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  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Arianna - - General Advice


    Quote from EmilyAnne: “Just be with your brother ” I still have 1 more year in the university which is almost 90 km away from our main house. I cannot be with him at the same time. But since i learned the truth i feel responsible for making him suffer those past years.

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Arianna - - General Advice


    Quote from Benni90er: “If he did the same to you: What would you want him to do? ” Well, help me find new friends maybe. Even though it's not the same. Your friends from your early age (like mine) are in completely different level from your future friends. Quote from Benni90er: “By the way: never fall for a guy like 'the first' again. Those bad boys are - surprise - bad for you. ” If only it was that easy ...

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Arianna - - General Advice


    Hello, I have to thank you for your time and have to admit that you're like the first person who is not blaming me, completely, on this one. Almost everyone's accusing me for selfishness, betrayal, lying and using other people for my own benefits. But how could i tell my brother something like that? What if he lose his faith on me too? As twins we were very close and never lied to each other for such serious issues. That was the first time. I mean i dont wanna give him the final blow right now. …

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Arianna - - General Advice


    Part 2 (last) So, at about 23:00 pm i came home. I think my brother was reading for tomorrow’s exams. One of the few times he actually opens a book. At 4:00 am i pushed myself really hard, on purpose, and managed to tear up. Then i went to my brother’s room and woke him up. At first he thought something happened to our parents but i told him that this has to do with me. Then the conversation went like this: - What is it? - Today, i was sexually assaulted. - What did you say? - I was sexually ass…

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Arianna - - General Advice


    Hello my name is Arianna and i am 22 years old. I am extremely sorry for my bad English, in several occasions i searched some words on the internet. For obvious reasons i wont write any other name except mine. I have to apologize because in the beginning i had no intention to write such a long text but as i kept on writing i realized that my story was kinda intriguing and decided to write my story in detail and as clear as i can remember it. So … In high school, there were 2 boys that were known…