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  • Quote from sneasels everywhere: “I think I would sleep on the floor or get an air mattress before sleeping in the same bed. That just seems like it would feel weird. ” yeah, unless it's a hotel room or something like that. I have slept in the same bed with others in hotel rooms

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Bright neon blue sports boxer briefs ” spunds cool, probably brighter than the tighty whities I have on

  • Quote from SayzHowIts: “I do not share anymore. I hated it ” who did you share with?

  • Quote from maseb: “Black string bikini ” wow! That sounds like an interesting choice lol

  • Quote from pahern0317: “white briefs for me. I am willing to wear lime green briefs. But mom only buys white briefs. ” Can you ask her for colors? Or does she not allow it?

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    Benny973 - - Gay


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Yep. You're both right. I think you're both actually saying the same thing. I think almost all of us agree. Some people may (or may not) be shy being seen naked at first and even some may be uncomfortable seeing a person naked. But eventually everyone will get used to it. If you've ever been to an all ages locker room like a gym, Y, pool, or rec center you'll learn that! Old men LOVE walking around naked! The older and fatter and barrier the man, th…

  • Quote from maseb: “orange briefs ” A bright start to the new year, I have black addidas sport brief

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from pahern0317: “Quote from Benny973: “Quote from jessiiam: “At first i found it a bit weird going to a male doctor for my female problems, but it doesn't matter after like the third time. Although i can understand everyone who doesn't feel that way. ” Did you ever have a parent present for your physical? My mom, sometimes my dad, have been in the room at mine ” my mom is in the room for my physicals ” Nothing like having mom seeing you sitting there in briefs and seeing your stuff get ex…

  • Quote from gagefromtx: “Green Bikini Brief ” good choice, my bikini brief is red today

  • penis size

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from Matty B: “About 6 for me but i think it doesnt matter. Personally i prefer smaller ones to 7inch or more. Looks nicer ” That's good to know! Lol

  • penis size

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from HSguy: “mine is about 6.5 fully hard ” damn! 5 at most for me!

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from Birds18: “I guess it depends on the country. Maybe in some countries the entire physical is done with the patient being completely naked, the entire time. Every single physical that I have ever had I’ve been in my underwear wearing a gown. And even when my doctor checks in my balls and my dick it’s literally about a 15 or 20 second look ” Same, I am in my undies and only naked long enough for them to check everything. Still feels like an eternity when your mom is in the room. But I co…

  • White Jockey briefs

  • how old are you? Did you parents see you naked before puberty? Not including being very little/baby? Have they seen you naked after puberty? Have you had the talk with them? If they saw you, was it an accident? Were you embarrassed? Did you cover up? If you covered up, did you make them leave? If you did not cover up, did they notice that you were naked? Did they say anything about you being naked? Have you seen either of your parents naked?

  • First Time Seeing Opposite Gender

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    So, I have been wondering; Do you remember the first time you saw the opposite gender nude? How old were you? How old were they? Had you started puberty? Had they? How did you see them, changing or other? Was it the first time you did something sexual? Was it an accident? Were you both naked? Did you feel uncomfortable about it? If they saw you too, did you feel uncomfortable about them seeing you?

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from jessiiam: “At first i found it a bit weird going to a male doctor for my female problems, but it doesn't matter after like the third time. Although i can understand everyone who doesn't feel that way. ” Did you ever have a parent present for your physical? My mom, sometimes my dad, have been in the room at mine

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Quote from Birds18: “I’ve never been totally naked for a physical ever. And I haven’t had a parent come inside for one of my physicals, since I was probably 10 years old. And even when I was getting examined, I doubt that neither of my parents could actually see much from where they were sitting. ” Well, my parents could see for sure lol

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    Are you naked for the whole thing? Or just for the genital exam?

  • Physicals

    Benny973 - - Puberty


    No, there is nothing wrong with that, especially because physicals involve a bit of nudity and checking of things some guys may be uncomfortable about.

  • Quote from pahern0317: “Quote from Benny973: “Quote from maseb: “briefs ” same, winter break means briefs all day every day ” Benny and Maseb, Do you stay around all day in just your briefs for the entire Christmas vacation? You don't go out at all? ” Yeah for the most part, there are circumstances that require more clothes though, of course. Happy to chat anytime lol