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  • Quote from collin13: “I am no physician but I found this reference on the MSDS which is the bible for psychiatric diagnosis. Sex Addiction is definitely a thing and excessive masturbation ... Diagnoses that could refer to compulsive sexual behavior have been included in the DSM and ICD for years and can now be diagnosed legitimately in the United States using both DSM- 5 and the recently mandated ICD-10 diagnostic coding. Compulsive sexual behavior disorder is being considered for ICD-11 and cri…

  • Quote from gmckinney: “A month while i was in Juvenile Detention ” Juvenile Detention? What do you do at Juvenile Detention? how do you end there? So it was not possible to jerk there?

  • Quote from Petey Allen ll: “yes. ” Well how it was, and who was it?

  • Quote from Petey Allen ll: “I was seen sucking dick and put on punishment. I have only done oral twice no anal sex. ” LOL How do you was punished?

  • Quote from Scotty R: “variation on a theme: it might be fun catching other ppl masturbating. ” it's could be a good start for a mutual wank

  • Orgasms

    Gay-paul - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from zano: “Quote from Gay-paul: “Quote from zano: “tingles race up my spine , back arches and eyes flood with tears ” Tears of joy i presume? ;-)an ecstasy of c.m yes ” ” The best part is when an organism pumps seed through your urethra and every time it's doing it's tickle inside because it nerve nodes that are responsible for the experience of touch inside penis directly to reward centre inside our braub Cumming it's the best part of being alive

  • Orgasms

    Gay-paul - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from zano: “tingles race up my spine , back arches and eyes flood with tears ” Tears of joy i presume? an ecstasy of c.m

  • Orgasms

    Gay-paul - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kyle07: “My balls change colour, they go from blue, to green, to yellow, to orange and finally to red Oh and my ears glow while I slightly hover above the ground ” Best tickles ever?

  • Quote from Scotty R: “few days. family vacation. ” Does it was hard?

  • Lost twins?

    Gay-paul - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Anonem: “Yep! That’s often the case. Almost all twin pairs have an alpha, a leader, and a beta, the follower. Natural I suppose. I don’t think it would work otherwise. There definitely is a telepathic bond that isn’t just mental, it’s also spiritual. I’ve heard some twins describe their twin relationships as “we share the same soul”. Interestingly, the bond is so strong that you will feel that way about each other that you will still feel them and sense their pain and thoughts across …

  • Elections and Voting

    Gay-paul - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from nibri: “Uplevel the voting age to 21? I wonder what happens if they either lower it down to sixteen/fifteen. ” it would be interesting but I think it’s fair to leave it at 18/adult/military age but so typical of the conservatives- young people turn up and mostly got blue and so they immediately recommend denying the young the vote because they’re sore losers who believe in rigging and cheating ” I think that the voting age should be lowered, young people, contrary …

  • Quote from .32x: “I have and it's no big deal. ” what do you mean?

  • Quote from Mick01: “Since our parents masturbated as much as we do, I don't care they know that I do it. Which they do. I just don't need them walking in on me in the middle of it. ” It's seems you're family have pretty high sex drive

  • Quote from Treyboy12: “my first one my older brother told me about it so I did it an it felt like I had to pee really really bad then it started jumping around the very first time I peed but my brother told me to pee before I wank so I don't pee again I can wait till I can squirt ” Feels good, does it? Do you like when you cum?

  • For guys that only recently started masturbating how do you feel

  • Quote from zano: “i had dry orgasms first first one was a surprise because i really didn’t know how it was going to feel. my first EJ was a lit to o l e more than a year ago. the Org. that came with it was stronger and i though i was going to pee on myself . before i could stop myself i watched as a little bit of my cum came on onto my belly ” Best feeling ever?

  • Quote from kden2009: “One of my friends older brothers showed us when i was pretty young ” So how young were you then, were you interested in at that time?

  • Masturbating Question

    Gay-paul - - Puberty


    That's show was from 2007 I think

  • Quote from simon12345: “i was 10. had a boner that wanted attention. started rubbing for some reason. then best feeling ever ” You don't have to explain it to me, I think everyone does , but write in your own words what you feel during "best feeling ever" ?