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  • thank you you have been really helpful i'm going to talk with one of my other friends who is closer to her than i am and we are going to confront her and discuss this issue.

  • what is considered a lot, or constant? what should i do now?

  • she isn't completely gone yet she won't fuck my life up i know that for sure she did that last year and i have recovered and know how to protect myself. i can't watch her fuck up her life though she's a big part in a lot of my friends lives and no one can forget her. she has snort 4 lines from the stories i have heard, she started new years eve and yesterday she was going to snort more but there was only half a line left. i'm no pro with snort coke so i don't know what to do. she has apologized …

  • hi my name is mike i'm really concerned about my friend whose name shall remain anonymous but i really need some advice. my friend has been smoking cigarettes for a year, drinks when she gets bored, smokes pot, and now recently has been snorting cocaine. i'm very concerned and because she is defensive and in a lot of ways full of it i feel there is no way i can express my concern without her disregard. please help me what do i do?:(