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  • Re: poem , comments please

    Glitzz - - Creative Writing


    im not actually going to give it to her lol it was just to get my feelings out

  • poem , comments please

    Glitzz - - Creative Writing


    okay i wrote this poem to this guy that i likes girlfriend the story behind it is explained in this thread ...…such-horrible-person.html okay so here goes; I bet you didn’t know he twitches in his sleep, I bet you didn’t know his heart beats fast twice and once slow I bet you didn’t notice his voice goes high when he’s excited I bet you didn’t know he squints his eyes when he’s trying to work something out I bet you have never danced so close to him you have both f…

  • Re: Am I bi?

    Glitzz - - LGBT


    I find the female body so much more attractive than the male body but i would still call myself straight because i dont have feelings towards girls. hope this helps

  • teenage life really isnt all its cracked up to be honestly, i asked bothe my great nan and great grandad what were the best years of their lives and they both said when they were 70. so you still got that to look forward to

  • three- black pretty boring tbh but i wear them all for school and your only allowed black at school

  • Re: Good Upbeat Sex Songs?

    Glitzz - - Teen Sexuality


    lollipop - lil wayne ride it - jay sean (not very upbeat but makes me soooooo horny lol)

  • normally i have a few hours in my room feeling sorry for myself then suck it up call my mates for a pampering session or sleepover and just have a good old chat ususally helps, i suppose it only works for girls tho x

  • smoking :/

    Glitzz - - Friends and Family


    Okay i have a close group of 13ish mates who are 14/15 years old and recently they have all started smoking. Being against smoking myself i was quite disapointed in them although it is their choice i just dont see why they would want to knowingly ruin their bodies. They are always saying to me oh no were just casual smokers but how can they be casual smokers when there smoking at 14/15. I find it really hard when there always smoking around me and offering me fags and they always question me abo…

  • Re: Your School's Tolerance

    Glitzz - - LGBT


    OMG THATS HORRIBLE! (sorry about double post i just read that) Quote from harrydh3: “sub 0 there was a rumour that somone was gay and people just punched him as they walked past :confused:”

  • Re: Your School's Tolerance

    Glitzz - - LGBT


    well if your caught being homophibic then you get isolation all day but that doesnt stop it from happening, although there is only about 3 or so gays in our school. i guess theres more they are just worried about coming out so maybe about 7?

  • i think you gotta be friends before a relationship. its weird going out with someone you dont really know and trusting them with stuff that you might not even trust one of your best mates with.

  • i kind of agree with the above but maybe its because i didnt realise what i had until its gone? any further advice ? what should i do about what he text me? thanks

  • UPDATE okay i recieved this chain text from my mate saying 'Before the end of 2008 me and you should ______ ? Send me your answer & send to everyone in your phone & see their answers. Might bring a smile to your face.' so i sent it to my mates including this guy, and he sent it back saying kiss. i was like ':eek:' i sent him a text back saying 'but you have a gf?' and he said 'just a friendly one keep it a secret' i replied 'a kiss is cheating weather its friendly or not and i dont want you to c…

  • thanks you guys, you have really helped, i think i should just wait just to make sure its not just what Erik said because i think it might me as much as i dont want it to it might.

  • it depends on the person that did its intention

  • you might remembr me from previous posts about a boy that was a complete dick to me, i would just like to say i am totally over him now, thanks to everyone who replied to those posts. One thing that helped me get over him was this guy who is like one of my best mates, he fancied me for ages (got valentines presents from him 2 years in a row) and was so sweet to me and i always rejected him, but now he has a girlfriend and im really happy for him. The only problem is i think im developing feeling…

  • 1. Name: Louise………………………………………………………………………............. 2. Age: (Bold Your Selection) - - <13 - 13-16 - 16-25 - 25-35 - 35-50 - 50-65 - 65> 3. Nationality: ………ENGLISH………………………………………………………………………… 4. What mode of purchase would you prefer for your clothes? (Bold your selection) a. Online - - yes - no b. Readymade clothes (Bold your selection) - - Branded - Non-branded - Both Are you loyal to any particular brand? ............nope................................. c. Getting clothes stitched/tailor…

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Glitzz - - General Advice


    right well i have a kinda friendship group of about 13 ish people and in the past couple of months they have all started smoking, being really against it myself i was really disappointed in them. they are mostly 14 and say they are only casual smokers, THIS ANNOYS ME SO MUCH!! if you start smoking at 14 YOU ARE NOT A CASUAL SMOKER!!!.

  • i feel exactly the same way about this guy for 4 years - ever since i first saw him in secondry school. i went out with him in year 7 for about a year and a quarter, and recently i started texting and talking to him again almost as if we were a couple, he made me feel so special i thought he actually loved me, he told me so on many occasions, until he called me saying he likes another girl. i was crushed. After that i havnt been able to get over him. I sometimes find myself trying to think up lo…

  • Re: So confused.

    Glitzz - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    maybe he does like you hes just worried about you smoking and what your doing to yourself