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  • Told one of my bestfriends i liked him.

  • Re: accepting that you're gay

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    I accepted it then denied it then went well hey y am i denying it it's not like anyone important to me is going to hate me for. that all happened over 5 years but really wen i first realized and accepted it for 2 years it took all of 3 secs of looking at a topless guy to accept lol.

  • reading bits of romeo and julliet and replacing julliet with images of a guy in my class.

  • Re: Dont know what i am

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    normal just relax and go with the flow if ur really worried get it on with a chick and see wat happens. then u can be sure either or.

  • i like the kidnapping idea though that may be a bit drastic. just talk to him more about it he may be up for something even if he is str8.

  • invited hottest guy to see a movie with me wat was i thinking but he said maybe.

  • stared at hottest guy in world just in his speedos for like 20 mins so nice especailly wen the speedos were skin tight.

  • i think u were just nervous about wat might happen after blowing him and seeing as u were/are friends u might have found it a bit awcward after idk but probs just nerves.

  • Re: Coming out to my best friend

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    definitly tell him ur bi even if he ain't completely comfortable with it it will help relieve some of ur anxes but like the others say keep the crush to urself if its wiser.

  • nothing done today but lately one of my female friends has been doing that cleshe scream and for some reason i have been joining in wierd.

  • Re: Self-facials? (cum on own face)

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    i wanna try this now sounds fun and i am to bored not to at some point soon.

  • wat everyone here is forgetting the basic facts of y we are sex crazed both of which were in the OP 1) to bear children it is instinctual to have children and therefore sex making it pleasurable to the knowledge (if not physically) that u are (should origanally be) creating the survival of the race and 2) that we now HAVE contraceptive making sex safer and more tolerable to those who find the idea of unpure intrusionoffensive to their person.

  • Re: Gay Mile High club

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    i wasn't trying to segregate it i wasn't even thinking about that wen i wrote it. i just wrote it plz don't read into stuff that ain't there. but i understand wat u mean.

  • Gay Mile High club

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    ok first off is there one:confused:? if no-one knows someone should start it. and if ur apart of it wow and if not would u want to join it? if u don't know wat it is its u join it wen u have had sex on a plane. i wanna join it wen i am older:p but i wanna get u guys thoughts on it. is it wrong/ right, wierd or wat?

  • new idea if u wanna stop him sleeping naked still give him a taste of his own medicine. sleep naked urself and see wat he says, if he complains tell him u have the same problem with him if he doesn't keep sleeping naked it is fun, comfortable and thats probly y he is doing it in the first place.

  • gayest thing done today was stare ravenously at a guy on my bus i gues he noticed but didn't say anything.

  • did way to much swishing of my heaps to be normal. bland i know but to depressed after my first rejection to do anything major.

  • Re: Should I, shouldnt I?

    lovestruck - - LGBT


    too_casual is right either he isn't interested or u need to be more forward. if u want a fling get him drunk if u want a relationship ask him out and if u want a friend just talk to him. those are wat will get u somewhere now good luck.

  • Re: Best friend

    lovestruck - - Teen Sexuality


    it sounds like one of the cases where a friendship has extended to a point of almost dependence this is and can be refured to as love but not on a sexual level as thats wen lust comes into play. u can have love without lust it's quite common with friends and relatives. u love ur family but don't wanna have sex with them it is the same thing with ur friend. he probs feels the same so it's all cool relax and enjoy the feeling.

  • fabulous stuff on body language shall help alot thanks.