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  • I think you are doing the right thing. I hope he says yes!

  • Underage Sex

    Alberta - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from EmilyAnne: “Lol that’s not a conspiracy, its in the bible that he had brothers If you don’t believe in that stuff that’s fine, but it’s the source material ” Not in any of the bibles I've read. Jesus had "brothers". They were the apostles. They were not his biological siblings. Quote from chloeglowy: “What conspiracy are you referring to? ” The conspiracy that Jesus had other siblings.

  • Being shy can be very difficult. Try to talk to girls that you don't find attractive (if you'll feel less shy). Tell people you're studying to be a singer and you like to sing instead of talking. It helps us to stop stuttering. If you're a nice person and you treat girls nicely, I'm sure you'll find a girl who won't care what you look like. A lot of us don't mind what the boy looks like.

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Alberta - - General Advice


    Quote from Arianna: “ So, at about 23:00 pm i came home. I think my brother was reading for tomorrow’s exams. One of the few times he actually opens a book. At 4:00 am i pushed myself really hard, on purpose, and managed to tear up. Then i went to my brother’s room and woke him up. At first he thought something happened to our parents but i told him that this has to do with me... ” Thank you for being honest here. What you did was wrong on so many levels. It will bother your conscience until you…

  • Underage Sex

    Alberta - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from chloeglowy: “ we know because Jesus had other siblings ” Conspiracy theorists. Gotta love em - lol

  • I got when I clicked on the words.

  • Has a song ever made you cry?

    Alberta - - Music


    We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal by BTS

  • Advice with a BJ friend

    Alberta - - Teen Sexuality


    sick.png Nah and it's too one sided.

  • What is the A spot? I have heard of the G spot.

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    Alberta - - Friends and Family


    I wonder if he really loves your mum?

  • My mum just gave me a book on puberty

    Alberta - - Puberty


    Our teacher in health class told us. Our parents were spared. lol

  • Underage Sex

    Alberta - - Debate and Discussions


    The sex can be good is the boy knows what he's doing but how does a teenage boy get to be good? Through practice. So who is he having so much sex with? When the girl I know asked him, he admitted having sex with lots of different girls and after he had sex with her he had sex with someone else even though he pretended like he only wanted to be with her because he loved her. Then she found out that he said the same thing to other girls. She gave him her virginity because she thought he loved her.…

  • As a girl, it wouldn't bother me. It's how he would treat me in general that would matter.

  • Cry baby

    Alberta - - Puberty


    Quote from Anton02: “I have to admit that I am a cry baby ((( And what is worse is that it always happens in public. If someone says something to me or is mean or unfair, I often can't stop it and can't say anything to them and just start crying like baby ((( I hate my self for that, and people use to make fun of me for that (which doesn't help too as you can imagine). I am wondering if this has any thing to do with that I have not started puberty yet? Can I hope that when I finally hit it it wi…

  • When pupils dilate, it is often a sign of sexual arousal.

  • Do you know what this mean?

    Alberta - - General Advice


    You would have to ask her what she was thinking. lol She might like to stare at other things too but I hope she likes you.

  • Underage Sex

    Alberta - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from EmilyAnne: “How old are you? What makes you think that? ” I'm 13 too. I think it because I have talked to girls who did have sex and everyone of them said it wasn't a good experience. The boy didn't know what he was doing or he knew what he was doing because he had sex with lots of girls and she found out after he said he loved her but he was lying. He only told her that so she would have sex with him.

  • Getting Spanked by Uncle

    Alberta - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Emilyfox: “Tell him strait away it is bad..or tell your parents..I wonder in what way a teacher can help in this matter..? ” Sometimes a teacher is the only adult in our lives who believes us or takes us seriously.

  • Quote from siRius15: “...nobody follows anybody's advice... ” I follow other people's advice. If it is good advice.

  • If you have had people in your life who treated you like you were not worthy, that might affect how you see yourself. You are worthy. You help people here. You're a good person.