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  • Re: Incest

    Papa Bear - - Debate and Discussions


    it's done between HUMANS. so yes, legalise it

  • Re: Short or Long hair?

    Papa Bear - - Fashion


    short. long looks emo

  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    Papa Bear - - Fashion


    OP is right. it's all about the steez

  • Re: Pj's

    Papa Bear - - Fashion


    just boxers or boxer briefs. no shirt

  • Quote from kite114: “That's not funny:(” I didn't say it was?

  • Quote from breakboy: “could be why you're single” HAHAHA s

  • Quote from Tessa98: “There's a difference between a man and a woman having sex with a member of their own gender than with an animal, that's animal cruelty. Whose being harmed when a person of the same gender is sleeping with another person of their same gender? No one....your taking things out of content. Comparing two things that have no relevance. Animals and Human Beings are not the same species. If you were reffering to drawing a line with whom humans may choose to sleep with outside our sp…

  • Quote from Tessa98: “Why should a line be drawn anywhere are homosexuals interfering with anyone's happiness, people need to learn to mind their own buisness and let others live their OWN lifes how ever they please!” this is what i'm against with. so you think it'd be ok if a man has sex with an animal. it's his life, and suppose he doesn't hurt the animal

  • Quote from Blur: “He has a point. But if your point is that a line should be drawn somewhere, then yeah, it should, but it was drawn in a terrible place in the first place, society today realized that and is now just trying to make it right, they haven't lost All sense of morality.” Yea i guess your right, that was my point that i didn't even know i was trying to make. im not against homosexuality, i just don't agree with being too liberal. and yes, a line should be drawn somewhere ---------- Po…

  • Quote from Tsunkatse: “You're still missing the point that homosexuals are HUMANS. Two men or women kissing is not the same as a man making out with his cow, nor is same-sex marriage the same as a women marrying her cat.” and you're still missing the point that it's because we consider it immoral right now at this time. just like homosexuality used to be considered immoral. before it used to be only a MAN and a WOMAN. until the librals thought it was ok for a MAN and a MAN to date. then we start…

  • Quote from Tsunkatse: “As I said before, there's a difference between having sex with someone of the same sex and having sex with an animal. I'm pretty sure having sex with an animal will be as immoral in the future as much as it is now.” Yea I bet the parents of your grandparents never thought they'd see two guys kissing each other, and that it would be considered ok in society

  • the idea of two gays marrying, i'm ok with that. it's none of my business i don't have a problem with that. but seeing two men kissing and stuff still kindda grosses me out

  • Quote from Deadmau5: “ That percentage is obviously made up, but in reality one does not have to be equally attracted to both sexes to be bisexual. From the Wikipedia article: ” Haha yea the statistic was made up, but its what ive gathered from your posts How often do you hit on a girl?

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “ Also, why is it that homosexuality is viewed as OK, but bestiality is not? What if my friend really loves his donkey? He can't get married to the thing he loves? See where I'm going with this?” Haha I actually agree with you. Before, people looked down at homosexuals, they said it was immoral, and society looked down on it. but now there are the liberals who think it should be ok. it's fine to be liberal, but not TOO liberal, if we keep going down this track, in the f…

  • metallica justin bieber 30 seconds to mars lady gaga are some that i can think of right now

  • Quote from Mercurio: “I'm bisexual and I don't lean to guys more than girls or vice versa so your statement was very ignorant. As for Die Afrikaaner I hope he's bisexual cause he's sexy :wink:” That's real cute

  • Quote from Die Afrikaaner: “Ignorance.” Haha don't tell me, you're "bisexual"

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “ Bisexuals. :p” I don't believe in bisexualism. guys who claim they are 'bisexual' still go for guys 99.9% of the time

  • I got the perfect solution: straight males and lesbians in one bathroom straight girls and homosexuals in another

  • Re: Dubstep!!!!

    Papa Bear - - Music


    Quote from dusk: “I hate that, 90% of people I introduce to dubstep are like "yeah bro I love that shit" I'm like who do you listen to and they come at me with "man, mt. Eden, amazing stuff, or "benga and coki!"” I said i was just getting into it. its actually the first dubstep song i heard b/c of a friend and I liked it