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  • If he kissed you, I think he probably likes you, unless you find this to be normal behavior for him. When he took you into the other room, was it a room with no people in it? Honestly I think he's interested. Talk to him, ask him what the kiss/kisses meant. Ask if it was just for fun and kidding around, or something else, and then see what he says. You'll never know for sure if you don't ask him. You'll probably regret not at least trying to gain something from this situation and just letting th…

  • Re: Your favorite lyrics

    Trillium - - Music


    hey i've made this thread before :mad: oh well prob got lost anyway Not my favorite song, but the lyrics are my favorite because they have a lot of life messages I like. You could say I'm a little bit crazy You could call me insane Walkin' 'round with all these whispers Runnin' 'round here in my brain I just can't help but hear 'em Man, I can't avoid it I hear voices I hear voices like My dad sayin' work that job But don't work your life away Mama tellin' me to drop some cash In the offering pla…

  • Re: It's time..

    Trillium - - Friends and Family


    It's so true that it won't be easy, death is never easy. Especially with someone as close to you as a parent. What shall you do? Grieve. It's what we all do. Keep yourself busy. Like you said, hit the bags. Talk to your girlfriend, you have her. She should be there for you and help you through this. Do you have any friends you can talk to as well? They should be willing to be there for you as well.

  • Sorry to say, no one here is going to give you options on how to commit suicide. Why don't you share why you think ending your life if is your only option right now, and perhaps we can help you out.

  • Could you ask the school nurse about it? Tell them what you told us, and then perhaps she can write a note to your father saying that you should see an eye doctor. From there, you could talk to your eye doctor (without your father being present) about how your brother's glasses helped you, and your eye sight bothers you in school. Also, tell him about your father's views on you getting glasses, and how he is against the idea. From there your doctor can talk to your father about the situation say…

  • I don't really think it matters when you tell her, before or after you ask her to be your girlfriend. I think if you tell her before you ask her to be your girlfriend, it would be a good test to see how much you really mean to her, or how much she cares about you. If this affects her choice on whether or not she wants to be your girlfriend. I honestly think it shouldn't, just because you have leukemia shouldn't change how she feels about you. But overall, you should tell her. Don't keep it a sec…

  • I think when you're in those situations where you feel like you might not be good enough, go through your text inbox and see how many texts you have from her. If she texts you all the time, it should be full of stuff from her. Just go through it and let it remind yourself that you are good enough, because now a days if you weren't, she wouldn't text you like that. It's okay to feel a little jealous, it's understandable. A lot of people get that way, and friends are important in a teen's life, so…

  • In my school they are just confident, social, funny, entertaining to everyone, can fit in with any group of people in the school, whether it be the football players, band kids, normal kids and so on, and because of this interloping with different groups they become popular because they gain a reputation among everyone.

  • Let's take a look at some things. One, you've been having some guy troubles? Well why not share some experiences and we'll see if we can figure out how to learn from them for the future. Two, no one wants to hang out with you? Why? I think this is a matter of you becoming more social, if you're the type of person that sits in the back of the classroom and goes off at lunch. Perhaps you need to start becoming involved with people or clubs, and let them see how great a person you are. And don't te…

  • You've been through a lot, yes friends are a big deal. Some people may not seem like it to a lot of people, but when we're teens, they are. Friends are the world, and they're very important. But depending on having them can be bad, as you can see. Overall, just try and think about the future. As you get older, people get more mature, you'll be able to make more friends easier because they won't be as juvenile and will be more accepting. Perhaps what your teacher said is right. You're listening t…

  • There's so many things you would have to guess. I say just tell her to tell you. If it's really as serious as it sounds, it is not a game, and you need to tell her so. If she wants you to know, she needs to take a deep breathe and let it out like she did for her boyfriend. Guessing a bunch of horrible things will not be easier. If her boyfriend couldn't, how are you?

  • Well, that could be part of your issue. People who keep things inside them often have a harder time with coping with stress and issues that come up in their lives. You can always talk to us here if you can't talk to someone in real life, just saying. And don't worry, with a doctor they are not allowed to tell anyone, so no one will know unless you tell them yourself.

  • I don't know much about college doctors, but your regular doctor will be as discreet as you want them to be So I don't think there's a need for a college doctor unless it's more convenient to you, and if so just ask them about it. And ThailandTom, I understand you're not trying to stop him or change his mind, but if you want to speak about this subject the way you are now, make a thread in the debate section of the forum. We're kinda getting off topic here.

  • If sex is the only thing differently that you've done that may have caused this, I'd say you might want to check with a doctor on this matter. It's been a few days, perhaps wait until it's been a week or so, and then go to a professional if it continues. That's just my suggestion, hopefully though someone else here may have been through this and may know what to do.

  • If he made it just for you, and took all that time to do it, I'd say he likes you. That as well as the hugs and arm touching let you know that he's got some feelings for you. There's no reason things have to be awkward between you two. Just keep going about with your life, and if he gives more indications he likes you, just give him subtle hints that you have no interest in being more than a friend with him.

  • There's nothing wrong with taking anti-depressants. They can really help someone if you find the right one, and taken correctly. I personally had the same thoughts on the subject, thinking I shouldn't need drugs to get my life together and to feel happy. But really, what's the harm if it makes you feel normal again? There are other options out there as well, such as natural anti depressants you can get at stores. I tried these, and for a while they worked. It could be an alternative for you if y…

  • Quote from Yellowbear09: “Thankyou kevmo!! Lol I think you and gooeyswAt are the best advice givers ever!! Thts probley y ur support leaders haha” Made my day. Be sure to let me know how things are working out for you

  • The last time she let it known she liked a guy, most of his "popular" friends decided to make a joke of it. This new fellow is also a "popular" so she doesn't want it happening again. So she wants the flirts to be subtle, noticeable to him so that if he's interested he can make a move on her, but not too noticeable to the popular crowd so they don't mock her again. Sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth there Yellowbear, correct me if that wasn't what you said before.

  • That's true on some levels. We can not control the actions of others. As much as we'd like to, it just can't be done. If your parents do choose divorce, it is for the better of everyone including you. Would you want to live your life listening to your parents argue all the time? Right now you may think it's better than them separating, but when you're older or get used to it if they get divorced, you'll see that your stress level may go down because they won't be fighting around you anymore, and…

  • Let her know all of what you just said. Next time you see her, tell her that you really want to be out of the friend stage with her. Give her examples of what you'd do to help make it work, to reassure her that you've thought this through and it's not just your feelings taking action without working it out in your mind first. I think that if you let her know how it could work out, she'll come around. Maybe not right away when you bring it up, and if so, just start doing those things to show her …