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  • What are you wearing to school

    Pepsifan - - Fashion


    Quote from migo3864: “running shoes, low socks, briefs, mesh shorts, t-shirt ” Does anyone at school know you wear briefs or seen you in your briefs? How many other boys have you seen wearing briefs?

  • Quote from migo3864: “Normal white briefs. It's the only kind I have. ” Me as well.

  • Ya. I don't know either. For as may wet dreams as I had, I never remembered any of the actual dreams either, so it could have been the dream itself or something else I might have been thinking about while sleeping, or just jack up pubescent teenage hormones.

  • Quote from Chris 17: “Red briefs ” Interesting. Like a dark red or bright red? I'm sure I can't ask for a pic, but I'm curious what your red briefs look like. Maybe if you have a link to a website or something so I can see them.

  • Do you sleep naked?

    Pepsifan - - General Advice


    I think I've slept naked maybe twice and I don't even remember why, but rarely. Most of the time I sleep in a tshirt and briefs.

  • Quote from NoCaleb: “Every day I plan to be around other people I take a shower so almost every day. ” Same for me.

  • Quote from Quantico: “white briefs ” I also wear white briefs. Do you only wear white briefs or briefs in other colors too? Do you wear other kinds of underwear too, like boxers or boxer briefs?

  • Non-cotton/low cotton briefs

    Pepsifan - - Fashion


    I'll take a look.

  • Confused about pubic hair

    Pepsifan - - Puberty


    Yes, its common for guys have have hair on their butt cheeks and/or inside the butt crack.

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Pepsifan - - Puberty


    Quote from JHR-133: “I am naked in my room sometimes and when mom is gone to work. Other times just shorts or t-shirt and undies ” Has anyone discovered that you like to be nude yet and what kind of undies?

  • Quote from JHR-133: “I was caught off guard but was told it was normal. ” who caught you and how did each of you react?

  • Quote from Darian: “Yeah, a few times. Mostly by my brothers, so I guess in some ways it wasn't as embarrassing as it could have been. ” Did you get caught by anyone else, like your parents or a friend? Have you caught your brothers masturbating too?

  • Non-cotton/low cotton briefs

    Pepsifan - - Fashion


    I've got a friend who mostly wears boxer briefs and he's occasionally worn my briefs and I'm trying to get to try briefs more often. But he's not a fan of ones that are mostly or entirely cotton, which from what I can tell, most are. Do any of you wear or know of any briefs that are either cotton free or don't have a lot of cotton?

  • Quote from Starlord: “Red briefs with white trims and wasteband ” Those sound interesting.

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    Pepsifan - - Gay


    I'm sure everyone has been naked in front of another person at some point, besides when you were a baby and your parents were changing your diapers and bathing you. The question shouldn't be if, but when and in what context. Some don't care about being seen, while others are pretty shy about it, especially after starting puberty.

  • naked swim

    Pepsifan - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Migorcan: “Quote from corey_stratton: “only at camp in july when we go to the finger lakes ” Don't you think it's strange to show yourself naked to other people? ” Not if your used to it or an exhibitionist.

  • Boys underwear

    Pepsifan - - Fashion


    White Hanes briefs

  • Pubic hair growth

    Pepsifan - - Puberty


    I've only shaved mine a few times, not regularly. But they always grew back the same and took a guess about 4-6 weeks to grow back full with very little prickly feeling.

  • Waking up with semen every night

    Pepsifan - - Puberty


    Quote from tucat: “I hate it I hate it I hate it. Puberty sucks Every night basically I wake up with semen. It is so gross and annoying and I can't sleep properly again. I am sick of it Rant over ” You have a wet dream every night?

  • Confused and Conflicted

    Pepsifan - - Gay


    It's common for teens, even those who are straight, to experiment with others of the same gender and stay straight. It doesn't make you gay, it is just an experience due to hormones.