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  • Re: Why I am nervous.

    S1919 - - General Advice


    Listen to some music to get you pumped, and crush them instead.

  • Re: Beast Skills

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    Sorry for the lack of activity, my progress kinda halted after a pretty bad injury to my neck. Will continue in the next few weeks.

  • Quote from BrittanyLeigh: “For all we know he's dead already :cries:” Let's hope not shall we.

  • I'm a little lost, does he know you're in love with him?

  • Well, i'm very picky. Guess I should do something about that, haha.

  • You're secretly in love with him? It's not surprising you get defensive over him. It's a tough spot you're in really.

  • If you truly love him, you could try and put up with it. :eek:

  • Problem for me is not asking someone out. The problem is finding someone to ask out

  • Yes, you're being realistic. As long as you plan it right and don't waste a second of your time.

  • People can change, most definitely. For the self esteem, it really just requires that you work at it. The only problem you may have getting a boyfriend is if you stay in too much. Try asking your friend if you can go along with her somewhere, if she's a sociable person with other friends. The more groups of friends you make, the better. The guy you like, is he friends with any of your friends? Just smile and say hello when you pass, and so long as he's not some sort of elitist jerk, you shouldn'…

  • Re: My Belly :(

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    Go jogging (most practical exercise for weight loss, free etc.), avoid fatty foods such as butter, full fat milk, etc. Don't eat before bed time, get a good breakfast, and spread your meals out through the day. Drink water instead of juice and the like, etc. Hope this helps.

  • Re: Sigh. Friend issues.

    S1919 - - Friends and Family


    Firstly, I know friendships can be frustrating, especially with someone who can be temperamental. I also know how it feels to not like many people, as I am exactly the same. Regarding your current situation, I would advise telling him how you feel. Remind him of why you are friends, reassure him that you still want to be friends and finally, consider apologising. Are you sorry that he got upset? It might not have been logical for him to do so, but you could try to at least express that you regre…

  • salvia is awesome. I took a trip to a whole new world. Really, it was great. Had more of an effect than acid. Edit: with 40x

  • Re: Anonymous/Scientology

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    You didn't even reply to my points. Your arguments are illogical and circular. You provide no adequate responses, simply choosing inject arbitrary insults instead. Then, you divert the conversation to 'insult comedy'. You frequently use double standards, and you are guilty of hypocrisy. You make conclusions based on flawed premises. Then, when I point out the flaws in your logic, you simply ignore me. Instead, you choose to reply like you have done above. Stating that you have proved that I am w…

  • Re: Racism

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from CStark94: “well there r alot of black ppl here and they like to come into our wealthy neighborhoods and rob us at gun point or steal our shit when were not home. This hasnt happened to me, but it happened to alot of my friends so im pretty racist against blacks and i always get suspicious when i see them bc theyre usually up to no good. oo kite jus wants me to be gay so bad, dumbass dude.” There are a lot of short people in my neighbourhood who destroy people's property, rob them, ass…

  • Re: Gah, face fat..

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from JasperZone: “Spot training is NOT a myth. ” I'm afraid it really is.

  • Re: Anonymous/Scientology

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from panicmayarise: “ Well obviously you're not having fun. Why so serious? I guess i'm not so bothered because I'm actually having fun talking to you. ” Another hypocritical assumption from you. I'm not upset, and if I was, I would not be talking to you. Quote from panicmayarise: “ Bawwwwwwwww. Okay bro, i'm going to stop after this post. If it's going to stop your sensitivity then i'm cool with it. AND you call me the emo cunt. ” See the above. Not to mention the fact that originally I d…

  • Re: Anonymous/Scientology

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Well, this post was for the most part more civilized. I at least thank you for bringing this debate to a conclusion. You may not post any further after this, but I have still have a few responses to make. Quote from panicmayarise: “ I wouldn't appreciate that at all, esp since we haven't even been arguing/discussing something. You just came out of nowhere. If you randomly sent me a message or neg repped me and insulted me out of nowhere, and said "well don't get mad, it's comedy", that wouldn't …

  • Nikitashot, you're knifing me slightly :p While I disagree with the statement that we may not have free will in general (although the argument is indeed though provoking, and does have merit to it), I do believe that homosexuals do not have the same choices as the rest of us. Okay, you gave the example of Darth Vader, offering them to join the cause of evil. Homosexual urges are the Vader of homosexuality, people are still approached by this urge. Just as Luke was approached not really by his ow…