Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 249.

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  • You've got makeup on your mind Nope. You like leopard Huh. You want Tory Burch flats, NOW What? You want a new camera, HD Yes. You watch YouTube videos almost everyday Nah You don't know how to play chess I do too. or Poker I don't. You wear glasses No. You hate colored contacts, you think they are tacky No. You actually like comic sans ms font Yes. You prefer white erasers to pink ones Not bothered. You love matte red lipstick Not on me. You prefer your tea HOT I guess. Infact you don't really …

  • Re: Space

    Little Raven - - Creative Writing


    348lyev.png Text is brighter.

  • Space

    Little Raven - - Creative Writing


    2rg2rd2.png All of it was made like y'know, scratch. Well I used an image for some parts but yeah. Major editing and blending went on there.

  • You Should Love It's likely that you've been craving more human connection in your life lately - either romantic or platonic. You've spent some time alone, and now you're ready to open yourself up to the world again. You find happiness when you truly respect, appreciate, and care for someone. Relationships bring meaning to your life. No matter how many times you've been hurt, you have a lot of love left in your future.

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? I do . Would you do meth if it was legalized? Fuck no. Abortion: for or against it? Depends on the situation, but most of the time I'm against it. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? It depends on the person. Do you believe in the death penalty? I do. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? It wouldn't do a shit ton of things except to bring more problems. It'd cause people robbing it since it'd be too expensive, wrecks, etc…

  • You Are Banana Gelato You are an upbeat person, and you try to stay away from anything that will depress you. You believe that it's important to stay positive and optimistic. You know that negativity can destroy a person. Others may be jealous of your cheer and happiness, but they don't see how hard it's been to get here. You finally live in joyous, uncomplicated times - and nothing is going to bring you down!

  • I think I've seen that, but I'm not sure. I'll go through my 300 some movies on my Xbox 360 Netflix later and see

  • Re: MW2 can fuck its face.

    Little Raven - - Video Games


    Agreed. WaW is sick.

  • paramore? yes . flyleaf? no. the pretty wreckless? no. green day? old Green Day 3oh!3? Who? adam lambert? Who? akon? I sort of like one of his songs. the all american rejects? yes. allison iraheta? no . amy winehouse? Who? ashlee simpson? No. ashley tisdale? no. avril lavigne? Meh. B.o.B? Airplanes feat. Ashley Williams only. big time rush? HELL no. black eyed peas? No britney spears? No carrie underwood? No cascada? Who? chris brown? No christina aguilera? No ciara? Who? the click 5? Who? cobra…

  • Good for you Katie, I'm glad things have worked out for you. And I hope things continue to go well.

  • How about neither?

  • adventurer.jpg You Are The Adventurer You never want you're life to be too boring or ordinary. You're always shaking things up. You love to travel and see the world. You're interested in doing anything new and exciting. You are driven by a curiosity to know all about the world. You want to immerse yourself in a completely new culture. You resist anything bland or ordinary. If you can't add a little zing to something, you're not interested. I get teh winnar hat.

  • Re: Which one is the best car?

    Little Raven - - Sports


    Quote from Scaredycrow: “I love Camaros, but I'd probably go with the Lancer.” ^

  • Relaxing ._.

    Little Raven - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Plain grey shirt. I went all out.

  • Go up to her and talk to her, it seems she really wants to be your friend. This is like, my exact same situation so I know how hard this is considering I'm shy and shit too and I do the exact same thing. However, we, I mean you, need to just ask her to sit with you at lunch or ask her to hang out with you at the mall or something that you both have in interest. Get to know her for a while, like a while while, not just a few days and be like "It's been long enough." Wait about like I don't know, …

  • Bullies are people who have a too high of ego, and need to make fun of others to make themselves feel good. Use that against them and don't give a reaction if you're being bullied, and if you see someone else being bullied then you need to step up and tell him to back the fuck off. If he doesn't, tell him to back off again. If he STILL doesn't, punch that asshole in the face in the middle of the sentence and beat the shit out of him. Even if you think, even if you know, you'll lose still fight h…

  • Well, there's two kinds of popularity. The bad kind, And the good kind. To be the good popular, then just be outgoing and funny. Get up and talk to lots of people, invite people to sit next tot you on the bus and lunch etc. and just have confidence in yourself. However stay away from the popularity where you need to act stupid and arrogant and "too cool for everything".

  • You should just write what comes from the heart, those are always the best letters. Also, don't jump right in and automatically call it "love" cause half the time it is not. Just hand her the letter and at the end just be like "Will you go out with me?" The worse possible thing that could happen is "No." If that happens just brush it off and be like "Alright, that's cool." and continue in a casual conversation and try again when you feel the time is right.

  • Re: Rapist on my bus?

    Little Raven - - General Advice


    If you know the victim personally, than talk to her about it and convince her to report the rapist. This is a very serious matter, and needs to be dealt with. These scum bag rapists need to know that they can't just do shit like this and get away with it so yeah. If you know her then try to convince her, if you don't then wait and see what the detectives do. If they do nothing, even if you don't know the girl, you need to talk to her.