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  • Depends on what I'd be famous for tbh. Look at Paris Hilton, famous for being a good-for-nothing, oygen-theifing, space-wasting, thick-as-shit TWAT. Then look at JK Rowling, famous for getting millions of young people, myself included, into reading. That said, both of those are filthy rich. If I had no good reason to be famous, then I'd go for the fortune, I can live off of money, I couldn't live off of fame alone.

  • The only thing I've came to a decision about since reading these posts, is that with however many people there are in the world now, there are far, far too many variables to give unlimited liberty. Fair play to the French. The burka may not be a security issue itself, but the people abusing them most certainly can be. I'll use the balaclava as an example. It's designed to keep the head and face warm in cold climates, but is now used more for hiding the identity of the wearer. Regardless of what …

  • Re: Love

    BlockHead2111 - - Debate and Discussions


    It's like some inexplicable feeling for another person that I don't know, and don't want to know too much about. I personally think there's somethings we just shouldn't know. If we know too much it could cause indifference, and fuck living in a world with no love.

  • Speaking from personal experience. Telling on bullies only ever makes the problem worse, you then get it double for being a grass, unless it's a very weak bully. Suspending bullies does sweet fuck all too, it gives them a day, or a week off school. It's pretty much rewarding them for being pricks. However expelling bullies kinda works, as they're no longer there to be a problem, unless it's not just happening in school, in which case you're only fixing half the problem. Police intervention is ov…

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    BlockHead2111 - - Music


    Am I the only one here who thinks she's nothing more than an attention-seeking fool?

  • Re: Iran

    BlockHead2111 - - Debate and Discussions


    One thing worries me. Not too sure if any non-Brits on here heard Daavid Cameron's slip-up on TV recently where he said something along the lines of "Iran's got nuclear weapons". Now, you could argue he just spoke meaningless words without thought, but then could there be the chance he simply said something he wasn't meant to? Him being a seemingly intelligent man, I'd think it wasn't the first

  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    BlockHead2111 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from amando96: “Well at least you're being safe... which is good, can't a friend hook you up?” Tried that, nobody thinks I'm being serious ¬.¬ Quote from danny25: “Go with the filthy girls...the possibility of an STI must make it 10000x more exciting. It obviously isn't bothering you that much...otherwise you'd have done something about it =/” I have pretty much NO self confidence, I don't really know how tbh Quote from Kerosene: “Well besides before I lost my virginity at 15? A week. Hard…

  • Quote from Sash: “Ah yes. Afghanistan! Funny how it always comes up. It is an entire generation of Afghan men brought up on US supplied Cold War textbooks, that preaches that violent Islamism is the only way to glory. You think an entire generation brought up on this filth can be ridden off just like that? Trust the Americans to feed a demon that they can't kill.” Main reason I hate religion mate. People use it as an excuse to butcher each other.

  • Re: Iran

    BlockHead2111 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Dom121: “Afghanistan was to destroy all the Taliban training camps and provide security, also the war is dodgy, with bush having connections with the Laden family before 9/11. Iraq was a lie, but i support the forces out there no doubt, but we have done our bit in Iraq.” Exactly. And with war being war, nothing ever goes 100% to plan. If it came to it with Iran, it'd be more legitimate than Iraq ever could have been.

  • Mate if you'd seen the state of the girls who go out on weekends in this town you'd understand. Not ugly, just filthy, not in a good way either. The sorts to be carrying enough STIs to make you wanna run a mile

  • Re: Whats your top 5 games ?

    BlockHead2111 - - Video Games


    Ever 1) GTA San Andreas 2) Modern Warfare 2 3) GTA IV 4) Timesplitters 3 5) Assasin's Creed Recent 1) Modern Warfare 2 2) Fallout 3 3) Bioshock (just bought 2nd one xD) 4) Gears of War (both) 5) Fable 2

  • Quote from Mr. Amazing: “OMG 28 months! you at least spent 10 years of your life without sex so deal with it.” 10? It was 15 if I remember rightly, but once you've had something good, going without it again is a pain in the arse! xP (NOT literally ofc.)

  • Quote from ThailandTom: “hey block head! Firstly I will start with your mum. How old is she if you don't mind me asking? If she is around the age of 45-60 she could be going through menopause.” She's 38 mate, she's always been like this, even when my parents were still together. Quote from ThailandTom: “ I don't know what it is about guys and banter, but it is the same with all the social groups I have been in. There is always 1 or 2 people who like to think they are the cheeky ones and try to b…

  • Because it's "teen sexuality", I'm horny and I ain't getting any, and I needed a rant. Seems relevant to me? xP

  • 28 months and counting.

    BlockHead2111 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, how long I've gone without sex. It's a nightmare for my stress, and makes me feel like shiiiiiiit.

  • Watch the South Park episode "The F-word", it's topic related and just genious. Fags go home (If you don't understand that DON'T get pissy with me)

  • Generally I'm very positive, I look at the highs of situations as opposed to the lows, and I laugh at pretty much anything and everything, but I'm getting sick of being the one that takes everything. Work/college. I've worked EVERY day this summer holiday, apart from Sunday just gone, and the day I went to see Prodigy, yet I get called lazy, and get moaned by my mum (more to come) when I'm home 'cause I can never be bothered to tidy my room and petty shit like that. I can't decide whether to sta…

  • As someone on the opposite end (I'm trying to re-enlist in the Army) all I'm gonna say is do the right thing and stick by him If you think it's hard just think about how hard it is for him being under so much pressure for so long And also, til JANUARY? How bloody long is US Naval training? They not get any leave?!

  • Re: Iran

    BlockHead2111 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “I agree that the way it looks is that Iran is looking at developing nuclear weapons.” Exactly, what else are you meant to go by? Unless you go in and find nukes, you're looking at a potential losing situation either way. If you leave it, you risk millions of innocent lives. If you go in and there turns out to be none, then you're looking at another Iraq. Quote from Esmo: “ We have all of NATO in Afghanistan, and that seems to have no end.” There would be an end, if the Afghans …

  • Quote from nathan555: “Theres barley anyone else helping us anymore. Everyone thinks that terrorism is just a problem with the U.S, The london bombings in the subways and on the buses? I think that its a world wide issue and everyone should be pitching in to secure those 2 countries.” Sorry, but barely anyone? The UK, the Dutch, the Estonians, the Canadians, to name a few. It's a Western issue, as the little fuckers are trying to force views over here that just won't go down right because of cul…