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  • ok 1/3 of americans believe it was an inside job id also be willing to bet that 1/3 americans r idiots(im sure sasha would tell u that number is probably much higher)

  • snitches get stiches if u rat the dude out i hope they find you and personally thank you

  • ive run into plenty of ppl who dont speak english in the us and yes i wish they would learn it at the same time it usually makes me wish i knew spanish moreso than it makes me want them to learn english i work constuction in the summer and ther we spoke spanglish didnt really matter what language u said what words in as long as ppl knew what u were saying

  • the value of life shit is a load of bull we can raise a pig in a cage with no intention other than killing it to eat but if we put eyeliner on it weve gone to far? really wtf

  • ok let me clerify whta i meant by better version and add a few details i mrissed b4 1) when i say me and mike go back pretty far i should say use to back im middle school we were pretty tight and even in hs we hung out a lot but that was a good 2 years we hadnt really talked for about a year and a half until we met up back in july and started drinking together again. 2 when i say better copy i mean this guy has treid to mimick shit i do but never gets it right i did anything growing up he was th…

  • ok so here what goin on ive had a thing for my buddy mike's gf far a while now, i never acted on it since ive known him linger so my loyalty fall with him but over that past few weeks his gf jenn has been flirting with me every time mike is out of earshot. It started as a joke but then it more and more serious. then last night when we were all at my house watching a movie mike left to use the bathroom and as soon as he left the jenn rolled over and started kissing me then she stopped and whent b…

  • in times of war it is often perfectly reasonable to kill a fly with a sledgehammer yea it may have been overkill but it did its job 1 take out japs 2 scare the living shit out of u.s enemies

  • once again jake ur half truths make u worse than those u fight against

  • Re: My religion

    TheJoker - - Debate and Discussions


    religion has 1 purpose control ppl the all have basic rules and threats of damnation and pain to those who disobey

  • jake do the world a favor and kill urself ppl like u who make everything a conspiracy make me sick, u claim the gov twists facts but look at u selling health for 40 buck its a fuckin shot that shows the ability to fight swine flu if ppl want to take the risk let them hell ill give u 40 buck if u can find a single cure for anything that doesnt have risks of serious side affects and the gitf card if u forgot most small children r scared of shots i remember goin back when i was 4 or 5 and after the…

  • buy her an 8-ball and go wild 50 buck says shes urs that night

  • like anyth8ing else if u use it u should pay for it if sum1 is fat enough that they need 2 seats they should pay for them. i hate how ppl r making it every1 elses fault that they cant put down the fork and stop eating. its not discrimination its fair. they did it to themselves its there own damn fault

  • Quote from jaaaaake: “It makes me sad reading posts like this. No, most of the children tortures were not terrorists nor did they have any connection to terrorists. They were innocent human beings, just as you and I are. They just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. <font color="Silver">” oo and u were there at every 1 of theese incedents so u know this as fact look jake all of theese stories r simple he said she said none of it can be proven its been seen before that some(i say…

  • i cant remember the where but ive read in a few medical journals the the female brain has a lot more interaction between the areas of the brain controlling emotions and there logic/reason areas where male brains have fairly small amounts of interaction. so its not that males are less emotional its just emotions have a lesser effect on other brain functions

  • not that story again 1 they cant even decide how old he was if 12 or 16 2 afgan police did it to him 3 the fucker was caught after throwing a nade at US forces(terrorists r terrorists no matter what age i cant feel bad for him hell if i had the chance id of done a lot worse

  • every human knows the gov takes part in less than legal tactics but goin as far as to say they would kill thousands of there own is a little far bush was more stupid than evil im sure there r some facts we hanmt been told but to go as far as say it was the gov who set it up is going way to far 9-11 was set up by bin laden he used a simple but genius plan to hit symbols of what he believes is wrong with america the towers(business) petagon(military) and a man i know in the intel field said they b…

  • got my bac to a .52 last night that count?

  • i truley feel obama went into office with good intentions but is starting to relize how fucked up the dark side of the gov is he had originally planned to "make the gov transparent allowing citizens to know who visited the whitehouse and what kinds of plans they were forming however that would be like opening pandoras box the us gov is to fucked up for any1 to fix i truly feel bad for obama we handed him shit and expected him to turn it into gold

  • Re: How Evil Are You?

    TheJoker - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    96% evil is that bad?

  • Re: I feel slightly insane.

    TheJoker - - General Advice


    when u dont sleep ur body starts to release massive amounts of adreneline to keep itself goin