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  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Looks like they're calling off the burning...if the Islamic Community Center is moved. Imam denies pastor's claim on mosque move - U.S. news - Security - ” What happens if they don't move the Islamic Center, though? I personally don't care if they build a mosque over in NY, but Terry Jones is a giant hypocrite. And this article only proves how intolerant he is. He'll only call off the burning if the mosque location is moved. He says that people should have fr…

  • Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center is planning to do a mass Qu'ran burning on September 11 in Gainsville, Florida as part of a protest against the Taliban. Many people have already spoken out against this act, including U.S. forces General David Petraeus and many Muslims out here in Florida. I want to know what your thoughts are on this. Are you for, against, or indifferent on this issue? I'm personally against it.

  • untitled love poem

    stormblade85 - - Creative Writing


    Who are you that comes into my life? You caught my heart at first glance, Gripping it with your warm eyes, glittering like the seas under the sun. I want to talk to you, Yet I cannot move towards you. My legs are locked in place, Leaving me to my thoughts which say this, "You are just so beautiful, and I'm not worth your time." Can I ever speak to someone like that, Whose lips so full, Enchant all who notice, Leaving them to ponder if they can kiss them. Can I ever look at someone like that, Who…

  • I wrote it because of the fact that the war still isn't over in Iraq. It's basically my feelings about what war really is for most people that are actually fighting.

  • The charge begins at the shout, Taking us to the battlefield. The younger ones are eager, While the older soldiers tremble. The enemy camp is within sight, As we point our guns towards it. The tanks arrive as soon as us, Giving us time to point and shoot. The lieutenant barks his demands, Reminding us to remain quiet. It’s kind of hard to do that, When the rookies are too rowdy. A bomb to the left of us flies out, As well as a bomb to the right. We’re crippled by the noise, So we don’t notice th…

  • War is a contribution to the world made by those in power. All around the world, Those fascist animals constantly cower, From much needed change that can keep us on the same page. The constantly try to keep that fist alive, Claiming to maintain unity with promises of prosperity. The promise is broken under might and greed, They say they’re here to help them, Saying that we’re still free. We’re never free so long as there’s suppression. We’re never free so long as there’s oppression. We’re never …

  • Well astronomy is a science right? Well in my belief, science (which is a man-made thing) cannot prove or disprove something that is beyond human understanding. God is omnipotent, and science only works with the things that are tangable to the senses. How can you prove something that the senses aren't fine-tuned to understand? I believe in God because he worked on me in a way that my own senses can't even begin to describe. Science cannot prove or disprove that, now can it?

  • I do agree with you on everything you just said, and I made a few errors when I was typing. I originally meant to say that something came from nothing. Forgive me for not interpreting more clearly. I was rushing myself a bit because I was busy with some other things. But I do agree: something has to come from nothing, because if something did come from something else, then it had to have always existed in the first place. As for the Genesis story, I believe more in the literal translation of it,…

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Which parts of the Old Testament have been proven? Are you suggesting the OT as a whole has been proven accurate, or only parts? ” I'm not suggesting that all parts of the OT have been proven, but they have put dates to each of the books. Also, there's evidence suggesting that the Creation story in Genesis has more of an allegorical meaning to it than a literal interpretation that most people believe in. In fact, if you read the first two chapters of Genesis, both give…

  • Quote from Sababah: “A recurring theme in the old testament is that there is only the one God and He will not tolerate people worshipping other (make-believe) gods. And a grevious punishment awaits the idolators. And the Qur'an is super clear. There is no god but Allah. Worshipping other (make-believe) gods is the one unforgiveable crime. It says that Jesus was Allah's last prophet to the Jews. He is NOT a god, but a man. That is said to establish the line in the sand for the jews and muslims, w…

  • For You - a poem

    stormblade85 - - Creative Writing


    Random love poem I made. Tell me what you think :) When they all say they love you, They’re only repeating used words, Never actually meaning them As strongly as most. I don’t need to say “Your eyes are brighter than the everlasting sun,” to let you know that it’s what I see. I don’t need to say “Your hair flows more smoothly than the cascading waterfalls,” To let you know that I love what I feel. I don’t need to say “You’re more beautiful Than all the stars in the sky,” To let you see that I re…

  • hey man. u can pm me if you want. i'm a good listener also, and i don't care if u complain or not. i usually have some pretty good advice if you wanna hear it, so just drop by if u want okay?

  • how dare they treat autistic kids this way!! There are many alternative treatments and programs specifically designed to treat autism in kids. Shocking them to focus isn't going to make the problem go away! It's torture, and it only teaches them to learn through fear, not learning through need and wanting to get a higher education in this world. Being autistic myself (asperger's syndrome is on the spectrum) I can sympathize with this article deeply. Those teachers should be punished for what the…

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? bring it on Would you do meth if it was legalized? hell no, i've seen what it does to people, and i don't wanna go down that road Abortion: for or against it? against, but in certain situations, like rape, I'm for Do you think the world would fail with a female president? no, but she'll be criticized more in her actions than the male. Females are just as smart as men, if not smarter in some areas (hard to admit, since I'm a guy lol), so why not let them mak…

  • My Feelings

    stormblade85 - - Creative Writing


    I wrote this poem a while back, and I want some opinions about it :) The world has feelings that are shared, Either with the self or with another. However, my feelings have never been shared with the world outside, Unless I was forced to or I felt like it. The reality is though, That I don’t want to share myself with others. Some of you may not like it, And some of you may be a little confused, Because you try to figure people out, Without realizing what their intentions are. You wanna know my r…

  • Meaning of Life - a poem

    stormblade85 - - Creative Writing


    Somebody once asked me, “What is the meaning of life?” Could I answer it appropriately? For it takes true depth of knowledge To know exactly what the meaning of life is. Maybe it’s to be the individual, Longing to find acceptance through isolation. Maybe it’s to conform, To become everything that you’re not, And become everybody’s puppet. Maybe it’s to continue learning, Figuring out what makes this world, And what makes it tick, Through reading books made by man. Maybe it’s to gain pleasure, To…

  • 5. Legend of Zelda - love those games 4. Spyro the Dragon - the original, kickass version of him 3. Tony Hawk - skateboarding fanatic, even though i myself can't lol 2. Prince of Persia - amazing....nuff said 1. God of War - who doesn't love mutilating people and crushing gods?

  • Quote from Christopher: “Sounds like a weird question, but it's actually been posed to me. Yesterday during my English Comp II class we were discussing parents' expectations of their kids. I went on to say that whatever I wanted to do, my parents and now my mom are always behind me on it. So I mentioned I wanted to be a clinical psychologist, and this one guy said that psychology is BS. He went on to say that there is no real science, and that it's all guesswork basically. I hope to get the opin…

  • The Home - a poem

    stormblade85 - - Creative Writing


    There’s a place where the heart is warm, Where there’s a feeling of safety, A feeling of comfort, A feeling of jubilance, And a feeling of pride in who you are. Whether it happens near the fireplace, Warm and bright to lighten the mood. Whether it happens in the dining room, The familiar smells of love, joy and fresh-baked cookies. Whether it happens in your own room, Where your imagination soars farthest in the place where you’re unique, And nobody can tell you different. Whether it happens in …