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  • I just don't know what to do anymore... she has been my girlfriend for 7 months she lives about 40 minutes away, we go to different schools. next year she will be junior and i will be a senior... we will both be very busy. this past year we could only see each other once every two weeks or so... at one point i couldn't see her for an entire month... i can't handle having a girlfriend I can only see so irregularly... she is asking me why if just phone calls and texting and everything is good enou…

  • She is my first girlfriend... i guess you could say my first love? I just really really don't want to hurt her... I guess if I end it before the trip she can have some healing time? I don't even know how I would begin to go about this... I mean based on the way things are it would seem out of the blue? I feel like she thinks that everything is just fine... I really don't want to hurt her

  • Nice! Haha keep it going my man. Sounds like you've got a good thing here

  • So my girlfriend Kelly and I have been dating for about 5 months now... Its been sort of long distance because she goes to a different school about 20 minutes away. Things started out great, the typical progression of a relationship and all that... Recently I've realized that this relationship just isn't worth while for me. I can't see her enough, she lives too far away, and I'm just not the same connection, you know? Sometimes I just wish I could have her forget all about me... she loves me lik…

  • How can I lower my endurance..?

    Angro88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, to put it bluntly years of practice (masturbating) has left me with a pretty strong endurance... as in I stay hard for a while, and it takes a while for me to sort of climax... Anyway, I was chilling with my girlfriend, she ended up giving me a hand job. Heheh she was going at it for quite a while before I came. I wanted to come sooner, but she was sort of taking it slow. I'm definitely not complaining about that... I only wanted to come sooner because for one thing, I could tell she was g…

  • the thing is, if i'm honest about it i'd rather be with lauren than with my current gf. its just, i need to be 100% sure she is into me, and would want a relationship before i do anything

  • Ok, so this girl Lauren is part of our group of friends. We are on the same bus, so often times we sit together on the bus, talk and all that stuff. So yeah, since she is part of the group of friends we hang out and talk quite a bit. We also have drivers ed together so we sit next to each other and just goof around and talk most of the time. I always sort of had a hunch that she liked me, not exactly sure why, just a hunch? Like whenever she sees me she sort of punches me or does something else …

  • Sounds to me like he just called you to make sure... Have you ever talked to him before? How was he talking on MSN?

  • True that, Faucet. I would just say 'fuck her parents', but her parents are pretty strict, so the situation is that if they don't like me they can kind of like cut her off from me. They can make it so she can't see me... Anyway, the main problem is for the upcoming month her parents are basically convinced i keep her from studying, so they can keep her in on the weekends, or at least somehow away from me. So if I am unable to see her for a month, I wonder what would happen. I mean if we have bee…

  • It makes me sad to know that I am even thinking about this... Anyway, my girlfriend Kelly and I have been together for about 3 months. She was my first girlfriend, I was her first 'official' boyfriend according to her. I just feel like there is a mountain of problems stacking up with us... mostly having to do with her parents. 1.) Her mom read her diary - She knows basically everything we have done. - As a result, she can't come to my place alone anymore... 2.) On Monday, I gave her a hickey by …

  • Basically, I have a little problem with jealousy... Whenever my girl friend mentions talking with other guys, or doing stuff with other guys, i get a little bit jealous. Rationally, I know I'm just being ridiculous. I know she would never ever even think of doing anything. But I still can't get that weird feeling, you know? What is making me so jealous? How can I stop being so jealous?

  • Thanks Cheetolemur... that is actually some pretty good advice. How often were you able to see your boyfriend who lived away from you? (If you don't mind me asking...). How far was he?

  • Drew, Yeah I obviously wouldn't do that... The thing is though he isn't even her boyfriend... Like it seems like he just doesn't want to get serious with her... Like I said, her Facebook status still says single... if that means anything.

  • Yeah... haha I mean like I said I'm not HUGE. I weigh like 150 pounds... I have an outline of a 6 pack...

  • So I'm with my girlfriend, she is amazing, except I don't get to see her as much as I want to. She lives 20 or so minutes away, so I get to see her on the weekends... But recently she has been busy so I its been longer between seeing her We talk on the phone every night... text constantly... Gah she is so beautiful... Well anyway thats not what I'm posting about. There is this other girl, lets call her Amy, I have sort of had a minor crush on since the start of this year. She is great, we are ge…

  • Yeah I guess so. I'm not like ridiculous body builder huge... I'm pretty lean actually since I'm on the wrestling team

  • What is so attractive to girls about muscular guys? I work out 4 times a week, so I am pretty muscular (not to brag obviously). Sometimes my girlfriend just asks me to flex, and I flex, and she just goes crazy feeling my arms and stuff... These often leads to her feeling other parts of me too... heheh Anyway, what is it girls find attractive about muscular guys? I dunno, I mean I guess I could see that they would rather have some one be muscular than scrawny/fat...

  • woops...

  • Oh, haha just to clarify my parents will not be in the NEXT ROOM... They will be upstairs at the other side of the house. I can hear when people walk around up stairs, so based on hearing I can tell where everyone in my house is at any given time... Them barging in on us isn't really a concern.

  • Ok, so my girlfriend is coming over tomorrow night. We haven't had intimate time in a while, so whenever I talk to her on the phone she tells me that she is going to 'Make it up to me for being a patient little boy' :p. So yeah, she keeps telling me shes going to 'make it up to me'. The way she says its pretty obvious she wants to do some fun physical stuff. Soo up to this point we've just made out for extended periods of time since we didn't really have access to an intimate setting like my roo…