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  • Re: Marijuana/Pot/Weed

    FoolOnTheHill - - Health and Fitness


    Inspirational. Love It.

  • I went through a phase like this. I tried SO hard to make myself throw-up, but I couldn't! I understand how you feel and how much you want to find some easy ways to do this, because I felt the same way too. But I'm over it now and I've found that if you excercise a lot (even doing extreme excercise is better than a disorder) and eat little (where you can still feel that satifaction of not having food) then the endorphins that your body produces leave you feeling very good about yourself. PLUS, i…

  • Re: bored of life

    FoolOnTheHill - - General Advice


    I kinda know what you mean. Sometimes, it's just a trough. Just try to think more optimistically (even though that may seem hard, it works wonders on your subconcious) and keep faith that eventually things will get a little more intersting. And don't do anything drastic because by the time your boredom passes, you'll be left emotionally exhausted with something bad you might do. For example, a friend of mine started feeling like she had nothing to work for and was bored and then she decided to d…

  • I read stuff about my personality and quiz myself, they usually write things about all your good qualities, that boosts my confidence. Happiness, do something nice for someone else, like clean the kitchen for your mom when she's out. (not literally, but that sort of thing) For me, the biggest one is music. Learn an instrument, if you haven't already, and teach yourself some of your favourite songs. That's very satisfying for me. Anything that inspires you! Even taking some time to write out what…

  • Tried it twice only. LOVED it. I think about it all the time. That night I drew a huge mural on my wall in pencil and wrote lyrics on all the wavy lines. Lyrics to inspiring songs. It's really wonderful. Wouldn't continue to use it because honestly, one thing REALLY DOES lead to another, take it from me. Some people might find that stupid, but I don't care. It was a great experience I had and changed my life for the better. I think part of the reason was because: a.) I was open-minded about it b…

  • Re: Who likes the Beatles?

    FoolOnTheHill - - Music


    THE BEATLES ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. In my oppinion, they are some of the fathers of rock'n'roll. They created the concept of music videos. Nowhere Man, She Loves You, Maxwell's Silver Hammer... Beatles.

  • Re: Overdose

    FoolOnTheHill - - Health and Fitness


    Well thanks a lot. After this incident, my mom told me that if I wanted to prove I'd stop, I'd dump that friend of mine who was in this with me and never talk to her again. That was hard, but I did. Not just because she had also done drugs with me, but because she was a pretty manipulative person and no one liked her. For this reason, I had NO ONE except her who knew what I was going through. So, I decided instead of just mulling things over in my head, I'd talk to some people online. Thanks aga…

  • Re: Overdose

    FoolOnTheHill - - Health and Fitness


    LOL, you get the gist of what I mean though right? (Course I'm not the best at everything ) But yeah, thanks for your help.

  • Re: Overdose

    FoolOnTheHill - - Health and Fitness


    Thanks. I do have a lot of willpower and have come a long way. But i've just never really got over it. I re-live that night ALL THE TIME. I feel like it's very hard to get past that. That was SUCH a scary night. One of the worst parts was the day after, it was still in my system, so I was still high! My mom was talking to me and then turning away going "I just wish you were back to normal." Because I would stagger or not talk in complete sentences. The night was a nightmarish blur, but one of th…

  • I overdosed on cough pills. I took 40. It had DXM in it. I want to know how bad that stuff is compared to most others.

  • Overdose

    FoolOnTheHill - - Health and Fitness


    Well I'm new here, but I decided that I needed a little help. Recently (since last November) I tryed drugs. I didn't think I was that kind of person, but then again, I didn't really think of it that way. My bestfriend since gr.7 started liking them too. She and I told each other everything. We went through a cutting phase an anorexic and bulimic phase and then now a drug phase. At first, we couldn't get out hands on real drugs, so we sniffed air freshner and smoked a bit. Then we got pot. It was…