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  • be very careful when working out, especially if you start doing squats. you can really hurt your knees/back if you don't do them right

  • girls without make up > girls with make up

  • Re: Goku isn't White!

    tallest - - Films, TV and Books


    this movie actually has plenty of similarities to the original series

  • Re: Goku isn't White!

    tallest - - Films, TV and Books


    Well, I wasn't referring to Goku being white, but more to how they completely changed the dragonball world and characters. But I would think that if they had a Black Goku, that would be a bit odd, seeing as how in the cartoon he obviously has white skin.

  • Re: Goku isn't White!

    tallest - - Films, TV and Books


    I have a feeling that they purposely tried making the dragonball movie different. They have to make it appealing to people who have never heard of it before, and to me, they sort of make it obvious by putting 'evolution" at the end of the title (refencing that they are changing the original story).

  • Re: best games in history

    tallest - - Video Games


    Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country and Chrono Trigger, all for the SNES.

  • Re: Kingdom hearts fever !!!!!

    tallest - - Video Games


    When I saw the first preview on some random demo disc, I was so excited to play it. I love disney, and I love Final Fantasy, and to a nerdy little kid like I was (and still am), that seemed like the greatest thing ever.

  • Re: Diablo 2 Online

    tallest - - Video Games


    I stopped playing a year ago. I had a MF Sorc, Barb and Nec all in the 75-85 range. I lost so many hours to that game

  • It takes alot of courage to try something new, but its never too late. For instance, I started skateboarding last summer. I have always been in love with skating and always wanted to do those amazing tricks, but was scared because I was bad, and thought I was too far behind all the other skaters. Then one day I threw all that behind me and started skating. I just went for it. I stopped caring about what others thought and its been a blast ever since. I have met so many new people I never would h…

  • Re: Racism

    tallest - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “why can't white call blacks the ''N'' word when they can call us cracker? they allow some whites to use the ''N''word and why is it a bad,there is no such things as bad terms or anything like that,that bullshit that we can't say those terms because if you do you are immediately termed a racist for saying any so called derogatory term,it is absurd that you cannot say it” Sorry, but I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say.

  • Im not expert on this (seeing as how I am nowhere near "cool status") but personally, its easiest to make new friends if you stop thinking about which is the "cool crowd". Once you stop thinking about that, then you'll start having an easier time talking to people. And for the best friend thing, I haven't had a true-blue friend since sixth grade. People come and go, thats a fact. Maybe youll have better luck finding frinding a best friend than me, but dont try and force it on yourself. Just go w…

  • Re: Racism

    tallest - - Debate and Discussions


    Racism exists because of all the people keeping it in conversations. If you went to Puerto Rico, you would find whites, blacks, hispanics, yet they don't even seem to notice. Racism still exists today because everyone everywhere makes such a big deal about it, and yes I know its very confusing in todays day and age, with the whole "well if a black guy calls me a cracker its no big deal but if I called him a nigger.....", and people like to say "well look at who was oppressed for hundreds of year…

  • This is my opinion, weed should be legal. Here is why 1: You cant die from weed 2: Weed has medical benefits 3: The government actually supplies some of its own workers with medical weed 4: Weed HELPS medical patients 5: You can think perfectly fine when high 6: shouldn't you be able to do whatever you wish with your body, as long a you don't put others in harms way? 7: alcohol and cigarettes are both legal, yet those are actually dangerous! the reason weed isn't legal is because it is a plant, …

  • I smoke weed maybe 1-2 times every weekend. There is nothing in weed that is bad for you. I definitely don't smoke weed to be "cool" seeing as how most people don't know my name. It chills me out, and often I skate better and think clearer when high.

  • If you truly are her friend, you should do something. Cocaine is physically and mentally addictive and can seriously mess someone up. Talk to her first, try to keep it between you two, and if you think you aren't getting anywhere, tell her parents. It would be better to stop it before it got out of control than to wait until its too late. And I know its a lot easier for me to just type this, when I am sure this is very hard on you, so I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do.

  • Re: Do You Smoke?

    tallest - - Health and Fitness


    I don't smoke cigarettes, too bad for you, but I do smoke weed.

  • Re: Why?

    tallest - - Health and Fitness


    I know that taking naps greater than an hour can make you feel more tire4d than when you first laid down. This has something to do with your sleep cycle resetting because of the long sleep period. If you want to take a nap, go for anywhere between 15-45 minutes and when you wake youll feel much more energized. Also a good diet and BREAKFAST (which I know alot of people skip) will help alot.