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  • Re: porn

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Becky123: “oh well i've seen that one, but what i'm saying is that it really grosses me out.. like we sex like all the time.. why would he even feels he needs to watch it?” Gives us that much more variety in sex life. Sorry, but it's fun.

  • Re: masturbating with condom on

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Thought it would be cool before I ever had sex, but it's not as good with a condom on, plus both your hand and your dick smell like rubber afterward (and that smell is hard to wash off).

  • Re: Anxiety and sex

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm not sure what you tried, but make sure you explore your own body by masturbation so you know what your own body will do first. Other than that, move very slow with a girl, going just a little farther each time. Starting by just being close together, later leaning against each other, holding hands, hugging, then kissing, and so on. I'm no expert but it seems this would work. I also agree with the guy above about letting the girl know.

  • Re: is it bad to wank a lot?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Take it easy on yourself, but I don't think it makes you weird.

  • Re: should i swallow

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    He'd dump you over that? Lose him. Don't give him one more sexual favor. What an asshole.

  • I have jerked off with guy friends in the room also jerking off, watching soft porn, but we always covered up. Haven't done this in a while. No were not into guys (well at least I'm not), we were watching girls. I have jerked off in front of two of my girlfriends, and they have done so in front of me. This is a turn-on.

  • Re: Feeling Horny at school

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from TheRiverStyx: “Happens to me sometimes, I usually just try to distract myself with other things. If the feeling doesn't go away though I usually ask permission to go to the toilet and I masturbate there. Disturbing, I know.” That's NOT disturbing at all. :cool:

  • Re: first time masterbation...

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    I felt that way the first time, by later that day I did it again and didn't feel guilty. Been pretty regular since then and feel good about it.

  • Re: gf just cant squirt

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    I thought most girls didn't squirt - am I wrong?

  • Re: whatcha wear (boys)

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Usually whatever underwear I wore in the day (boxers, boxer briefs, or briefs). Often I take those off and go nude. Sometimes, if cold, flannel pants or sweats, but then no underwear (one layer is all I ever wear for bed). Usually No shirt except a tshirt if cold.

  • Re: First Time You Masturbated?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    IDK if I already posted in this thread. I felt myself as a kid as long as I can think of. First time I really masturbated I was 13 I think. Had been wondering for a couple years what sex felt like, had felt myself and was hard, so I started spitting on my hand for lube and pushed it "in." I was sitting up in my bed. Kept doing it, eventually it wasn't just thrusting it in my hand but was back and forth and it felt better and better. After doing this, with better and better feeling of pleasure in…

  • Lost hold and farted (hard) while cumming during a BJ!

  • Re: Nudity in the changing rooms?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    You showered with your boxers on?!?

  • prefer porn when I get the chance.

  • Re: How long do you masturbate?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    I can do it in like 2 minutes but I prefer to take my time,say 30-90 minutes. I cum a lot harder and a lot better when I do it a long time.

  • I'm a guy and had to explain, so far, to THREE DIFFERENT GIRLS (2 of them where together) how to friggin' masturbate as a girl!

  • Re: Do You Guys Lick Bloody Pussy?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    I won't eat bloody pussy - I just can't bring myself to. but I've had sex when she's on her period, and it's great, she's extra wet!

  • Re: what does sex feel like?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from hanon: “how does sex compare to mastrubation? i'm worried sex will be built up and won't really be as good as i think it would.” Your hands were made to do a lot of things. A pussy was made just for a cock. think about that.

  • Re: Any cute guys still virgins?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    You sound like most guys dream!

  • Re: How often do you watch porn?

    LTikes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from TruE CoLours: “I don't know if anyone made this thread before. I just want to know the figure of how many of you are watching porn too. And I have a few questions: 1. Is watching porn good or bad? 2. If bad, why is it so? 3. Do you think you're addicted to watching it? 4. Do you feel bad after you watch it? 5. Who introduced porn to you?” 1. Neither 2. na 3. Yes, somewhat. 4. No. 5. Started at a friends house when I was like 9 and his bro had playboys.