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  • The chorus to Gin and Juice by Snoop Dogg for whatever reason...

  • Your Daisies Say You're Very Resilient You have a spirt of pure optimism. Your view of the world is eternally cheerful. You are bold and vibrant. Incredibly striking, you always stand out in a crowd. You are adaptable and flexible. You can thrive in almost any situation. You are often under estimated. Your critics and enemies are in for a surprise.

  • I have no preference. O.O

  • Your Personality Is Like Ecstasy You're usually feeling the love for the world around you - you want to hug everyone. And while you're usually content to sit back and view the world with wonder... Sometimes you're world becomes very overwhelming and a little scary. At your best: You're totally buzzing, and every little thing makes you happy. What people like about being around you: You're a one person party. Dancing, hugging, tons of smiles! What people dislike about being around you: Once you'r…

  • Quote from Nycax91: “damn that sucks man ... i dunno wut 2 say.. i cant imagine being in that position.... but are u more mad that she was having sex and u saw her.. or that she was getting it up the ass and u saw that??? thats just crazy!!” I'm really not sure, man. I'm really not sure. Whenever I hear sounds coming from my mom's bedroom these days, I turn the music up really loud and ignore it hahaha.

  • I know this doesn't belong in Teen Sexuality but still.... I have to tell the story. O.O So.... I'm sitting playing Halo 3 and kicking some serious ass as always by the way, yeah you know it. Anyways... So I hear my mom yelling from the next room, she sounds pissed, I start thinking after a bit that maybe her boyfriend's trying to hurt her. I go to the door and say 'Hey' loudly a few times to get an answer but there wasn't one. I try the door, it's unlocked and I open it. And my mom's boyfriend …

  • Re: Haha this is fresh

    Lee Anderson - - Music


    ---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ---------- O.O Hmm wow.

  • Your Mind is NC-17 Rated You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap. If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you! I'm shocked, personally.

  • One is the loooooneliest number that you'll ever doooo... But yeah seriously the best way to get over that is to just do your best to get out there and find friends. Friends, even a few of them, are the best cure for loneliness in my experience.

  • Re: Boys...

    Lee Anderson - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd say mine's around seven and a half, so I just voted seven.

  • Kids, certainly.

  • Re: Halo Fishing

    Lee Anderson - - Video Games


    Man, what the fuck you smokin', bro?

  • Re: P90x

    Lee Anderson - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from humanafterall: “:o I guess that's part of "Bringing it" :D” O.O Perhaps.

  • Re: P90x

    Lee Anderson - - Health and Fitness


    I did it for a bit and made it to the plyo, still have plans to give it another try eventually, still have the DVD and weights and shit. The plyometrics part kicked my ass, I'm not ashamed to admit. I nearly puked.

  • You Find it Difficult to Love Love has always been a challenge for you. Every time you've opened your heart, it's been broken. It's hard for you to get close to someone new, and it's even hard for you to stay close to those you love. For you to have more love in your life, you're going to have to learn how to let go and trust a little more. It's not easy to change your heart, but it will be worth it in the end.

  • Re: have u ever touched...

    Lee Anderson - - Teen Sexuality


    When I was little. Not willingly.

  • Re: Halo Reach

    Lee Anderson - - Video Games


    HALO REACH ROCKS! I love the holograms. O.o The hologram power-ups when you're playing on Live. It's fun shit.

  • Re: The Mascot Test

    Lee Anderson - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Silly You don't take anyone or anything too seriously, yourself included! You like to goof off and have fun. You believe that it's important to live in the now. You have a wide circle of friends, and it's constantly growing. People love to be around you. You brighten everyone's day, and you live to make other people feel good. No, just no.

  • You Are Energetic You are bright and motivated. You have a lot you want to do and the drive to get it all done. You may or may not be successful in the traditional sense, but you measure up to your own ideas of success. You have trouble getting along with people who are boring or lazy. You want to be where the action is. You connect best with other high achieving types. You like to be around people who aren't just talk. Pretty true.