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  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    rebekkah - - Music


    i don't think anything is wrong with them. they are just changing their sound. a band can't keep the same sound forever.

  • Re: what do girls like in guy

    rebekkah - - General Advice


    besides the physical things, someone they can actually get along with obv.

  • Re: Thomas Hardy;

    rebekkah - - Films, TV and Books


    lol i know for the entire book i was just waiting for the book to start. i never really finished it actually

  • Re: i'm fat.

    rebekkah - - Health and Fitness


    120 lbs is not fat at all!

  • Re: Thomas Hardy;

    rebekkah - - Films, TV and Books


    whatever you do don't read tess of the dubervilles. sooo boring.

  • strawberry ice cream

  • You Crave Love You don't feel like life is really worth living if you don't have anyone to love. You know that in the end, relationships are what matter most - and you put love first. Even if you've already found your true love, you're looking for more people to care for. You never like your life to be too quiet. You prefer it to be filled with friends, conversation, and laughter.

  • i am pretty short as well about 5'5 and it's annoying lol i'm hoping i will grow a few inches at least in the next few years!!

  • Re: Makeup advice?

    rebekkah - - Fashion


    less eye make up! go more natural, i think you'd look really pretty.

  • mine never really hit me but they did curse and yell alot

  • Re: So tired of summer..

    rebekkah - - Fashion


    lol i bought this sweater that i really want to wear so i kind of am wishing for summer to end too! there's better clothes to wear in the winter

  • the notebook, finding neverland, titanic

  • Re: am i ugly.. ? :\ (pics)

    rebekkah - - Fashion


    youre cute

  • Re: Favorite place to buy clothes?

    rebekkah - - Fashion


    i love forever 21.

  • Re: death

    rebekkah - - Friends and Family


    thank for th advice. im very sorry about your loss. it's good to see that you have pulled through though. i guess im just having trouble accepting that its inevitable.

  • Re: death

    rebekkah - - Friends and Family


    yeah i think i might try talking to her but i don't think it would be very comfortable. she would probably just try to analyze me and put me off as suicidal for what i think when im really not. i don't want to die i just didn't want my sister to have to either. did you have to go to a therapist as well? thanks for talking to me, it really means a lot. ive been feeling lonely a lot lately and could do with some friends.

  • Re: death

    rebekkah - - Friends and Family


    i know, i really do love him. but it's just when he comes around, it just frustrates me that everyone is treating me gently because of what happened. that's stupid because obviously they would be doing that but i just don't like it. he's so supportive and i feel like im the one drifting away and i don't want to but it's happened. i don't know how to let him know that it means a lot of me because im always so down. i feel like im doing what you were actually i was really close to my sister and i …

  • Re: death

    rebekkah - - Friends and Family


    thanks that was really nice to read. it's just been really tough on me. im sorry about your sister as well. i don't like discussing it with anyone around me i hate how everyone pities me. my boyfriend has been with me from day one every day he comes over, sacrificing his own life just to check on me but i can't deal with it. i want him away. i feel like im transforming into something i don't want to be. i don't like talking to anyone about it because it just makes me feel so bad. my family tries…

  • death

    rebekkah - - Friends and Family


    a month ago my sister died of cancer. it's been really hard for me to cope with this and i can't understand or handle anything at all. my family is closer together because of it but i just feel so out. i don't know what to do but i feel so lonely without her and it really gets to me because i can't get over it. has anyone else been through a loss and how did you get through it? i feel like i can't handle it anymore, i am constantly sad and she didn't deserve to die.