a public manner that is surely meant to do nothing other than embarrass jenna, that she is undoubtedly the kindest, most genuine and most compassionate person i've ever known and I love her. :blush:

  • Jenna asked me to take a look at this and give my opinion too, so here it goes Lets get that important part out of the way first. Yes he is crazy about you. Having been there myself, i have to laugh a little bit at the stuff you say he's doing. It sounds like a guy who is totally infatuated with you and can't figure out how to make you realize it. Jenna would tell you that guys are more blatant than that most of the time. And ya, I guess that a lot of them are, but maybe he's trying to keep it s…

  • Re: Thomas Hardy;

    Opprobrium - - Films, TV and Books


    Five?? Holy shit why???I've read Under the Greenwood Tree and Two on a Tower. They were both a little dry but okay. Not something I would normally read unless I'm being forced to though.

  • Jenna goaded me into logging on and posting to this I understand what you are going through, and it is severely not fun. When Jenna first told me that she didn't like me back, my world just seemed to crumble apart in front of me. I had spent weeks trying to figure out exactly when and how I was going to tell her and I really thought that she was going to tell me she liked me back. when she didn't, I spent the next week just stunned. I made one decision pretty quick after that. I decided I wasn't…

  • Hurry up or we're going to be late for school. :mad:

  • You are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people— which means you are the shy and silent type (hence the Internet.) But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you. I only got an 82% compatibility with Jenna, how disappointing. my email is [email protected]

  • Except I hadn't given you bad rep... at least not until right now. Cheers! :cool:

  • Quote from Alexia: “haha. Some idiot just bad reped me for arguing, cunt. :rolleyes:” Well bad rep for arguing is going a little far. but ponder that not all bad rep is undeserved. You act like a nice person, you tend to get nice rep. You act like a shitty person, you tend to get shitty rep.

  • Re: Need HELP!

    Opprobrium - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Shute: “You are in the classic suck position.” Yeah, sorry dude. That's so getting sigged...

  • I want to expand a little on what Jenna said, seeing that I'm the boyfriend she's referring to. I have been exactly where you are right now. And one thing I read made me almost laugh a little, because it sounded like me. That's the part where you told your friend you didn't want her anymore. I'm going to take a guess that what you said was a total lie. I did the same thing several times, and I did it for the same reason you are - because it's a defense mechanism. You are claiming you don't like …

  • Quote from Subfusc: “ Bad repped you, though.Coffee.gif” Oh noez! the new forum troll bad repped me!

  • Quote from LauraJane: “Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you in any way.. But why bad rep me just for that ? I mean, when you say that you're falling for someone its meant to be romantic.. and i just thought that was you said wasnt very nice. And im sorry again/” I would figure it has something to do with him being an asshole, but that's probably just me. Don't sweat his neg rep much. Not having any rep means he doesn't really take away any rep.

  • Okay, the news this morning turned out to not be so good. They took a tissue sample of the mass in her pancreas this morning. It turns out that it's cancer. The good news is that it's in an area that will be easy to operate on. The only real question is whether or not the cancer has spread to other parts of her body. They are running tests at this moment to figure that out. Jenna appreciates all your support. Pancreatic cancer is serious, but they are all keeping a really positive outlook in thi…

  • I will. I'm on my way back out. I hope to have some good news in the morning.

  • Quote from Alexia: “I love your stupidity. So, if you tell Your mom to shut the fuck up about politics, cause she won't stop sharing her democratic view. You automatically disregard everything else she has to say? I love the way you see things, really non-idiotic. :rolleyes:” No, I love the way you talk shit about other people and then get your panties in a bunch because you get attacked for it. Get over yourself, bitch.

  • Quote from Alexia: “ Srsly, STFU. ” Quote from Alexia: “ Plus, I wasn't even being nasty, just stating my observation.” I love irony.

  • I will. I'm heading back down there right now. Jenna says for me to stay here and get some sleep. She should know damn well that's not happening. If she has to spend the night in a uncomfortable waiting room chair, then I will be damned if I'm sleeping in my nice comfy bed. Misery love company, dammit.