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  • Re: A levels

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    I got my A Level results today I got 3 As in French, History and English Literature which means I've been accepted onto my course at Manchester uni to study French and History. I'm so happy

  • Sounds like you've already judged her which wouldn't make a good basis for a relationship really. I don't really think you're in the right mindset to think about dating someone you call a "whore" to be honest.

  • In my GCSEs I got 8A*s and 3As At AS I got AABB (although I was two marks off getting AAAB) At A2 I'm predicted A*AA/AAA but I need AAB to get into my first-choice uni.

  • I go to a state school In England a Public school is a type or Private school aha

  • Re: The Bill of Rights

    Tomski - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Niceguy7: “ As much as those Gitmo prisoners should rot in hell, they still have those ten rights and they are guaranteed them by the Constitution while they are here in America.” Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought those prisoners had not had a fair trial? Therefore they are not officially guilty and as of yet do not deserve to rot in hell until either their guilt or innocence has been proved. I am sure many of the prisoners are guilty of the crimes they have committed but there ar…

  • Re: The Bill of Rights

    Tomski - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Heather: “I think you mean every US citizen has them, not everyone on the planet. Oh and, hi Chris. Where ya been?” The International Bill of Human Rights Quote from The United Nations: “ Human rights are those rights that belong to every individual - man or woman, girl or boy, infant or elder - simply because she or he is a human being. They embody the basic standards without which people cannot realize their inherent human dignity. Human rights are universal: they are the birthright…

  • I LOVE the subjunctive

  • I'm not going to give a big argument but basically give my own experience. When I was 13 I was very confused about my sexuality and if my parents has supervised my Internet usage I can guarentee I would have been too scared to explore who I was. I would have been to scared to search for articles on the internet about homosexuality, I wouldn't have gone into chat rooms (I was always sensible enough to never give personal details out) and talk to others in my position. I believe it would have take…

  • One is innocent until proven in a civilised society. When it comes to enforcing the law we must remove all emotion because it clouds judgement. Everyone must be tried in a criminal court with all rights protected by the Constitution (be it written as in the US or unwritten as in the UK) and by the Bill of Human Rights. Everyone had the right to plead their case, call upon representation to argue their case and the prosecution has the right to put a case against them. A jury must sit and hear all…

  • The system in France for the sale and consumption of alcohol is one of the best that I have experienced and know about. However this is because of culture. In continental Europe children are brought up in an environment where alcohol is not deemed as bad. At the age of 16 in France you can buy a drink at a bar if you are with somebody over the age of 18. It is based on the maturity of the individual, the environment, the way the children are brought up. Yes they are taught the dangers, taught to…

  • Re: Oh yes college...overseas

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    If you are planning on coming to the UK you will need to start your application. I think for post-graduate students the application deadline is in June (whereas for home students, it's in Jan, although I've already sent mine off). You will also need to be wary of the fact you will be paying a lot of fees to study here coming from abroad - I think its around £10,000 a year for international students although it differs from uni to uni. If you study in England you're degree is likely to be 3 years…

  • Re: mgmt!!!!

    Tomski - - Music


    I love 'Kids' and 'Time to Pretend' by them

  • Re: Skins.

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    Yeah it's on E4/C4 over here

  • Re: Self-facials? (cum on own face)

    Tomski - - LGBT


    Well this is the GLB forum :eek: SHOCK HORROR!

  • Re: Skins.

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    Seasons 1 and 2 are amazing, I have both and love them to death. Series 3 was seriously lacking and in my opinion was hardly skins. I hope series 4 will be better, I think it'll be released at the beginning of next year. I didn't realise it was out in the US

  • Re: headache

    Tomski - - Health and Fitness


    Make sure you drink a lot of fluids, preferably water. Where's the pain in your head and how long have you had it? Also, do you think the vomiting was linked to the headache? Do you feel any nausea at all? You might not want to take pills, but taking some paracetamol won't hurt you and will help to ease the pain a bit. If the symptoms persist you need to see your doctor. Also, looking at a computer screen will only worsen your headache.

  • Re: Self-facials? (cum on own face)

    Tomski - - LGBT


    Like Jon, I can't say I've ever tried this neither do I expect I will any time soon. Don't feel embarrassed about it, I'm sure you aren't the only person to do it.

  • Re: Study of....

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    I've just applied to do an MA in History and French at university. I would like to study for a PhD afterwards. I don't have any solid career ideas at the moment, I'm looking into getting into student publications at uni, such as the TV station there and the 2 radios or newspaper because I've considered entering broascasting. I would love to work on historical dramas for the BBC but that's a dream. Who knows where I'll end up? My degree course will be 5 years long just for the masters so I have t…

  • So you're homework is to translate that piece of text and you want somebody who speaks German to translate it for you? So you basically want someone to do your homework for you. That isn't the best way to start trying to understand another language. I also speak French so I can't actually help you with the German itself but I can tell you that you won't learn a language without putting in enough effort. If you can't understand the text go through it and highlight any words that you don't underst…

  • Re: To UK users!

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    Out of those three Eastenders Emmerdale is awful nowadays and Corrie just doesn't do it for me. Saying that I only watch Eastenders every now and again if I turn on the TV when it's on.