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  • I don't think you should go out of your way to figure out some "creative/cute" way to people out, I mean you're not asking her to marry you here. I think that being direct is a better way to go, but that's really up you. Realize that whatever you come up with might be taken in a way you do not intend. Putting a note in her locker for example could easily end in her think you aren't man enough for a face to face route. When you are face to face you are showing that you can handle even a rejection…

  • Why does everyone always use the phrasing "I like you"? Lol seems like there should be better ways of saying it.

  • Quote from artizhay: “That means it's the best one. We must gain access to it.” Excellent idea, now we need a plan of action. lol anyone know how to hack? NVM, access has been granted! lol thanks Delilah you get a 10 star booty rating!

  • Haha I see you are the same girl who asked "am I too skinny?" Lol the answer to that was no. The answer to this is yes, you have a nice butt. Also you posted two links, but the 2nd one is private.

  • Wow, you are really letting your mind wander here. I don't think that anyone has the idea that your are metally ill, and other than your mind going crazy right now I'd say your pretty normal. Try not to worry about what other people think, or just might think for that matter. If anything, they would be the silly ones for thinking things about you without any reasonable cause. Just have a good laugh about it, you know what you are so the ideas of others mean nothing. In the future try not to put …

  • Re: confused

    Agassi - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from artizhay: “Playing along lets her play you. Don't be a tool.” Not if you take over the game. But yeah don't let her dictate this little game she likes to play.

  • Honestly, I don't know where I would be without Jesus. People may not like anything having to do with religion being on the forums, but he is what has kept me from falling to dangerously low levels. Just sharing whar has worked for me, so I won't go on "preaching" as I belive I would reciece more negativity than the opposite.

  • Re: Anger,Stress,Rage of me

    Agassi - - General Advice


    Quote from battleonrazo: “thanks for the input but 2 things I'v tried to convince my parents since i was 10 and still nothing they think its a joke just like kids playing around and i also fear a fight my brother goes to the gym he is extremely tough for his age. his driven me into a state of fear of him. he constantly gives me death threats as well and i cant escape it because i live in the same house as him. his finishes school in 2 months and hopefully he will move out but then again one of h…

  • I;m going to dodge the main question, and address another issue. You calling yourslef ugly is an awful worst thing to do. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and beauty is not defined by the opinions of others. No matter what people think you have to believe in yourself. If you think you are ugly what can you expect from others? Anyhow just thought it needed to be said. P.S. if anyone else already said it too bad, I didn't look to find out.

  • Re: confused

    Agassi - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Dude it's the internet, most people are entirely different in person then they are online. If you want a relationship don't waste your time playing "games" with someone on the internet. If you are interested in her then find a way to meet her in person. Of course make sure she is single before doing something like that, but online relationships only work when the two persons involved eventually meets each other.

  • Quote from fag: “yeah man, guess you're totally right.. anyways a few drinks might give me some confidence :P” Drinking impairs your ability to do things, not the other way around. Make sure your sober when expressing your feelings.

  • Quote from Girlsnextdoor: “I was watching a reality show, and I fell in love with this one girl's name. I'm expecting a baby girl in a few months and I'd been looking for a name for her. Anyway, I'm afraid that the family of that girl whose name I'm giving my daughter will, when the world ends yell at me for copying the name they picked for their daughter. I'm also afraid that they'll accuse me of being a copycat... when I'm not copying to copy, but I just love the name! Now, I have to convince …

  • Hmm well the best advice I cann give here is embrace it. If you live your life longing for something else you can never be happy. Honestly it could be used as a gift, instead of a curse. There are plenty of good jobs out there which require you to be emotionless in a sense. Just the other day I went to work at a house to help clear it out, because the residents had been evicted. I went through all the stuff they had left throwing out stuff that would otherwise be useful, we even found pictures o…

  • Quote from artizhay: “You made an oopsie.” I don't appreciate people editing my posts in their quotes, and that isn't proper forum behaivor. I clearly said assets, as evidenced by the fact that my post has not been edited at any time. If you like the forums quit the crap.

  • You say girls won't talk to you eh? Is it that they won't talk to you or they don't talk to you? You'd be surprised at how much more girls will talk to you if you talk to them first. Yes that can be a daunting task, but it is one that must be conquered if you are to succeed. Once you have more casual female friends getting a date will be much simpler. I would also recommend shaving your moustache, as I used to get negative comments on mine. Also remember that there is no hurry to start dating, h…

  • Well it means what the literal meaning is really. His eyes wander, meaning he looks at other girls and their assets, and most women don't like their men looking at other women. I don't think it's usually used to mean that he looks at his own girlfriends breast though, but I'm sure you could use it that way if you wanted to.

  • Why is the that idea of liking someone is so awkward these days? Human beings will be attracted to one another, and you are better off with someone you already know well, and trust than you are with some random person that you know little about. I guess it's the sexuality that really acomplishes this task, as the way most relationships go these days it will soon be encountered. My advice is not to make it an awkward situation, if you want to date your friend then go ahead and try. It doesn't hav…

  • Re: Why no luck?

    Agassi - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I know from experience that girls will not typically seek out guys. You can't expect any girls to like you if you just sit back and wait for it to happen. Honestly I think dating for the sake of dating is somewhat pointless, but if you are determined there are things you can do to help yourself. First off get yourself in a position where you are least friends with some girls, once your in that postion you can throw in some flirting, or whatever moves you have in your arsenal. The advice I can gi…

  • Don't waste time trying to convert people over the internet, It does not work and probably never will. The truth is that the Christian faith can't be proven, for that would destroy the need for faith. If faith is gone nobody can go to heaven, as only through faith are we saved. To bring people to Jesus Christ is a very emotional business, and the internet is emotionless in most circumstances. This makes the task nearly impossible. Take it easy everyone.

  • Just stop over thinking things. Stop worrying about being clingy etc. and just be yourself. Relationships are supposed to be enjoyable, not stressful, so just relax instead of worrying about things so much.