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  • Re: I got kicked in my nuts

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


    All I gotta say man is pimp_hand01-1.gif

  • Re: Polo Shirt Fetish

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from rollinrightinuit: “polo shirt fetish” oh god eyebleach

  • Re: Immigrants

    Willardlol - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from alfaspider06: “ Its alot more than "several foreigners" who have illegeally immigrated into the USA.” I said "several foreigners immigrating". Never did I say they were illegally immigrating. Quote from max123987: “How so? If an American needs to get something of anything from the state or government they have to go through hell and pretty much be dead, all a Mexican has to go is go in there. Plus Illegal Immigration causes a lot of problems when it comes to Identity Theft. The come h…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


    I wanna see where he keeps that snake of his

  • I won't lie when I see an attractive person. I'll always say (at least to myself) that he/she is hot. I'm not going to do anything, I just know that they're good looking. I'm sure you might have an ugly relative, is there anything wrong with commenting on their looks? I guess if you don't walk up to them and say "Gosh XXXX, you're hideous!" then it's awwwwrite.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


  • Re: P0rn problem

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


    Don't ask, don't tell

  • Re: am i a wierd gay?

    Willardlol - - LGBT


    Quote from confused93: “ but where lads are concerned i like bigger lads. not really really fat. but chubby, bit of hair is preferable too. is it just me or do these kind of gay men not exist! is it wierd to like chubby men?” 65x47d.jpg

  • Just do it till it hurts =D

  • Quote from gardenhead: “I'm fine with agnostic people, but I think the whole concept of agnosticism is basically rooted in cowardice and passivity. I could respect a person more who really believes in something eventhough it's something that I don't necessarily agree with.” Would you mind elaborating on what's so cowardly about Agnosticism?

  • Re: Immigrants

    Willardlol - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “ And just leaving your country isn't the only way to solve your problems. Don't they have a democracy? Mexico as a nation has the right to picket their own laws for change. ” Some governments aren't as stable as ours, and technically they're aren't a democracy. Sometimes it's better to take the easy route for your family. Leaving your country is easier than fighting it. Quote from xNerRadx: “If they don't like their president, take action. What would life be like for Africa…

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “I view it as a weak form of atheism. I don't see it as "sitting-on the fence," since most agnostics by definition have decided what their views on God are. ” I see what you mean, since were not believing in a god, technically were atheist. But at the same time, we don't necessarily disbelieve in a god's existence either.

  • I'm pretty sure I'm in the right section for this... For those who are of a different religion or are not religious, what are your views on Agnosticism? The reason I ask this is because Agnostics are usually described as "fence-sitters" when it comes to their beliefs since we don't really fall onto either side of the religious spectrum. If you don't know what Agnosticism is, then please keep reading Like many other religions (although to call Agnosticism a religion would be like calling bald a h…

  • Re: Immigrants

    Willardlol - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “I guess that's true. But at the same time if it was done legally it could at least be regulated. Would you want more criminals running around? Would you want too many immigrants moving in? There has to be a regulation. We can't just let anyone and everyone into our country.” You say that as if having several foreigners immigrating into this country is a bad thing.

  • Re: Drake is The Best Artist Alive !!!

    Willardlol - - Music


    Quote from Mr. Lovely: “Don't get me started claurice.” Oooh hell naw, grrl u tell her!

  • Re: guys ever..

    Willardlol - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mr. Lovely: “I love it, if any guy wants to do it just PM me yo.” Very tempted to take you up on that offer...

  • Oh god...almost everyday my math teacher would play videos of Dave Matthews Band concerts while we did our work...I LOATHE him and his damn band. :mad:

  • Re: Greatest solo artist ever?

    Willardlol - - Music


    While Eminem did indeed break through racial barriers in the hip-hop community, I'd say that MJ's international success is a little more praiseworthy. He's known all around the world, I mean, they've got videos of people from tons of countries doing the Thriller Dance I'll also add that Eminem is not the only rapper who raps about "life" as you say. Aside from the amazing artists already mentioned, there's Madlib, Mos Def, MF Doom, Danger Mouse, Talib Kweli, Blackalicious, and a couple of other …

  • IMO, he was better in a wheelchair.

  • 1. No, you're just making the first move 2. Just tell him that it would make things easier for you if you could take off his boxers. Or just tell him to take 'em off. 3. -boxers + hand=Bonerrific 4. Do whatever you want. Try different positions, it's all about exploring and learning. 5. That sounds ridiculously hot, and if I were in his position I wouldn't complain, but I don't think you should be THAT pushy. Finally, it's not that you're not attractive, sometimes that thing called a penis doesn…