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  • You move on. It sucks, and it's hard but it's what you have to do. She stayed with him, for whatever her reasons are she did. She chose him and now you need to realize that it's just not going to happen. It never seems like things are going to get better, but they do. He must not treat her like crap all the time or she wouldn't stay. As humans we tend to complain a lot about our significant other to people because we want sympathy or empathy or whatever but she tells you all the bad, there is go…

  • Wow I just got a comment that said I was shallow and needed to think with an open mind. Well I don't think there is much to be open about oil spilling millions of gallons into the ocean. I think everyone can agree it isn't a good thing. Not only that but I could care less who they blame they need to fix it. So if my mind is 'closed' on this issue. I can live with that. ---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ---------- Quote from DeaExMachina: “Did anyone actua…

  • lol thanks for the rep thing, a couple of people were just negatively spamming me *shrugs* it happens haha even in a post where the chic that wrote it told me it was great advice. People are bored!

  • Re: straight guy stuck in a bi body?

    EliseBell - - LGBT


    One day a friend of mine made some sort of stupid 'fag' comment. I looked at him kinda shocked i'd never heard him say anything like that. He started in on this whole oh gay people are just trying to act weird and doing it for attention, the usual rush limbaugh listening to bullshit. So I sat there and I was like okay here is my thoughts on he 'born or raised' theory. When I sit down and I'm talking to a guy (I am in fact female) if there is an attraction there it is a physical thing like you ca…

  • This really does work a lot of the time. Logic is hard to fight I'd love to hear about any things you got out of it Lol I'd love to see someone talk their parents into something crazy using this. Like the sleeping in bed thing

  • Quote from Gabe_wa_suge: “@Batgirl & EliseBell: First thank you for the advice, but i don't know why my source would do that we have gone out two times before and we decided we were much better off as friends so I am her new proclaimed brother, she tells me everything right down to her urges sometimes to get pregnant. @everyone I woudnt count being drunk an excuse,`and she is on the sort of extreme side, but you should see what her parents do to her. Half the time if I try to see her at her hous…

  • Re: The Ultimate Guide To Puberty

    EliseBell - - Puberty


    Most of what she wrote is just medical fact. You can't really copyright that. It's definitely not plaguerism to tell people about it. It would be like saying the next person to write about vampires is stealing from Stephanie Meyer, even though the concept of a vampire has been around since before we wrote on paper. Kind of 'free source'

  • Well it's my job to talk to people about these things... so here are my views. I just got done writing this in my book, so I'll post it here. Over and over again I have been asked are you pro choice? Are you pro abortion? No one is pro abortion. No one wants to have an abortion… ever. No one is skipping on the sidewalk going woo hoo along the way to an abortion clinic. So, my answer is this: I am not pro choice. I am not pro abortion. I am pro education and information. I want our daughters to n…

  • Re: USA music VS Europe music.

    EliseBell - - Music


    I lived in Germany for three years. They listen to American music mostly. The good versions too not cut up like our radios play them. They don't cut out cuss words or even whole verses practically like the radios did to the song What it's Like What it's like by Everlast, I've but the words in bold of the words that were either bleeped or edited out of the song. What It's Like lyrics We've all seen the man at the liquor store beggin' for your change The hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked and …

  • Normally I might write something about the corporations or response of government but I'm sure it has been covered. Frankly at this point I don't care. Those ducks don't care, the turtles don't care, the fisherman who very frankly put it "Nobody wants no oily shrimp." They don't care what our government or this corporation has to say. Not in the slightest. Fix it. Stop diverting blame. No one wants to hear a company get on national tv and say things like "after investigations we'll figure out wh…

  • Re: Immigrants

    EliseBell - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “With the recent immigration drama, it's got me thinking. What's been irritating me is, we're trying to pass laws on immigration, but yet we have immigrates protesting against it. What the fuck do they have to do with the laws in OUR country? They have no say in anything we do. If the U.S. doesn't want Mexican citizens moving here, we don't want you here. Stay in your own damn country. I don't understand why Mexicans are so desperate to move here in the first place. Not to m…

  • You have messed things up pretty badly here. There is no law stating you need to have a boyfriend 24/7 Come clean. Keep them both out of your life. Move on to the next. There is a reason you aren't with your ex, and it will come back to you shortly I'm sure. I think if you tell your current boyfriend the truth, you won't have a decision to even make.

  • I'd do it stick straight. If you have straight iron that is. Put some sort of heathy shine product in it. To make it look a little more put together make a part about an inch and a half from center and put a braid the hair (a la Lauren Conrad), if you have a pink ribbon to braid into it that would give it a really nice touch. Good luck. http:// www. conrad-350977/ Take out the spaces in the link all you have to do is put the ribbon on one …

  • Drinking isn't an excuse. It could be the reason yes... but don't let it go on that. You're young, honestly I wouldn't stay with her there will be another girl who is better for you. In school as well stuff like that may be awkward for like a week but then everyone moves on. If she cheated that is hardly your fault no one is going to shun you. Also, check your source. While the girl that told you is your friend why did she tell you? Make sure her motives are sincere and that she is not just lyin…

  • Hmm I'm failing to see the question or problem here. Sounds like she likes you. She goes out of her way to put herself in your way. She used the words "it's a date" sounds like a date. Have fun dude, stop worrying don't look for problems where there aren't any

  • Well why should you pretend? The answer is cause you will be if you stop constantly telling yourself how upset and sad and unhappy you are. It's meant for you to take yourself out of the 'eyore' mindset (this is a downer donkey from winnie the pooh, lol google it if you don't know) You are spending a lot of time basically going, my life sucks. Well yes it does and if that is all you ever think about then it always will. You need to do things to break yourself out of that depression and acceptanc…

  • I am writing a book on the societal differences and upbringing between the way we bring up our girls vs our boys. American males act and are perceived far differently then pretty much any other culture. I was amazed at the differences. For now the working title is "Screw Boys will be Boys" not sure I may change it. Details: I need completely honest information and opinions for this. If you're going to lie don't bother. I will not list your name in anything that I write. I will only use 1st name,…

  • Quote from Organgrinder: “great ideas... though I'm not sure how they will help me convince my parents to let me and my boyfriend sleep in the same room. i'm 18, not 16 ffs.” Yeah the only thing I can recommend for that is set a bowl of condoms in your room take birth control pull your bed to the center of the room, buy your parents earplugs and tell them if he doesn't sleep there you guys are going to sleep at his house, you are 18 *shrugs* turn on loud music and pray they are heavy sleepers. J…

  • Ugh. This is where I am going to say have some decency and walk away. There are few girls under the age of 20 that really enjoy being used. She's desperate and in a really screwed up way. Girls that do this honestly a lot of them have been emotionally/sexually abused. When you say that you will use her and she doesn't care that is sad because she obviously needs something she can't get. Girls mistake sex for love and that's just the non abused sane ones. She may be mistaking you for much much mo…