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  • Quote from FallenAngel: “That's what I was going to say, really!” You snooze, you loose.

  • Quote from James Bluntus: “I've known her for about 2/3 years. We're great friends. I worded the OP wrong. 2 people in this thread already said this before you. But thanks.” Not what I was saying. "Did you not ask her to be your girlfriend in person?" is what I meant, that way things are alot more comfortable than the awkward pause of seeing each other after you asked her the day before, aka the low confidence wuss way. EDIT: Besides for that, even if she is a friend, dating is still the way to …

  • Re: David Guetta

    ComplicatedMind - - Music


    Club Can't Handle Me is definitely a mainstream hit now. I really do enjoy his older stuff, pleasant to the ear.

  • The fact that you are from Ontario, your dp is of you trying to be a gangster, you obviously a wanna be fan of the Los Angles Lakers, all tell me why you are having problems.

  • I am going straight to the point and calling you Naive. How did I come to this conclusion? 1. You do not want to have sex because of your religious parents. Their opinion should not matter, especially when you will be "away", they won't even hear of it. 2. You are still in high school, women in university will be much different. Believe me. 3. University will be the only time in your lifetime, that there will be lots of opportunity, thousands of single women, take advantage of that opportunity b…

  • Dude, have no worries. Everything will turn out fine. Just have a game plan of events, and stick to it.

  • "bitches, they come they go. Saturday through Sunday, Monday, Monday through Sunday yo" Drop her, no one deserves it. I would not even consider it a real relationship in the first place. But something tells me you have not been in a true relationship, maybe next time?

  • There is something very wrong here. How can you get a girlfriend, without even seeing her? How long have you been dating her? You should always date at least 3 times before considering a relationship, anything less is naive. Why is dating extremely important? Because it lets you to get to know the actual person in a one-on-one environment. It allows you both to interact with only each other and discover their real personalities. It let you both to get comfortable around each other so that initia…

  • If it was not long-distance, then I would say yes. However, since it is long distance, it is perfectly fine. However, instead of messaging him, call him for ten minutes or so. Keep it short, because if it is long, then it would definitely start to annoy the guy, even if he says it doesn't. Take Care!

  • Search up David DeAngelo, read all of his stuff, don't buy it as he already has lots of guides out there already. They make a huge difference, believe me. Even makes a daily column for him. Search it up.

  • Brah, ya need to learn da Level System. Ya gotta make a Level, a standard, den search for ya standard and above that. Nothing lower, only higher. Why I say this? Every brah needs to make der own level, unique to dat brah, ya get me? Ya cannot ask me brah, my level high shit. You cannot ask homeless brah, his level low shit. Ya feeling me? Every brah unique, every level unique. Make a level, make a judgement, den act or move on. Take Care (Does this sound "bro" enough?)

  • F*** all that sh*t. Plan and then Ask her out on a date. If she says, "no", then it is not you. If she says, "Yes", then she is interested in you. Pretty dahm easy there mate. The whole "Do you like me?" scenario will never get you anywhere except down in the polls, remember that.

  • Regardless of how it turns out, this is a success. You overcame your fear. The more you do this sort of action, the easier it will be the next time. As you probably know, teenage relationships rarely make it, I cannot think of any, but anyway, you will most likely meet your partner when you are in your 20s, when you are stable and steady. Now, what would happen if you were to be in your 20s, and still not be able to overcome your fear? You will have to learn the skill which could take years. Whi…

  • Let me tell you, once you attend university, you are going to wish you would have just talked away and LEARNED how to small talk, since that is 90% of the process. To do, is to have confidence. The most reason why you are shy is because you do not have much self-confidence/experience. How to change this? Get more experience at it! Find things to talk about, get her opinion on things you think she would find interesting. Learn to smile, listen, think, and respond. That is all there is to it. In m…

  • That is still pretty early. Personally, I would get to know him more as a person can be completely different in person, rather than using texting/talking on telephone.

  • Wow, looks like you have not gotten many decent reply back yet. Well, here is my thoughts upon this situation: You are young, still have many things to experience in life. Still have many friends to hangout with and other people to know. She realises this and does the normal teenage ideal and wants to hangout with friends rather than be tied down with one person. While at the same time, you are fine with being tied down with one person and are very dependent upon that, showing with your one text…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “Actually, I've had a thought about this.. Marraige? Maybe not. I want to get married, but I mean.. Okay, so my life would be SO much better if my parents hadn't got married to be honest.” Story of my childhood.

  • Do not waste your time with her. If you do go out with her, she will definitely still be thinking about her ex and eventually she will leave you until he heart breaks her and she gets over it.

  • She is 15, of course she is obsessed with anyone older.