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  • Quote from Jenna: “ The most important thing that I can tell you, and I wish there had been someone to drill it into my head, is that you mom is alive right now. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, or next month, or next year, she's with you right now. Cherish every single moment you have with her, because there might come a time when you would give anything to have just a little bit more. .” I totally agree. im so sorry to hear bout your mom I lost my dad three years ago and i know how hard it…

  • K so if u read my last thread u no i have a guy friend (d) who has a girl friend (c)but doesnt act like it .... anyways they broke up for a while and now thier back together but people are blaming and calling me a home wrecker and stuff (even though their together again) well (d) kept asking me if i said anything to anyone and i said no and i got med cuz it seemed like he didnt believe me so i told another friend (cj) that i was tiered of his crap. well (D) found out what i said and hes pissed h…

  • okay so thanks guys for the replies i appreciate the feed back..... now here's the catch and you know there's always a catch especially when were talking about teenagers liking each other ...... he s got a girl friend and its not me .... so now what?

  • K so there s this guy ... hes amazing we have so much in common and i love spending time with him he just makes me laugh and smile and its amazing:P but i donno if hes into me .... We talk till one of us falls asleep and he always makes fun of me (jokingly) and we go to the park some times and just sitt and talk and one day he like picked me up and run into a lake with me and he always askes whats wrong when im sad and he 'll hit my phone when im txt so i look at him and get mad (jokingly) and y…

  • ya i agree just go for it pretty sure he s still intrested and as for the shy thing if u both act like that is definatley not going any where one of u is gonna have to step up and go for it so y not you

  • Dude lol totally been through the exact same thing like to the letter and ya it sucks but i think you shouldn t tell him cuz that just reflects bad on u ... stealing a guy s not exactly a good thing even if his gf's a b***h but just do what the dude above me said i think its ur best bet... it doesn t always work but its worth a shot right good luck i hope you get your man

  • thats a reatarded response like he could put a little emotion or at least effort into it ... but ya he likes you do that shit up

  • k so one of my firends held a party a few days ago and it was ausome. were all going into grade 12 so this was like our last summer to all hang before we left .... any ways theres this guy lets call him Jp. so hes liked me for years like since i met him and hes asked me out a couple of times but i always said no because he is my best friends cousin and were basically family lol . welll in the past year i ve kinda developed feelings for him .... . JP tells me im beautiful just because and he make…

  • K is it just me or has everyone else noticed that when some thing bad happens to you more unpleasant things follow? Like wtf did i do to deserve this Crap!! everyone says no matter how low u get you can only go so far before things start looking up. . . . well i dont see the point like okay so let say things start going good then what bad shit happens again? its just a fucking game things get better just so everything can fall apart again. I honestly don't see the point in trying any more if tha…

  • dude everyone is afraid of rejection but if u make no attempt u get rejected both ways besides wat u get just might surprise u

  • both if u've just met a girl and thier talking to you about some date or others guys theres two reasons for it. one thier getting the vib from you that you not intrested in that way so they are trying to let you know that somone is intrested. two thier not attracted to you that way. okay thier may be a third, they may like you and are saying this stuff as a hint.

  • turn on spot??

    sr12 - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay so they say everyone has a specific place on thier body that when caressed kissed ect turns them on does anyone have one ? Mine is my nape and ears :p

  • Gone

    sr12 - - Creative Writing


    ........He had never imaginEd ...........Any of it; ............liVing ............brEathing ............aloNe.

  • destiny

    sr12 - - Creative Writing


    This life has many roads on which we tread. some, lead us to live others, speak of the dead. no matter the road we choose, each person will gain and lose. the only choice we make: the path we choose

  • black velvet

    sr12 - - Creative Writing


    what if love claimed true was a trick? one meant just for u. like the whiskey we all crave, it's fire engulfs each of us in time. unable to resist, we cave. love claimed true ? the trick is on you.

  • Re: Then and Now

    sr12 - - Creative Writing


    i liked it and i thought you did a great job with the rhyme scheme there very hard to write

  • okay well this girl is going on her first date with this guy so its not set in stone try and still hang out anything can happen. it sounds to me like you dont show enough intrest when you first meet them.

  • Quote from Mr. Peel: “Girls like it when you treat em like shit. true story. They'll always come back to you.” wow thats slightly offensive and its not just girls thank u its guys to they get played by girls who use them for thier social status or cuz they look hot and the guys fall for it so to say girls need a clue is completly sexist. Any way im not saying that were not stupid about getting played been there done that 3 times over. we, just like everybody else are looking for some one who car…

  • Quote from Miniminitruck: “bud, you don't need to change, just wait.” I personally always hated that line and you get to the point where waiting just turns into more waiting and u get down, but the truth is wat ^ he said is true. Dont change for some one because in the end you wont be you anymore and thats not right if some one likes you they should like you for who you are not who u could be. it will happen the best advice i can give is stop looking for it things have a wierd way of showing up …

  • lol i totally agree that a guy looks hotter in uniform, i also a agree that the army/ navy uniforms make them look dead sexy because of the training they completed to get it. I also find guys in shop coveralls hot ( as long as they look half decent) I donno i think its the idea that they re not afraid to get dirty lol that sounds bad but its true