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  • Sorry if it was already posted and I didn't see, but... Text: Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech by Erica Goldson Interesting. Thoughts?

  • Re: I want to be a Marine...

    Koyote - - General Advice


    Late, but I'd like to help you. As you probably know, you don't need to be a U.S. citizen to join the Marine Corps, though the residency issue does apply. If you're a non-citizen, however, there will often be limitations on the MOS (military occupational specialty) you can select, so I'd see about pursuing dual or possibly sole U.S. citizenship. Quote from Linda: “Just be careful with the Marines, theres no guarantee with what job you'll get since its open contract.” If he was in the Delayed Ent…

  • Re: Fap Free Feb

    Koyote - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from cassie--valentine: “hahah i could do this i can go for months” Odds of $1000 to $100. :cool: [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Fap Free Feb

    Koyote - - Teen Sexuality


    Same concept as the Seinfeld contest put into place; who shall be master of their domain? I'm betting that 90% drop out faster than a dieter after New Year.

  • Re: My mom

    Koyote - - Friends and Family


    I think that's an aspect of the disempowerment of youth that occurs in society. Youth under 18 are primarily bound by formal legal restrictions, of course, but youth over 18 can still be bound by economic restrictions imposed by a framework that discriminates against those without "certification" from post-secondary universities...and that effectively functions as a restriction just as coercive as the formal legal one at times.

  • Never been caught actually doing anything by them, but when I was about 15, my mom insisted on moving everything around in my room to arrange things the way she liked them...What this comes down to is that when I got home in the afternoon (and climbed through the window to avoid her then-irritating presence), I found my entire room completely spotless...and an empty Trojan wrapper on my bed. She never said anything, but it was obviously an attempt to intimidate me.

  • Re: Sex offenders :eek:

    Koyote - - Education & Jobs


    Well, you do the 100,000 meter dash when they find you.

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “Marxism advocates a socialist state as a sort of 'stepping stone' towards full blown communism, so I'm going to keep using the soviet union as an example, it's not my fault Marx was an idiot who didn't understand the impications of giving the government unlimited power and was ignorant enough to think an omnipotent government will simply wither away under it's own volition. ” And as I mentioned, the corruption of such a "socialist state" was predicted by Bakunin years before …

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “Ok, let me change what I said. I always fins it funny that left anarchists seem to think that making up a nice sounding euphamism for the state is equivalent to abolishing the state. So can someone choose to freely interact with others, as would be the case in a free market? No, it doesn't. It assumes a potential for perfect competition or something near it in the form of a "free market." For the bolded: No. For the underlined: Yes, but you address this with your second parag…

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “So one could have removed onself from the control of the 'community' (I always fins it funny that left anarchists seem to think that making up a nice sounding euphamism for 'government' is equivalent to abolishing government)?” Anarchists don't believe in abolishing "government" as you conceptualize it in the first place, which is why the Zapatista councils of Chiapas are called the Councils of Good Government. Anarchists favor the abolition of unjustified hierarchical relati…

  • Re: Where do you Masturbate.

    Koyote - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from SugarLips: “Lol whaat ?” lolwut. :mad: :p

  • Re: Where do you Masturbate.

    Koyote - - Teen Sexuality


    Keys? Car? What?

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “Collective ownership administered by some form of state. And like I said, granting the state the powers it must have to control the economy in a socialistic manner is simply a logical path to the authoritarianism of the soviet union...Socialism can't really allow for seccession/decentralisation, lest the concept be taken to it's logical conclusion of permitting individual freedom and liberty (If a group of people can leave the central government, why not a even smaller group?…

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “all I know is that lenin brought over the bolshevicks Marx and lenin are I think considered together as communists a commie is a commie and lots of people are against communists,I don't know how the got the nickname reds,seriously I don't do you?” And as I have mentioned, Lenin and the Bolsheviks are not considered to be legitimate socialists or communists by libertarian socialists, and even most Marxists condemn Stalin and Stalinism. Communists are called "reds" beca…

  • Re: Where do you Masturbate.

    Koyote - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, this ain't the Vatican's main page.

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “no,I studied communism but I realize what it is and I am against it,I posted the communist manifesto for your interest and reading,I haven't read it because commies are confusing and I against them marx,lenin,stalin... they fight for an idea that isn't workable even so it's only workable through violence” Lenin and Stalin are not communists, but state capitalists, a fact that was realized early by Kropotkin. Marx's authoritarian tendencies are not appreciated by liber…

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “I'm sick of hearing these no true scotsmans about the soviet union. They abolished private property and the free market and gave the government almost complete control over the economy. You can't take a textbook example of your idealogy being implimented and toss it aside simply because the resulting and inevitable negative impacts highlight the gaping flaws in your idealogy.” The social structure of socialism necessitates collective ownership of the means of production. Thou…

  • Take both options. :p

  • Re: do u know KARL MARX?

    Koyote - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “communism seems to have been rejected and embraced in the past but today in modern day society it seems to be rejected not embraced though some countries still use communist policies,not many though” There are no countries that use "communist policies." As communism is the egalitarian distribution of labor, goods, and services according to abilities and needs, and no country has achieved such a state, no country uses "communist policies." Participants in the Bolivaria…

  • That's precisely the purpose of black humor.